

<h1 align="center"> <img src="images/nerd-fonts-logo.svg" alt="Nerd Fonts Logo" /> </h1> <h2 align="center"> <img alt="Iconic font aggregator, collection, and patcher" src="images/project-subtitle-phrase.svg"> </h2> <div align="center">

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Nerd Fonts is a project that patches developer targeted fonts with a high number of glyphs (icons). Specifically to add a high number of extra glyphs from popular 'iconic fonts' such as Font Awesome, Devicons, Octicons, and others.

The following flow diagram shows the current glyph sets included:

<p align="center"> <img src="images/sankey-glyphs-combined-diagram.svg" alt="@SankeyMATIC Diagram" /> </p> <sub><i>Diagram created using <a href="http://sankeymatic.com/" title="SankeyMATIC (BETA): A Sankey diagram builder for everyone">@SankeyMATIC</a></i></sub>

Important Notices

Table of Contents


Installation Options


Developer / Contributor

Project Motivation

Additional Info


Nerd Fonts takes popular programming fonts and adds a bunch of Glyphs. There is also a font patcher available if your desired font isn't already patched. For more high level information see the wiki. If you are looking for the Vim plugin see VimDevIcons ➶.

Various Download Options for Fonts

If you...


Glyph Sets

:mag: :mag: You can search for glyphs easily on NerdFonts.com via the Cheat Sheet

See Wiki: Glyph Sets and Codepoints for more details

Icon names in shell

See Wiki: Icon names in shell

Patched Fonts

A preview of all fonts can be found here.

Font NameOriginal Font Name and Repositoryver*RFN
0xProto Nerd Font0xProto1.603NO
3270 Nerd Font32703.0.1NO
Agave Nerd FontAgave37NO
AnonymicePro Nerd FontAnonymous Pro1.002YES
Arimo Nerd FontArimo1.33NO
AurulentSansMono Nerd FontAurulent Sans Mono (Stephen G. Hartke)NO
BigBlueTerminal Nerd FontBigBlueTerminal (VileR)NO
BitstromWera Nerd FontVera Sans Mono (Bitstream Inc)1.1YES
BlexMono Nerd FontIBM Plex Mono2.004YES
CaskaydiaCove Nerd FontCascadia Code2111.01YES
CaskaydiaMono Nerd FontCascadia Mono2111.01YES
CodeNewRoman Nerd FontCode New Roman (Sam Radian)2.0NO
ComicShannsMono Nerd FontComic Shanns Mono1.3.1NO
CommitMono Nerd FontCommit Mono1.143NO
Cousine Nerd FontCousine1.211NO
D2Coding Nerd FontD2Coding1.3.2NO
DaddyTimeMono Nerd FontDaddyTimeMono1.2.3NO
DejaVuSansMono Nerd FontDejaVu2.37NO
DroidSansMono Nerd FontDroid Sans Mono (Ascender Corp)1.00-113NO
EnvyCodeR Nerd FontEnvy Code R0.79YES
FantasqueSansMono Nerd FontFantasque Sans Mono1.8.0NO
FiraCode Nerd FontFira Code6.2NO
FiraMono Nerd FontFira Mono3.206NO
GeistMono Nerd FontGeist Mono1.200NO
GoMono Nerd FontGo-Mono2.010NO
Gohu Nerd FontGohu TTF, Gohu2.0NO
Hack Nerd FontHack3.003NO
Hasklug Nerd FontHasklig1.2YES
HeavyDataMono Nerd FontHeavyData (Vic Fieger)1NO
Hurmit Nerd FontHermit2.0YES
iM-Writing Nerd FontiA-WriterDec 2018YES
Inconsolata Nerd FontInconsolata3.000NO
InconsolataGo Nerd FontInconsolataGo1.013NO
Inconsolata LGC Nerd FontInconsolata LGC1.5.2NO
IntoneMono Nerd FontIntel One Mono1.3.0YES
Iosevka Nerd FontIosevka29.0.4NO
IosevkaTerm Nerd FontIosevka Term29.0.4NO
IosevkaTermSlab Nerd FontIosevka Term Slab29.0.4NO
JetBrainsMono Nerd FontJetBrains Mono2.304NO
Lekton Nerd FontLekton34NO
Literation Nerd FontLiberation2.1.5YES
Lilex Nerd FontLilex2.400NO
MartianMono Nerd FontMartianMono1.0.0NO
Meslo Nerd FontMeslo1.21NO
Monaspice Nerd FontMonaspace1.0.0YES
Monofur Nerd FontMonofur (Tobias B Koehler)1.0NO
Monoid Nerd FontMonoid0.61NO
Mononoki Nerd FontMononoki1.6YES
M+ Nerd FontMPlus Fonts2023/09NO
Noto Nerd FontNotodivNO
OpenDyslexic Nerd FontOpenDyslexic2.001NO
Overpass Nerd FontOverpass3.0.5NO
ProFont Nerd FontProFont2.3, 2.2NO
ProggyClean Nerd FontProggyClean (Tristan Grimmer)2004/04/15NO
RecMono Nerd FontRecursive Mono1.085NO
RobotoMono Nerd FontRoboto Mono3.0NO
SauceCodePro Nerd FontSource Code Pro2.042YES
ShureTechMono Nerd FontShare Tech Mono1.003YES
SpaceMono Nerd FontSpace Mono1.001NO
Terminess Nerd FontTerminus TTF4.49.3YES
Tinos Nerd FontTinos1.23NO
Ubuntu Nerd FontUbuntu Font0.83NO
UbuntuMono Nerd FontUbuntu Font0.80NO
UbuntuSans Nerd FontUbuntu Sans1.004NO
VictorMono Nerd FontVictor Mono1.5.6NO
ZedMono Nerd FontZed Mono1.2.0NO

