

Jekyll RSS Feed Templates

NOTE: If you're a fan of this project you should checkout the sister project: jekyll-json-feeds.

A few Liquid templates to use for rendering RSS feeds for your Jekyll blog. Featuring four kinds of feeds:

How to use

In your generated <code>_site</code> folder you should find a properly formatted feed at <code>feed.xml</code>.

Customizing _config.yml

These templates rely on a customized version of <code>_config.yml</code>. The following lines have been added:

name: Your Blog's Name
description: A description for your blog
url: http://your-blog-url.example.com
feed_items: 10
feed_update_period: daily
feed_update_frequency: 1

This makes it easy to reference the title, description and URL for your site in the feed templates using <code>{{ site.name }}</code>, <code>{{ site.description }}</code> and <code>{{ site.url }}</code>. Even if you're not using these feed templates, you might find these variables useful when you're designing your layouts.

The feed_* items shown above are the default. You can safely omit them.
