

DISCLAIMER: the rubidity gem version is different from the rubidity built into the facet vm / app and i (Gerald Bauer) am NOT affiliated with facet computing inc. (middlemarch et al) or paid to work on the rubidity gem.

Rubidity & Rubysol - Rubies for Layer 1 (L1) Contracts / Protocols with "Off-Chain" Indexer

This is a rubidity & rubysol sandbox by Gerald Bauer

The idea here is to experiment with rubidity "off-chain" and if time permits break the "majestic rails rubidity monolith" also known as "facet vm" (formerly "ethscriptions vm") up into easier to (re)use modules.

For example, why not bundle up a "core" language "rubidity" gem with no dependencies on any blockchain and break out "core / standard" contracts samples and database (SQL) and runtime modules or such.


Aside - Rubidity vs Rubysol - What's the difference (in a nutshell)?

The first published modules / gems include:


For some ongoing (or historic) rubidity discussions & comments from the discord (chat server), see the Changelog - Good Morning.

White Papers

Proof Of Time - "Gas-Less" Decentralized "Turing-Complete" Computing with "Normalized" Timeouts

DRAFT - DRAFT - DRAFT (Version 0.1)

Let's try to square the circle and solve the halting problem of "turing-complete" computing with "normalized" timeouts.

The idea:

Every transaction gets time measured / profiled and if a max time is hit the transaction is halted / stopped and marked as invalid / reverted / aborted.

The problem:

(Compute) Time is relative!

Let's make (transaction processing) time absolute with mathematics / statistics (within a +/- window)...

Read More »

Bonus - More Blockchain (Crypto) Tools, Libraries & Scripts In Ruby

See /blockchain at the ruby code commons (rubycocos) org.

Questions? Comments?

Join us in the 0xCompute discord (chat server). Yes you can. Your questions and commentary welcome.

Or post them over at the Help & Support page. Thanks.