<sub>*RFN = Reserved Font Name</sub>


Font Installation

Option 1: Release Archive Download

Best option if you want an archive or complete font family of variations (Bold, Italic, etc.).

Fonts are available for download as packages in the latest release A nice overview is on the Nerd Font site (but misses the more compact xv archives).

If you want download the latest release of a given font inside a script you can use (replace "JetBrainsMono" with your font):

curl -OL https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/releases/latest/download/JetBrainsMono.tar.xz

Option 2: Homebrew Fonts

Best option if on macOS and want to use Homebrew.

All fonts are available via Homebrew Cask on macOS (OS X)

brew install font-hack-nerd-font

Option 3: Unofficial Chocolatey or Scoop Repositories

Option for Windows and wanting to use Chocolatey or Scoop.

Chocolatey users can download fonts published to the Chocolatey Community Repository (CCR):

choco install nerd-fonts-hack

Scoop users can download fonts using the Scoop bucket for Nerd Fonts:

scoop bucket add nerd-fonts
scoop install Hack-NF

Option 4: Arch Extra Repository

Option for Arch Linux and wanting to use Extra packages.

Most fonts are available via Arch Extra packages. Some special packages are in AUR.

Option 5: PowerShell Web Installer

Best option for interactive setup guidance or automating installations through PowerShell scripts.


Run the Interactive Installer

To run the interactive installer, use the following command:

& ([scriptblock]::Create((iwr 'https://to.loredo.me/Install-NerdFont.ps1')))

Install Fonts Directly

To install specific fonts directly, use the following command:

& ([scriptblock]::Create((iwr 'https://to.loredo.me/Install-NerdFont.ps1'))) -Name hack, heavy-data

To install fonts without a confirmation prompt, use:

& ([scriptblock]::Create((iwr 'https://to.loredo.me/Install-NerdFont.ps1'))) -Confirm:$false -Name hack, heavy-data

To get a list of possible font names, use:

& ([scriptblock]::Create((iwr 'https://to.loredo.me/Install-NerdFont.ps1'))) -List All

Option 6: Ad Hoc Curl Download

Option if you want to use the curl command or for use in scripts.

Note: Will not work to get newer fonts as they are not inside the repo anymore.


mkdir -p ~/.local/share/fonts
cd ~/.local/share/fonts && curl -fLO https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/HEAD/patched-fonts/DroidSansMono/DroidSansMNerdFont-Regular.otf

Note: deprecated alternative paths: ~/.fonts

macOS (OS X)

cd ~/Library/Fonts && curl -fLO https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/raw/HEAD/patched-fonts/DroidSansMono/DroidSansMNerdFont-Regular.otf

Option 7: Install Script

Best option if you want to automate installing or for use in scripts.


