

html5-qrcode with React

<img src="" width="200px"><br> reactjs.org | Support Level = Strong

Example of using mebjas/html5-qrcode in React project with example, source and demo.

How to build a React Plugin / Component using html5-qrcode

We shall be using React's recommendation on Integrating with Other Libraries to create a plugin for React.

Download the latest library

You can download this from Github release page or npm. And include this in index.html.

<script src="html5-qrcode.min.js"></script>

Create a new component Html5QrcodeScannerPlugin

You can write a custom plugin like this (see src/Html5QrcodePlugin.jsx for reference)

// file = Html5QrcodePlugin.jsx
import { Html5QrcodeScanner } from 'html5-qrcode';
import { useEffect } from 'react';

const qrcodeRegionId = "html5qr-code-full-region";

// Creates the configuration object for Html5QrcodeScanner.
const createConfig = (props) => {
    let config = {};
    if (props.fps) {
        config.fps = props.fps;
    if (props.qrbox) {
        config.qrbox = props.qrbox;
    if (props.aspectRatio) {
        config.aspectRatio = props.aspectRatio;
    if (props.disableFlip !== undefined) {
        config.disableFlip = props.disableFlip;
    return config;

const Html5QrcodePlugin = (props) => {

    useEffect(() => {
        // when component mounts
        const config = createConfig(props);
        const verbose = props.verbose === true;
        // Suceess callback is required.
        if (!(props.qrCodeSuccessCallback)) {
            throw "qrCodeSuccessCallback is required callback.";
        const html5QrcodeScanner = new Html5QrcodeScanner(qrcodeRegionId, config, verbose);
        html5QrcodeScanner.render(props.qrCodeSuccessCallback, props.qrCodeErrorCallback);

        // cleanup function when component will unmount
        return () => {
            html5QrcodeScanner.clear().catch(error => {
                console.error("Failed to clear html5QrcodeScanner. ", error);
    }, []);

    return (
        <div id={qrcodeRegionId} />

export default Html5QrcodePlugin;

Use this new component in your React app

A very crude example would be to

const App = (props) => {

    const onNewScanResult = (decodedText, decodedResult) => {
        // handle decoded results here

    return (
        <div className="App">

Example implementation

You can find an example implementation at example.html.

Additional Contributors

Andy Tenholder@AndyTenholder
Mohit Tank@tankmohit
