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<img src="https://github.com/simonepri/upash/raw/master/media/cli.gif" alt="upash cli" width="400" align="right"/>

This package is part of the upash project, which aim is to provide a unified and user-friendly APIs for all the passwords hashing algorithms out there.

In particular, this package allows you to use multiple password hashing algorithms through a simple CLI.

Do you believe that this is useful? Has it saved you time? Or maybe you simply like it?
If so, support my work with a Star ā­ļø.


npm install -g upash-cli


  $ upash hash <algorithm name> <password string>
  $ upash verify [<algorithm name>] <hash string> <password string>

Algorithms available

Options for argon2 hashing
  --variant <number>         Variant of argon2 to use.
                             Can be one of ['d', 'i', 'id'] for
                             argon2d, argon2i and argon2id respectively.
  --iterations <number>      Number of iterations to use
  --memory <number>          Amount of memory to use in kibibytes.
  --parallelism <number>     Degree of parallelism to use.

Options for scrypt hashing
  --blocksize <number>       Amount of memory to use in kibibytes.
  --cost <number>            CPU/memory cost parameter.
  --parallelism <number>     Degree of parallelism to use.

 Options for bcrypt hashing
   --rounds <number>         Number of iterations to use as as 2^rounds.

 Options for pbkdf2 hashing
   --iterations <number>     Number of iterations to use.
   --digest <string>         Name of digest to use when applying the key
                             derivation function.
                             Can be one of ['sha1', 'sha256', 'sha512'].

  $ upash hash argon2 'Hello World'
  $ upash verify pbkdf2 'hash string' 'Hello World'
  $ upash hash bcrypt 'Hello World' --rounds=10

Supported password hashing algorithms


Contributions are REALLY welcome and if you find a security flaw in this code, PLEASE report it.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the license file for details.

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