All fonts:


or, in PowerShell (Windows only):


Single font:

./install.sh <FontName>
./install.sh Hack
./install.sh HeavyData

or, in PowerShell (Windows only):

./install.ps1 <FontName>
./install.ps1 Hack
./install.ps1 HeavyData
./install.ps1 FiraCode, Hack
./install.ps1 DejaVuSansMono -WhatIf

Option 8: Clone the Repo

Best option for full control, all or some of the fonts, or contributing to development.

Note: Will not work to get newer fonts as they are not inside the repo anymore.

A full clone of this repository is not required nor efficient (mostly due to Repository size) if you are simply only interested in a limited set of fonts.

If you do want to clone the entire repo be sure to shallow clone:

git clone --depth 1

Even if you develop you probably do not need the old versions of the font files. With this command you have all commits but not all the old data - it will be loaded only if you check out old binaries (or do a blame):

git clone --filter=blob:none git@github.com:ryanoasis/nerd-fonts

If you want to clone just a sub-directory, use git sparse-checkout.

git clone --filter=blob:none --sparse git@github.com:ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
cd nerd-fonts
git sparse-checkout add patched-fonts/JetBrainsMono

Option 9: Patch Your Own Font

The option for patching your own font or fully customizing the patched font.

Use the provided Python command line script to generate a patched font from your own font to get the extra new glyphs

See: Font Patcher for usage


<p align="center"> <img src="images/nerd-fonts-patcher-logo.png" alt="Nerd Fonts Patcher"> </p>

Patching the font of your own choosing:

[!NOTE] The resulting font's family (aka font name) will be set to the original family after CamelCasing, removing whitespace and appending Nerd Font. For example, iosevka term would become IosevkaTerm Nerd Font.

Full options follow, see also page explaining all options:

Nerd Fonts Patcher v3.1.0-6 (4.8.1) (ff 20230101)
usage: font-patcher [-h] [-v] [-s] [--variable-width-glyphs]
                    [--debug [{0,1,2,3}]] [-q] [--careful] [-ext EXTENSION]
                    [-out OUTPUTDIR] [--makegroups [{-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6}]] [-c]
                    [--codicons] [--fontawesome] [--fontawesomeext]
                    [--fontlogos] [--material] [--octicons] [--powersymbols]
                    [--pomicons] [--powerline] [--powerlineextra] [--weather]
                    [--boxdrawing] [--configfile CONFIGFILE] [--custom CUSTOM]
                    [--dry] [--glyphdir GLYPHDIR] [--has-no-italic] [-l]
                    [--metrics {HHEA,TYPO,WIN}] [--name FORCE_NAME]
                    [--postprocess POSTPROCESS] [--removeligs]
                    [--xavgcharwidth [XAVGWIDTH]]
                    [--progressbars | --no-progressbars]

Nerd Fonts Font Patcher: patches a given font with programming and development related glyphs

* Website: https://www.nerdfonts.com
* Version: 3.1.0-6
* Development Website: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts
* Changelog: https://github.com/ryanoasis/nerd-fonts/blob/-/changelog.md

positional arguments:
  font                  The path to the font to patch (e.g., Inconsolata.otf)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -s, --mono, --use-single-width-glyphs
                        Whether to generate the glyphs as single-width not double-width (default is double-width) (Nerd Font Mono)
                        Do not adjust advance width (no "overhang") (Nerd Font Propo)
  --debug [{0,1,2,3}]   Verbose mode (optional: 1=just to file; 2*=just to terminal; 3=display and file)
  -q, --quiet           Do not generate verbose output
  --careful             Do not overwrite existing glyphs if detected
  -ext EXTENSION, --extension EXTENSION
                        Change font file type to create (e.g., ttf, otf)
  -out OUTPUTDIR, --outputdir OUTPUTDIR
                        The directory to output the patched font file to
  --makegroups [{-1,0,1,2,3,4,5,6}]
                        Use alternative method to name patched fonts (default=1)

