

Sigstore root-signing-staging

Sigstore uses a TUF repository to securely deliver the Sigstore trust root (trusted_root.json) to Sigstore clients, see root-signing. This project maintains a staging version of the root-signing TUF repository using tuf-on-ci: this is a development and testing resource and should never be used as an actual source of truth by Sigstore clients.

While the plan is to eventually maintain root-signing with the same processes as root-signing-staging, this is not currently the case.

More detail:

Repository status

Current signers and next known signing events are documented in the automatically generated repository description: https://tuf-repo-cdn.sigstage.dev/.


The TUF repository is modified in two ways:

  1. signing events where human signers collaborate to sign changes with hardware keys and
  2. online signing where the root-signing-staging machinery signs changes using KMS keys

Signing events

Signing events are pull requests created and managed by root-signing-staging. They may happen for multiple reasons:

In all cases the trigger to creating a signing event is a push to a "sign/*" branch (either by maintainer or a workflow) .

Online signing

Online signing happens in two situations:

In practice online signing happens at least every three days because of online signature expiry.

Publishing and automated testing

Online signing leads to a "testing" staging deployment at https://sigstore.github.io/root-signing-staging/. This is a fully functional TUF reppository that is then used to run both generic TUF client tests and Sigstore specific client tests (with cosign and other sigstore clients). Successful tests lead to a "final" staging deployment at https://tuf-repo-cdn.sigstage.dev/.


The important workflows in root-signing-staging are:
