

Jekyll JSON Feed Templates

A few Liquid templates to use for rendering JSON feeds for your Jekyll blog in keeping with the JSONFeed spec. Like it's sister project jekyll-rss-feeds, it features a number of kinds of feeds:

How to use

In your generated <code>_site</code> folder you should find a properly formatted feed at <code>feed.json</code>.

Customizing _config.yml

These templates rely on a customized version of <code>_config.yml</code>. The following lines have been added:

name: Your Blog's Name
description: A description for your blog
url: http://your-blog-url.example.com

author: Your Name (optional)

This makes it easy to reference the title, description and URL for your site in the feed templates using <code>{{ site.name }}</code>, <code>{{ site.description }}</code> and <code>{{ site.url }}</code>. Even if you're not using these feed templates, you might find these variables useful when you're designing your layouts.

Looking for the RSS version?

If you missed the link at the top please also checkout the original incarnation of this project:
