

MessagePack Code Generator for Go

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msgpackgen provides a code generation tool and serialization library for MessagePack.


Create go.mod file, if you still have not created.

# example
go mod init github.com/user/awesome

In a source file(ex. main.go), include the following directive:

//go:generate msgpackgen
//go:generate go run github.com/shamaton/msgpackgen

And run the following command in your shell:

go generate

It will generate one .go file for serialization, default is resolver.msgpackgen.go. You can call one method to use generated code.

func main() {
	// this method is defined in resolver.msgpackgen.go
	// ... your code ...

Marshal and Unmarshal look like this:

    // import github.com/shamaton/msgpackgen/msgpack
    v := ResolvedStruct{}
    b, err := msgpack.Marshal(v)
    if err != nil {
    var vv ResolvedStruct
    err = msgpack.Unmarshal(b, &vv)
    if err != nil {


Supported Types

primitive types:
int, int8, int16, int32, int64, uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, float32, float64, string, bool, byte, rune, complex64, complex128

slice, array: [], [cap]

map: map[key]value

struct: time.Time and structures you defined


Renaming or omitting are available.

Switch Default Behaviour

Default serialization behaviour is map type. But the performance of array type is better. If you want to switch array type as default, use SetStructAsArray.

Also, you can use MarshalAsArray, UnmarshalAsArray.

Code Generator

Easy maintenance

This tool generates only one .go file. All you have to delete is one generated .go file.


-input-dir needs to be in $GOPATH.

Resolver is generated by recursively searching directories, but some directories and files are ignored.

If you use -input-file option, it will work without considering the above conditions.

Compatible with various import rules.

import ("
	d "example.com/user/a/c"
	. "example.com/user/a/e"

Not Generated Case

Not generated in the following cases:

// ex. a/example.go
type Example struct {
	// unsupported types
	Interface interface{}
	Uintptr uintptr
	Error error
	Chan chan
	Func func()
	// nested struct is also unsupported
	NestedStruct struct {}
	// because b.Example is not generated
	B b.Example
	// because bytes.Butffer is in outside package
	Buf bytes.Buffer

func (e Example) F() {
	// unsupported  struct defined in func
	type InFunction struct {}

// ex a/b/example.go
type Example struct {
	Interface interface{}

If you serialize a struct that wasn't code generated, it will be processed by shamaton/msgpack.

Strict Mode

If you use strict mode(option -strict), you will get an error if an unrecognized structure is passed. In other words, shamaton/msgpack is not used.

See also msgpackgen -h

Usage of msgpackgen:
        dry run mode
  -input-dir string
        input directory. input-file cannot be used at the same time (default ".")
  -input-file string
        input a specific file. input-dir cannot be used at the same time
  -output-dir string
        output directory (default ".")
  -output-file string
        name of generated file (default "resolver.msgpackgen.go")
  -pointer int
        pointer level to consider (default 1)
        strict mode
        use GOPATH instead of go.mod
  -v    verbose diagnostics


These results are recorded by msgpack_bench at 2021/08.
The result of this package is that the suffix has ShamatonGen. msgpack_bench The result of go_serialization_benchmarks is here. go_serialization_benchmarks