

          <img src="https://github.com/se-research/OpenDaVINCI/blob/master/odlogo/Logo.png" alt="OpenDaVINCI Logo" width=140 height=140>


OpenDaVINCI is a compact middleware OpenDaVINCI written entirely in standard C++. It runs on a variety of POSIX-compatible OS. And Windows.

You will find its full documentation and getting started guides here: http://docs.opendavinci.org

You will find its API documentation here: http://api.opendavinci.org

You will find different projects that are using OpenDaVINCI here: http://opendavinci.cse.chalmers.se/www/index.html

<a href="https://twitter.com/OpenDaVINCI" class="twitter-follow-button" data-show-count="false" data-size="large">Follow @OpenDaVINCI on Twitter</a>

Overview build status:

Lastest source code deployment: https://github.com/se-research/OpenDaVINCI/releases/latest

Latest Docker deployment: https://hub.docker.com/r/seresearch/opendavinci-ubuntu-16.04-complete/tags/

Latest Docker simulation deployment: https://hub.docker.com/r/seresearch/odsimulation/tags/

ArchitectureDragonFlyBSD 4.4FreeBSD 10.3NetBSD 7.0.1OpenBSD 5.9Mac OS X
32bit-Build Status-Build Status-
64bitBuild StatusBuild StatusBuild StatusBuild StatusBuild Status
ArchitectureArchLinuxCentOS 7Debian 8.5Elementary Freya
64bitBuild StatusBuild StatusBuild StatusBuild Status
ArchitectureUbuntu 14.04Ubuntu 15.04Ubuntu 15.10Ubuntu 16.04
32bitBuild Status---
64bitBuild StatusBuild StatusBuild StatusBuild Status
ArchitectureFedora 24openSuSE 13.2openSuSE 42.1Scientific Linux 7
64bitBuild StatusBuild StatusBuild StatusBuild Status
ArchitectureWindows 7Windows 8.1Windows 10
32bitBuild Status--
64bit-Build StatusBuild Status

Using OpenDaVINCI in your Projects

To explore the features of OpenDaVINCI and to use it in your own projects, we provide pre-compiled packages in .deb and .rpm format for x86, x86_64, and armfh.

Compiling OpenDaVINCI from sources

You will find information about how to compile OpenDaVINCI from sources here: http://opendavinci.readthedocs.org/en/latest/installation.html

Compiling OpenDaVINCI with Clang

To compile OpenDaVINCI using Clang, change to your source folder and create a build directory::

$ cd OpenDaVINCI && mkdir build

Use cmake to create the build scripts for your build folder and specify the Clang toolchain::

$ cd build && cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/local -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../cmake/clang-Toolchain.cmake ..

Using our Docker images

We also provide pre-built Docker images for x86_64. These images will be automatically updated whenever we release new features or patches.

Adding OpenDaVINCI to your Ubuntu 16.04 Linux distribution

To explore the features of OpenDaVINCI and to use it in your own projects, you can add our .deb repository. We provide packages for x86_64.

Add the public key from our repository:

$ wget -O - -q http://opendavinci.cse.chalmers.se/opendavinci.cse.chalmers.se.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -

Add our repository itself to your sources.list:

$ echo "deb http://opendavinci.cse.chalmers.se/ubuntu/ xenial main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list 

Update your package database:

$ sudo apt-get update

Install OpenDaVINCI:

$ sudo apt-get install opendavinci-lib opendavinci-odtools opendavinci-odsupercomponent
