

<img src="https://i.imgur.com/vd6gEda.png" height="150" title="HackintoshLogo">

macOS Sonoma - Hackintosh

Latest working macOS: 14.4.1 (23E224)

Current OpenCore: 1.0.1 MOD (binaries)


Full hardware specs and prices on PCPartPicker

SMBIOS: iMacPro1,1

The system dual boots macOS and Windows 11


Don't be an idiot and use these great tools instead of wasting your time with propertree or other plist editors:

[!WARNING] Use the modded OpenCore version to prevent Windows thinking you're running in BootCamp and creating multiple issues around ACPI. Why isn't this the default OC behaviour is beyond me.

Get it running

  1. Make sure to update your BIOS, disable CSM support and secure boot, enable XHCI Hand-off (for Airdrop/Continuity/Sidecar) and enable XMP.
  2. Create an macOS Ventura USB-Installer Stick, install OpenCore and copy my EFI folder (how?)
  3. Generate a new serial number, motherboard id, ROM (that's your motherboard's mac address without dots) and SMUUID (make sure serial number is invalid in order to iMessage/Facetime to work) (how?)
  4. Boot the new macOS partition
  5. Copy the EFI to the local disk

[!NOTE] Enable HiDPI Display settings by running sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.windowserver.plist DisplayResolutionEnabled -bool true and rebooting the PC

Here are some tips and tricks and the full OpenCore Documentation

What works

[!NOTE] To get WiFi working, you need to either follow this guide or use my EFI without modifications

What doesn't work

Port mapping

I mapped both USB 3.0 ports and USB-C port of the case (front), all USB 2.0 ports, another 3 USB 3.0 ports (first ones coming down) + USB-C port on motherboard. Create your own mapping on Windows using USBToolBox

Xcode Benchmark

This setup beats the Mac Studio 2022 (M1 Ultra 20-core) and the Mac Mini 2023 (M2 Pro) on Xcode compiling time. This hackintosh is the best developer machine possible, even beating M2 Pro Macs. The new Mac Studio 2023 beats this hackintosh and takes the crown.





Fuck /r/Hackintosh mods for not allowing EFI sharing, forcing people to use propertree and other trash instead of great GUI apps