


A custom plugin for accessing SQLite databases through Cordova. The plugin API is different from the WebSQL API that is used in other plugins.


Use cordova CLI to install the plugin:

<pre> > cordova plugin add net.orworks.cordovaplugins.cordovasqlite > OR, cordova plugin add https://github.com/samikrc/CordovaSQLite.git </pre>


Use cordova CLI to uninstall the plugin:

<pre> > cordova plugin rm net.orworks.cordovaplugins.cordovasqlite </pre>


The API contains the following functions:

Sample Code

The following code assumes an existing database file. Creating a new database file with some data would work the same way.

<pre> window.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(cordova.file.externalDataDirectory, function (confDir) { console.log("Got directory: " + confDir.fullPath); var dbFullPath = cordova.file.externalDataDirectory + "2014110801.sqlite"; confDir.getFile("2014110801.sqlite", { create: false }, function (confFile) { console.log("Got file: " + confFile.fullPath); cordovaSQLite.openDatabase(dbFullPath, false, function () { cordovaSQLite.execQueryArrayResult("select value from info where name=?", ["Conference"], function (confName) { console.log("Got conference name: " + confName); }, function (error) { alert("##execQueryArrayResult: " + error); }); }, function (error) { alert("##openDatabase: " + error); }); }, function (error) { alert("##getFile: " + error); }); }, // Success callback [resolveLocalFileSystemURL] function (error) { alert(error); }); // Failure callback [resolveLocalFileSystemURL] </pre>

Platform Notes


For iOS platform, after you add the plugin, you will also have to add "libsqlite3.0.dylib" for linking. To do that, perform the following:


<pre> ---------------------------------------- [Update] The implementation is now broken on Firefox browsers (from v36.0 onwards). From my research, it seems like FF has changed some of their add-on interface, which is resulting in the addon mentioned below ("HTML5 WebSQL for Firefox" plugin v0.6) to not work any more. ----------------------------------------- </pre>

One of the important aspect of developing apps with Cordova is that one should be able to test out the app completely from a browser environment, without having to build for a platform everytime. Unfortunately, many plugins lack the components for browser. This plugin can be tested out in a compatible browser environment. This is tested on Firefox (v34.0.5) and on Chrome (Version 42.0.2311.152 m).

There are prerequisites to running the plugin in a browser environment.


The databases will be available at the following locations:

In order to use database in the browser for testing your app, follow one of the strategies below:


The database will be available at the following location:

In order to use database in the browser for testing your app, do as follows:

<pre> $ sqlite3.exe Databases.db -header "select * from Databases" id|origin|name|description|estimated_size 1|file__0|2014110801|Session DB|2097152 2|file__0|/2014110801.sqlite|Session DB|2097152 3|http_playground.html5rocks.com_0|Todo|Todo manager|5242880 4|file__0|smscollection|Session DB|2097152 </pre>