<div align="center"> <image src="./readmeHeader.png" /> <br />RNE(Android + iOS + Web + Desktop)
</div> <br />Introduction
Covid19 is a React-Native project developed in support of people suffering and affected due to Covid-19 {Corona} virus all around the world. The app takes a very simple and light weight design keeping in mind proper responsiveness throughout different platforms like android, iOS and web. The app lets the user track the growth of active cases in their country and provides statistics from all around the world.
This project uses react-native-everywhere template from version v4.0.0
. This allows the app to be available for Android, iOS, Web and Desktop. Installable binaries for each platform is present in the latest release of the app.
Though the current implementation has moved away from the actual designs (keeping in mind web support and ease of use) but our designer worked really hard for coming up with a simple and innovative initial designs, credits to - Ankit Mishra
APIs used
<br/>For Developers
To start the project follow the below common steps:
git clone
cd Covid19
yarn install
yarn start
- leave metro bundler running in another terminal
For Android:
yarn android
- this will start your android app
For IOS:
cd ios
pod install
yarn ios
- this will start your ios app
For Web: you can close metro bundler not required for web builds
yarn web
- the project will build and the site will open automatically
For Desktop:
yarn web
yarn desktop
- Ankit Mishra (Designer)
- Aryan Shridhar
- Karl Horky
Looking to be a part of the team, checkout our contribution guideline HERE and get started