

Updated post at https://ishaqmohammed.me/posts/resources-for-application-security/

Resources for Application Security

Some good resources for getting started with application security

Note: The resources which i have put are those which i will be using in my application security learnings, feel free to use it for your learning purpose only and if you have any suggestions dm me on Twitter

1. Learn About Web Application Technologies and Development
2. Application Security Books and online resources
3. Hands on CTF
4. Perform SAST and DAST

Once done reading these 2 books above, try implementing the techniques you learnt from them on this CTF challenges and the application you developed in task 1

5. Securing Applications

Once we learn how to perform SAST and DAST for the application, we also need to know how to secure it, for which the below books and resource are great

6. Further reaading


Inspired by: Road to Web Application Security by Amol Naik