

<p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/eyes_forest.png" width="20%" alt="EYES_FOREST"> </p>

Don't Miss the Forest for the Trees: Attentional Vision Calibration for Large Vision Language Models

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This repository contains the official pytorch implementation of the paper: "Don't Miss the Forest for the Trees: Attentional Vision Calibration for Large Vision Language Models".



<p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/observation.png" width="100%" alt="Observation"> </p>

Attention bias in LVLMs. Even when the image (V) does not contain information relevant to the query (Q), LVLMs exhibit a tendency for attention to be biased towards a few image tokens (i.e., blind tokens). This phenomenon is observed by averaging the attention weights across all layers when generating the first response token.


<p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/motivation.png" width="100%" alt="Motivation"> </p>

Impact of blind/non-blind tokens on prediction logits. (Left) Zeroing out image tokens with attention weights higher than the mean + standard deviation, i.e., blind tokens, does not significantly affect the original prediction logits, suggesting that LVLMs may assign high attention weights to tokens that do not carry significant object-discriminative information. Conversely, zeroing out non-blind tokens drastically disrupts the logits, often leading to near 50:50 probabilities, indicating a loss of object-discriminative information. (Right) Similarly, examples demonstrate that zeroing out non-blind tokens results in a loss of discriminative power for previously well-classified instances or produces entirely incorrect predictions, causing a significant drop in performance.

Method: AvisC

<p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/overview.png" width="80%" alt="Overview"> </p>


conda create AvisC python=3.10
conda activate AvisC
git clone https://github.com/sangminwoo/AvisC.git
cd AvisC
pip install -r requirements.txt


About model checkpoints preparation


About datasets preparation



<p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/pope.png" width="90%" alt="POPE results"> </p>



<p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/mme-fullset.png" width="90%" alt="MME-Fullset results"> </p>


<p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/mme-hallucination.png" width="90%" alt="MME-Hallucination results"> </p>


<p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/amber.png" width="90%" alt="AMBER results"> </p> <p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/amber_discriminative.png" width="90%" alt="AMBER discriminative results"> </p>

LLaVA-Bench Examples

<p align="center" width="100%"> <img src="assets/llava_bench.png" width="100%" alt="LLaVA-Bench results"> </p>


This codebase borrows from most notably VCD, OPERA, and LLaVA. Many thanks to the authors for generously sharing their codes!


If you find this repository helpful for your project, please consider citing our work :)

  title={Don't Miss the Forest for the Trees: Attentional Vision Calibration for Large Vision Language Models}, 
  author={Woo, Sangmin and Kim, Donguk and Jang, Jaehyuk and Choi, Yubin and Kim, Changick},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.17820},