

Please cite the software if you are using it in your scientific publication.


Please also cite the paper on LargeVis as stated here.


Embed-Dive is a pipeline consisting of LargeVis and DiVE. Please visit the respective repositories for more information, individual licencing, latest versions etc.

The purpose of this repository is to provide a release of the pipeline to (for the moment) Linux users that want to explore their data, provided that the input is a similarities graph.


##Usage - for Linux users ##

Download the compiled version of Embed-Dive_linux from [here] (https://github.com/sonjageorgievska/Embed-Dive/releases) in the same folder where you have downloaded Embed_Dive.

For quick try and test:

./Embed_Dive_linux -input test/sim.txt -output test/coord.txt -outdim 3 -samples 1

At the end you should be able to see your browser opening the visualization.

Required parameteres:

Besides the two parameters, other optional parameters include:

Best practices:

Please send any suggestions for improvement to the author.


The software is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives licence. Contact the author if you would like a version with an Apache licence