

Slate Icon Browser

This small tool lets you browse Unreal Engine's Editor icons/brushes easily, search for specific ones and copy slate code for the selected icon.

Screenshot of the window


When the plugin is activated there's only one window which you can open via Tools -> Slate Icon Browser.



Using the search bar it's possible to filter the icons based on their names.

Select a Style Set

Using a dropdown menu you can select another style set besides the default Editor style.

Non-Image Brushes

Non-image brushes (like solid colors) will be displayed with a default size as a simple square.

Copying Slate Code

Slate Icon Browser supports multiple code copying styles:

The first two are quite obvious: They allow copying C++ code like the following:

FSlateIcon(FAppStyle::GetAppStyleSetName(), "Icon")
FSlateIcon(FName("SomeStyle"), "Icon")

A few default styles will be replaced by the generic class call (like FAppStyle::GetAppStyleSetName()) while others will be copied as a FName reference instead (using FName("SomeStyleSet")).

Custom Style is a little different: It allows you to specify a code fragment manually in a separate input field. In this input field, the string $1 will be replaced by the code of the icon.

All three copy styles are also available in the context menu that appears by right-clicking a list entry.

As with everything source-code related you are supposed to read it before you include it and adjust it to make it work in your environment.

Source Code and License

The source code is licensed under the MIT license and is hosted at https://github.com/sirjofri/SlateIconBrowser. See also the License.txt file inside the repository for the full license text.