Symbol Fonts:
  -c, --complete        Add all available Glyphs
  --codicons            Add Codicons Glyphs (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-codicons)
  --fontawesome         Add Font Awesome Glyphs (http://fontawesome.io/)
  --fontawesomeext      Add Font Awesome Extension Glyphs (https://andrelzgava.github.io/font-awesome-extension/)
  --fontlogos           Add Font Logos Glyphs (https://github.com/Lukas-W/font-logos)
  --material, --mdi     Add Material Design Icons (https://github.com/templarian/MaterialDesign)
  --octicons            Add Octicons Glyphs (https://octicons.github.com)
  --powersymbols        Add IEC Power Symbols (https://unicodepowersymbol.com/)
  --pomicons            Add Pomicon Glyphs (https://github.com/gabrielelana/pomicons)
  --powerline           Add Powerline Glyphs
  --powerlineextra      Add Powerline Extra Glyphs (https://github.com/ryanoasis/powerline-extra-symbols)
  --weather             Add Weather Icons (https://github.com/erikflowers/weather-icons)

Expert Options:
  --boxdrawing          Force patching in (over existing) box drawing glyphs
  --configfile CONFIGFILE
                        Specify a file path for JSON configuration file (see sample: src/config.sample.json)
  --custom CUSTOM       Specify a custom symbol font, all glyphs will be copied; absolute path suggested
  --dry                 Do neither patch nor store the font, to check naming
  --glyphdir GLYPHDIR   Path to glyphs to be used for patching
  --has-no-italic       Font family does not have Italic (but Oblique), to help create correct RIBBI set
  -l, --adjust-line-height
                        Whether to adjust line heights (attempt to center powerline separators more evenly)
  --metrics {HHEA,TYPO,WIN}
                        Select vertical metrics source (for problematic cases)
  --name FORCE_NAME     Specify naming source ('full', 'postscript', 'filename', or concrete free name-string)
  --postprocess POSTPROCESS
                        Specify a Script for Post Processing
  --removeligs, --removeligatures
                        Removes ligatures specificed in JSON configuration file (needs --configfile)
  --xavgcharwidth [XAVGWIDTH]
                        Adjust xAvgCharWidth (optional: concrete value)
  --progressbars        Show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set (default)
  --no-progressbars     Don't show percentage completion progress bars per Glyph Set


./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf -s -q
./font-patcher Droid\ Sans\ Mono\ for\ Powerline.otf --use-single-width-glyphs --quiet

./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf --fontawesome --octicons --pomicons
./font-patcher Inconsolata.otf

./FontForge.AppImage -script /tmp/nerdfonts/font-patcher /tmp/nerdfonts/CascadiaMonoPL-Semibold.ttf --fontawesome -out /tmp
./FontForge.AppImage -script $PWD/font-patcher $PWD/CascadiaMonoPL-Semibold.ttf --octicons -out $HOME

docker run --rm -v ~/myfont/patchme:/in:Z -v ~/myfont/patched:/out:Z nerdfonts/patcher
docker run --rm -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patchme:/in:Z -v ~/Desktop/myfont/patched:/out:Z nerdfonts/patcher --fontawesome

Usually you want the --complete option.

<a name="gotta-patch-em-all"></a>

Gotta Patch 'em All Font Patcher!

Full options:

Usage: ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher!.sh [OPTION] [FILTER]

        -c, --checkfont     Create the font(s) in check-fonts/ instead
        -t, --keeptime      Try to preserve timestamp of previously patched
                            font in patched-fonts/ directory
        -v, --verbose       Show more information when running
        -i, --info          Rebuild JUST the readmes
        -j, --jobs          Run up to 8 patch processes in parallel
        -h, --help          Show this help

        The filter argument to this script is a filter for the fonts to patch.
        The filter is a regex (glob * is expressed as [^/]*, see `man 7 glob`)
        All font files that start with that filter (and are ttf, otf, or sfd files) will
        be processed only.
          Example ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh "iosevka"
          Process all font files that start with "iosevka"
        If the argument starts with a '/' all font files in a directory that matches
        the filter are processed only.
          Example ./gotta-patch-em-all-font-patcher\!.sh "/iosevka"
          Process all font files that are in directory "iosevka"


See contributing.md

Unstable File Paths

:warning: Warning: File paths may change based on releases (especially major version bumps)

Reference the release tag or branch and not the master branch because paths are subject to change for each release

Other Good Fonts to Patch

Non exhaustive list of fonts that would benefit from being patched but are not included in Nerd Fonts due to their license (proprietary, commercial, etc.):

Project Motivation

See Wiki: Project Purpose


See changelog.md



<!-- Repo References --> <!-- Website References --> <!-- Link References --> <!-- Font repos --> <!-- Patched Font internal links --> <!-- Quick Link Images -->