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VCD: Mitigating Object Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models through Visual Contrastive Decoding

<!-- **VCD: Mitigating Object Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models through Visual Contrastive Decoding** -->

This is the official repo for Visual Contrastive Decoding, a simple, training-free method for mitigating hallucinations in LVLMs during decoding without utilizing external tools.

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🎯 Overview


p_{vcd}(y \mid v, v', x) = softmax[ (1+\alpha)\times logit_\theta (y \mid v, x) - \alpha \times logit_\theta(y \mid v', x)],

🕹️ Usage

Environment Setup

conda create -yn vcd python=3.9
conda activate vcd
cd VCD
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to Use VCD in LVLMs

The two core function of VCD, adding noise to images and generating text based on VCD sampling, are found in the vcd_utils folder. Scripts for using VCD sampling in LLaVA, InstructBLIP, and QwenVL are located in VCD/eval. We have annotated some key changes with ## cd_comment for easy location using ctrl+f.

To help you get started quickly, here's an example using LLaVA on how to replace the conventional sampling method with the VCD method during generation:

  1. Add the following at the beginning of the start-up script:
from vcd_utils.vcd_sample import evolve_vcd_sampling

The evolve_vcd_sampling function replaces the sampling function in the transformers library. The modified sampling function includes an option for visual contrastive decoding, while keeping the rest unchanged.

  1. Slightly modify llava_llama.py:

    a. Add contrastive decoding parameters in the LlavaLlamaForCausalLM class's forward function to avoid exceptions in model.generate.

    b. Add the prepare_inputs_for_generation_cd function.

  2. Add noise to the image:

from vcd_utils.vcd_add_noise import add_diffusion_noise
image_tensor_cd = add_diffusion_noise(image_tensor, args.noise_step)

set the hyperparameter in the generate function:

output_ids = model.generate(
    images_cd=(image_tensor_cd.unsqueeze(0).half().cuda() if image_tensor_cd is not None else None),
    cd_alpha = args.cd_alpha,
    cd_beta = args.cd_beta,

🏅 Experiments

<p align="center" width="80%"> <a target="_blank"><img src="figs/exp3.png" alt="GPT4V aided evaluation" style="width: 50%; min-width: 200px; display: block; margin: auto;"></a> </p>

table 3. Results of GPT-4V-aided evaluation on open-ended generation. Accuracy measures the response’s alignment with the image content, and Detailedness gauges the richness of details in the response. Both metrics are on a scale of 10.

📌 Examples

Case1 figure 5. Illustration of hallucination correction by our proposed VCD with two samples from LLaVA-Bench. Hallucinated objects from LVLM's regular decoding are highlighted in red.

Case2 figure 8. More examples from LLaVA-Bench of our proposed VCD for enhanced general perception and recognition capacities.

Case3 figure 7. More examples from LLaVA-Bench of our proposed VCD for hallucination corrections. Hallucinated objects from LVLM's regular decoding are highlighted in red.

📑 Citation

If you find our project useful, we hope you can star our repo and cite our paper as follows:

  author = {Sicong Leng, Hang Zhang, Guanzheng Chen, Xin Li, Shijian Lu, Chunyan Miao, Lidong Bing},
  title = {Mitigating Object Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models through Visual Contrastive Decoding},
  year = 2023,
  journal = {arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.16922},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.16922}

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