


TR3D: Towards Real-Time Indoor 3D Object Detection


This repository contains an implementation of TR3D, a 3D object detection method introduced in our paper:

TR3D: Towards Real-Time Indoor 3D Object Detection<br> Danila Rukhovich, Anna Vorontsova, Anton Konushin <br> Samsung Research<br> https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.02858


For convenience, we provide a Dockerfile.

Alternatively, you can install all required packages manually. This implementation is based on mmdetection3d framework. Please refer to the original installation guide getting_started.md, including MinkowskiEngine installation, replacing open-mmlab/mmdetection3d with samsunglabs/tr3d.

Most of the TR3D-related code locates in the following files: detectors/mink_single_stage.py, detectors/tr3d_ff.py, dense_heads/tr3d_head.py, necks/tr3d_neck.py.

Getting Started

Please see getting_started.md for basic usage examples. We follow the mmdetection3d data preparation protocol described in scannet, sunrgbd, and s3dis.


To start training, run train with TR3D configs:

python tools/train.py configs/tr3d/tr3d_scannet-3d-18class.py


Test pre-trained model using test with TR3D configs:

python tools/test.py configs/tr3d/tr3d_scannet-3d-18class.py \
    work_dirs/tr3d_scannet-3d-18class/latest.pth --eval mAP


Visualizations can be created with test script. For better visualizations, you may set score_thr in configs to 0.3:

python tools/test.py configs/tr3d/tr3d_scannet-3d-18class.py \
    work_dirs/tr3d_scannet-3d-18class/latest.pth --eval mAP --show \
    --show-dir work_dirs/tr3d_scannet-3d-18class


The metrics are obtained in 5 training runs followed by 5 test runs. We report both the best and the average values (the latter are given in round brackets). Inference speed (scenes per second) is measured on a single NVidia RTX 4090. Please, note that ScanNet-pretrained S3DIS model was actually trained in the original openmmlab/mmdetection3d codebase.

TR3D 3D Detection

DatasetmAP@0.25mAP@0.5Scenes <br> per sec.Download
ScanNet72.9 (72.0)59.3 (57.4)23.7model | log | config
SUN RGB-D67.1 (66.3)50.4 (49.6)27.5model | log | config
S3DIS74.5 (72.1)51.7 (47.6)21.0model | log | config
S3DIS <br> ScanNet-pretrained75.9 (75.1)56.6 (54.8)21.0model | log | config

RGB + PC 3D Detection on SUN RGB-D

ModelmAP@0.25mAP@0.5Scenes <br> per sec.Download
VoteNet+FF64.5 (63.7)39.2 (38.1)-model | log | config
TR3D+FF69.4 (68.7)53.4 (52.4)17.5model | log | config

Example Detections

<p align="center"><img src="./resources/github.png" alt="drawing" width="90%"/></p>


If you find this work useful for your research, please cite our paper:

  doi = {10.48550/ARXIV.2302.02858},
  url = {https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.02858},
  author = {Rukhovich, Danila and Vorontsova, Anna and Konushin, Anton},
  title = {TR3D: Towards Real-Time Indoor 3D Object Detection},
  publisher = {arXiv},
  year = {2023}