

Brunch with Phaser 3

A Brunch skeleton for making games with Phaser 3. (But lately I'm using Parcel instead.)

brunch new <project> -s phaser

Or choose one of these variants:

Get started


Phaser is managed through npm. The latest release is installed when you create a new project.

npm view phaser version

You can install a specific version instead:

npm install -S phaser@3.7

Update with:

npm update

Other builds

See the npm.static entry in brunch-config.

Add packages

npm install -S <package-name>

and in your code:


Add other libraries

Add the unminified script to vendor.



You can make your own local skeleton (template):

git clone https://github.com/samme/brunch-phaser.git brunch-phaser
cd brunch-phaser
# If you make changes, commit them to master:
git commit # etc.

Now use it with brunch new:

brunch new <project> -s ./path/to/brunch-phaser