

Extraterm logo

The swiss army chainsaw of terminal emulators

Main website: extraterm.org

Build Status


Extraterm is an open source project to build a terminal emulator and expand it with new features to support modern workflows and do more than just act like a glorified teletype.

More background information is in the Why document.

Directly edit and execute command output

See the Features and Screenshots

The primary developer is Simon Edwards. Extraterm logos were designed and provided by Gabriel Harel.


See the more detailed features list.


News is here


Extraterm is available in two flavours: the classic Extraterm is based on Electron, and the lighter faster Qt based version which is the future of Extraterm but is in development and lacking features. Both can run on Linux, Windows, and macOS.

Both can be installed at the same time, without problems.

:warning: Extraterm is in development and roughly 'beta' in quality. It is generally stable, but don't be too surprised if you encounter a few bugs. Use at your own risk. :warning:

With that out of the way, the primary author does use it as their main terminal emulator on a daily basis. The basics are in place and it will run most common terminal applications such as vi, emacs and joe without problems and even more demanding applications such as midnight commander.

Nightly builds of the master branch can be downloaded here.

Further Information