

Sigstore root-signing

root-signing project maintains the TUF repository used to securely deliver the Sigstore trust root (trusted_root.json) to Sigstore clients.


TUF repository status

The repository is published for sigstore client consumption at https://tuf-repo-cdn.sigstore.dev/.

The metadata sources can be found in metadata/ folder, artifacts (like trusted_root.json) in targets/ folder. See Operation for more details on how to modify these sources.


root-signing security relies on keyholders: they should be trusted community members who are willing and able to perform keyholder duties like verifying new trusted_root.json content and signing in signing events.

All changes to artifacts or metadata require cryptographic signatures from Sigstore keyholders. Current keyholders, signature requirements and the signing schedule are documented in the published repository

Joshua LockJuly 2022 -
Bob CallawayJune 2021 -
Dan LorencJune 2021 -
Marina MooreJune 2021 -
Santiago Torres-AriasJune 2021 -
Emeritus keyholdersTerm
Luke HindsJune 2021 - July 2022


The TUF repository is modified in two ways:

  1. signing events where keyholders collaborate to sign changes with their personal hardware keys and
  2. online signing where the root-signing machinery signs changes using KMS keys

Signing events

Signing events are pull requests created and managed by root-signing where keyholders sign proposed changes. Signing events happen for multiple reasons:

In all cases the trigger to a signing event PR being created is a push to a "sign/*" branch (either by maintainer or a workflow).

There is a separate root-signing-staging repository: any non-trivial changes (to metadata or the artifacts) should be tested in root-signing-staging before they are introduced in a root-signing signing event.

Online signing

Online signing happens in two situations:

In practice online signing happens at least every three days because of online signature expiry.

Publishing and automated testing

Online signing leads to a "preproduction" deployment at https://sigstore.github.io/root-signing/. This is a fully functional TUF repository that is used to run both generic TUF client tests and Sigstore specific client tests (with cosign and other sigstore clients). Successful tests lead to production deployment at https://tuf-repo-cdn.sigstore.dev/.


The important workflows in root-signing are:


Special thanks to Dan Lorenc, Trishank Kuppusamy, Marina Moore, Santiago Torres-Arias, and the whole SigStore community!

Initial Root Signing Ceremony

A recording of the signing ceremony is available here.