


HTML5 WebSQL for Firefox

This is an update of HTML5 WebSQL for Firefox Written by Eion Robb and Jeremy Lawson

You can find the original at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/html5-websql-for-firefox/

Starting with FireFox 17 exposed objects and functions need to be explicitly revealed using exposedProps https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/XPConnect_wrappers

I have updated the addon and uploaded the code here. You can also install it from http://siobud.com/files/firefox/websql.xpi

Also, a big thank you to Juan Carlos Garcia for commit 954a7a2e2dcf39d0c4a0b5a5aa2d7086ec1048bd He emailed a patch to me directly, the xpi on siobud.com has been updated appropriately