Brunch with Phaser 3 (ES6)
A Brunch skeleton for making games with Phaser 3 and ES6/ES2016. (Why Brunch?)
brunch new <project> -s samme/brunch-phaser-es6
This is the ES6 variant of brunch-phaser.
Get started
- Install (if you don't have them):
- Run:
brunch new <project> -s samme/brunch-phaser-es6
npm run start
orbrunch watch --server
watches the project with continuous rebuild.npm run build
orbrunch build --production
builds a minified project for production.- troubleshooting
- Make:
Phaser is managed through npm.
npm view phaser version
Update with:
npm update
Other builds
See the npm.static
entry in brunch-config.
Add NPM packages
npm install -S <package-name>
and then import as appropriate in your code.
If these packages should be transpiled from ES6 as well, remove or modify plugins.babel.ignore
in brunch-config.