

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/foW4AcU.jpg" height="350" title="HackintoshLogo">

macOS Ventura - Hackintosh

Latest working macOS: 13.0.1 (22A400)

Current OpenCore: 0.8.6

Complete hardware specs:

SMBIOS: iMac20,2

The system triple boots Windows 11 and Ubuntu Mate


Don't be an idiot and use these great tools instead of wasting your time with propertree or other plist editors:

Get it running

  1. Make sure to update your BIOS, disable CSM support and enable XHCI Hand-off (for Airdrop/Continuity/Sidecar) and XMP
  2. Create an macOS Monteray/Big Sur USB-Installer Stick, install OpenCore and copy my EFI folder (how?)
  3. Generate a new serial number, motherboard id, ROM (that's your motherboard's mac address without dots) and SMUUID (make sure serial number is invalid in order to iMessage/Facetime to work) (how?)
  4. Boot the new macOS partition
  5. Copy the EFI to the local disk

Here are some tips and tricks

What works

What doesn't work

I'm currently using a PCI card (Realtek RTL8125B PCI Express 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet) with the LucyRTL8125Ethernet kext as I already bought the card before the fix was found.

Port mapping

All USB ports work except the two next to the ethernet port (HS03/SS03 and HS04/SS04). I needed another USB-C port on the front of my case + a USB 3 port + a USB 2 port so I had to disable those 2. If you don't need front IO (or use a different PC case) you can use USBInjectAll.kext, set XhciPortLimit = true and use Hackintool to map the ports you want. The USB-C port on the motherboard works and it's reversible.

usb mapping

Kexts used:

Drivers used:



Fuck /r/Hackintosh mods for not allowing EFI sharing and being on power trips