

About SKDF


This directory contains a skeleton Keyword-Driven Framework project based on ashokkhape/automation_framework_selenium and ashokkhape/automation_framework_selenium and selenium-webdriver-software-testing/keyword-driven-framework

The project builds two runnable jars (com.github.sergueik.jprotractor and com.github.sergueik.ngwebdriver group id namespaces):

cp TestCase.xls ~/Desktop
pushd jprotractor
mvn  -Pdevelop -DskipTests -Dmaven.test.skip=true install
REM java -jar target/skdf_jprotractor-develop.jar
REM alternatively
java -cp target\skdf_jprotractor-develop.jar;target\lib\* com.github.sergueik.jprotractor.Launcher
pushd ngwebdriver
mvn clean install
REM java -jar target/skdf_ngwebdriver-develop.jar
java -cp target\skdf_ngwebdriver-develop.jar;target\lib\* com.github.sergueik.ngwebdriver.Launcher

The launcher uses reflection to associate keywords with class methods

private static Map<String, String> methodTable = new HashMap<>();
static {
  methodTable.put("CLICK", "clickButton");
  methodTable.put("CLICK_BUTTON", "clickButton");

String methodName = methodTable.get(keyword);
try {
  Class<?> _class = Class.forName("com.github.sergueik.ngwebdriver.KeywordLibrary");
  Method _method = _class.getMethod(methodName, Map.class);
  System.out.println(keyword + " call method: " + methodName + " with "
			+ String.join(",", params.values()));
  // for static methods
  _method.invoke(null, params);
  // or when using instances methods
  Object _object = _class.newInstance();
  _method.invoke(_object, params);

Similar approach is used to define Selector strategies, most of which are static methods of the appropriate core Selenium class:

        By.class.getMethod("className", String.class));
    locatorTable.put("css", By.class.getMethod("cssSelector", String.class));
    locatorTable.put("id", By.class.getMethod("id", String.class));
        By.class.getMethod("linkText", String.class));
    locatorTable.put("name", By.class.getMethod("name", String.class));
    locatorTable.put("tagName", By.class.getMethod("tagName", String.class));
    locatorTable.put("xpath", By.class.getMethod("xpath", String.class));

with few "synthetic" strategies, notably the TEXT:

// put synthetic selectors explicitly
  locatorTable.put("text", methodMissing);

implemented e.g. through xpath:

  String amendedSelectorValue = String.format(
      (selectorTagName != null) ? selectorTagName : "*", selectorValue);
  _element = _wait.until(new ExpectedCondition<WebElement>() {
    public WebElement apply(WebDriver d) {
      return d.findElements(By.xpath(amendedSelectorValue)).stream()
          .filter(o -> {
            return (Boolean) (o.getText().contains(selectorValue));

The test step arguments are passed as hash of parameters. That is done so one does not care about the method signature. Also the AngularJS introduced NgBy locators which fequently require (multiple) additional arguments like e.g.

@FindBy(how = How.REPEATER_COLUMN, using = "row in rows", column = "name")
private List<WebElement> friendNames;

The step status is returned via params["status"] entry, the step result (if any) is returned via params["result"]

Adding Tests to the Spreadsheet

To add a test case, put its name into the Index sheet and mark it with Yes to be executed index

Next, add the steps. Making the cell border visible will ensure the blank cells are not getting skipped: demoqa

Adding jProtractor

One can explore additional selectors with jProtractor.


jProtractor is not available in maven central, therefore to use it with framework one needs do build it from source and install it into current user's .m2 repo:

git clone https://github.com/sergueik/jProtractor.git
pushd jProtractor
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean install

which will install the jar:

[INFO] Installing C:\developer\sergueik\selenium_java\protractor\target\jprotractor-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar to C:\Users\Serguei\.m2\repository\com\jprotractor\jprotractor\1.2-SNAPSHOT\jprotractor-1.2-SNAPSHOT.jar
[INFO] Installing C:\developer\sergueik\selenium_java\protractor\pom.xml to C:\Users\Serguei\.m2\repository\com\jprotractor\jprotractor\1.2-SNAPSHOT\jprotractor-1.2-SNAPSHOT.pom

This will add about 10 AngularJS-specific NgBy locators:

NgBy methods

Adding ngWebDriver

Another implementation of Protractor selectors is ngWebDriver.

ByAngular methods

Most Protractor-specific locators are the same (the class is ByAngular):

Few method signatures of are different:

The implementation of the correspondent keyword methods is through chaining the ngWebDriver methods e.g.

case "repeaterColumn":
  ByAngularRepeater _elementRepeater = ByAngular.repeater(selectorValue);
  ByAngularRepeaterColumn _elementRepeaterColumn = _elementRepeater.column(selectorColumn);
  _element = driver.findElement(_elementRepeaterColumn);
  return _element;

Some methods are unique to jProtracror, they do not exist in ngWebDriver:

In addition the "text" keyword is recognized with the usual implementation through xpath locator:

String.format("//%s[contains(normalize-space(text()), '%s')]", (selectorTagName != null) ? selectorTagName : "*", selectorValue);

alternatively if the selectorTagName is provided, the Java 8 stream based impplementation is possible:

_element = driver.findElements(By.tagName(selectorTagName)).stream()
  .filter(o -> o.getText().contains(selectorValue)).findFirst().get();


The original Keyword Driven Framework suggests identifying few columns (not necessarily exactly four, though).

It is very likely inspired by selenium_ide

Selenium IDE Firefox Add-On Command, Target, Value columns, with significanylty narrowed choice of commands (Keywords). The advantages from taking such approach are discussed many times:

Work in Progress


No keywords defined for any of those yet.


the urls http://www.seleniumeasy.com/test/basic-first-form-demo.html and https://www.seleniumeasy.com/test/input-form-demo.html no longer exist on http://www.seleniumeasy.com though the former is still referenced in documentation for Python testers.

These pages were apparently mirrored on https://demo.anhtester.com The directory http://www.seleniumeasy.com/test/ is also gone and there is no mirror The update of test material is a work in progress. The sheets KeywordFramework are curently disabled. The Alert sheet is updated and enabled (it had a typo in the custom method name for processing the alert popup)

See Also


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.


Serguei Kouzmine