


AwesomeExplain provides the same APM's level of query analysis under your development and test Rails environments.

Main Features

Build Status Build Status License: MIT


Add the following line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'awesome_explain', require: true

Console Utility Methods

Detailed usage examples can be found below.



ae Article.where(author_id: '5b9ec484d5cc2e697189d7c9')

| Winning Plan       | FETCH (7 / 7) -> IXSCAN (7) |
| Used Indexes       | author_id_1 (forward)       |
| Rejected Plans     | 0                           |
| Documents Returned | 7                           |
| Documents Examined | 7                           |
| Keys Examined      | 7                           |
| Execution time(ms) | 0                           |
| Execution time(s)  | 0.0                         |

ae Article.or([{author_id: '5b9ec484d5cc2e697189d7c9', state: 'published'}, {created_at: 3.days.ago}])

| Winning Plan       | SORT (20) -> SORT_KEY_GENERATOR (20) -> FETCH (24 / 20) -> OR (24) -> [  FETCH (24 / 24) -> IXSCAN (24) ,  FETCH (0 / 0) -> IXSCAN (0) ]  |
| Used Indexes       | state_1 (forward), author_id_1 (forward)                                                                                                  |
| Rejected Plans     | 18                                                                                                                                        |
| Documents Returned | 20                                                                                                                                        |
| Documents Examined | 48                                                                                                                                        |
| Keys Examined      | 24                                                                                                                                        |
| Execution time(ms) | 37                                                                                                                                        |
| Execution time(s)  | 0.037                                                                                                                                     |

ae Product.where(_id: 22)

| Winning Plan       | IDHACK (1 / 1) |
| Used Indexes       |                |
| Rejected Plans     | 0              |
| Documents Returned | 1              |
| Documents Examined | 1              |
| Keys Examined      | 1              |
| Execution time(ms) | 90             |
| Execution time(s)  | 0.09           |

Winning Plan Examples

FETCH (7 / 7) -> IXSCAN (7)

Below is a breakdown of the above winning plan:

For information about MongoDB's explain output, please refer to the official MongoDB Explain documentation: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/explain-results/


ae Usage

Query using PK index

ae Film.where(film_id: 1)

|       General Stats        |
| Table              | Count |
| Total Rows Planned | 1     |
| Total Rows         | 1     |
| Total Loops        | 1     |
| Seq Scans          | 0     |
| Indexes Used       | 1     |
|        Table Stats         |
| Table              | Count |
| film               | 1     |
|      Node Type Stats       |
| Node Type          | Count |
| Index Scan         | 1     |
|        Index Stats         |
| Index Name         | Count |
| film_pkey          | 1     |

Query not using any index

ae Film.where(description: 'Alien Center')

|       General Stats        |
| Table              | Count |
| Total Rows Planned | 1     |
| Total Rows         | 0     |
| Total Loops        | 1     |
| Seq Scans          | 1     |
| Indexes Used       | 0     |
|        Table Stats         |
| Table              | Count |
| film               | 1     |
|      Node Type Stats       |
| Node Type          | Count |
| Seq Scan           | 1     |

analyze_ar Usage

analyze_ar { Film.where(film_id: 1).to_a; Actor.where(last_name: 'Cage').to_a };0

| Time (sec)         | 0.0            |
| Total Rows Planned | 3              |
| Total Rows         | 3              |
| Total Loops        | 2              |
| Seq Scans          | 1              |
| Tables             | film (1)       |
|                    | actor (1)      |
| Node Types         | Index Scan (1) |
|                    | Seq Scan (1)   |
| Indexes            | film_pkey (1)  |


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sandboxws/awesome_explain. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the AwesomeExplain project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.