


Counting the collisions with perl hash tables per function. (linear chaining in a linked list, subject to collision attacks)

Average case (perl core testsuite)

Hash Functioncollisionstime[sec]Qualitycyc/hash
FNV1A0.862535 secBAD33.19
OOAT_OLD0.861537 secBAD50.83
CRC320.841538 secINSECURE31.27
SUPERFAST0.848537 secBAD27.75
SDBM0.874541 secBAD29.23
SPOOKY320.813546 secGOOD38.45
MURMUR64A0.855546 secBAD28.80
MURMUR64B0.857546 secBAD27.48
OOAT_HARD0.842547 secBAD61.03
MURMUR30.883547 secGOOD29.54
DJB20.898547 secBAD33.78
METRO640.892550 secGOOD26.78
OOAT0.860551 secBAD??
SIPHASH0.853551 secGOOD114.48
METRO64CRC0.872559 secGOOD23.27

Less collisions are better, less time is faster. A hash table lookup consists of one constant hash function (depending only on the length of the key) and then resolving 0-x collisions (in our avg case 0-10).

Speed: Note that hash table speed measured here is a combination of code-size, less code - better icache, CPU (cyc/hash) and less collisions (better quality, less work). But we only measured the primitive linked list implementation with 100% fill rate yet, which has to chase linked list pointers and looses the data cache, unlike with open-addressing.

FNV1a is the current leader. Even if it creates more collisions than a good hash, and is not as fast in bulk as others, it is smaller and faster when being used inlined in hash table functions. Confirmed with testing the sanmayce bigger and unrolled variant.

Spooky32, Bob Jenkins' latest creation, creates the least collisions by far and is the fastest of the good hash functions here, but only works on 64 bit machines. Murmur3 interestingly creates a lot of collisions, even more than the simple old OOAT variants.

The individually fastest hash function, which should be used for checksumming larger files, METRO, does not perform good as hash table function at all. It has too much code and it is not optimized to avoid collisions with ASCII text keys.

The short perl5 testsuite (op,base,perf) has a key size of median = 33, and avg of 83. The most commonly used key sizes are 4, 101 and 2, the most common hash tables sizes are 7, 255 and 31.

A hash table size of 7 uses the last 3 bits of the hash function result, 63 uses only 6 bits of 32 and 127 uses 7 bits.

Hash table sizes


Note that perl ony supports int32 (32bit) sized tables, not 64bit arrays. Larger keysets need to be tied to bigger key-value stores, such as LMDB_File or at least AnyDBM_File, otherwise you'll get a hell lot of collisions.

It should be studied of leaving out one or two sizes and therefore the costly rehashing is worthwile. Good candidates for this dataset to skip seem to be 15 and 63.

For double hashing perl5 need to use prime number sized hash tables to make the 2nd hash function work. For 32bit the primes can be stored in a constant table as in glibc.

Number of collisions with CRC32

CRC32 is a good and fast hash function, on SSE4 intel processors or armv7 and armv8 it costs just a few cycles, but unfortunately too trivial to create collisions when allowing binary keys, the worst case.


Note that 0 collisions can occur with an early return in the hash table lookup function, such as with empty hash tables. The number of collisions is independent of the hash table size or key length. It depends on the fill factor, the quality of the hash function and the key.

This is the average case. Worst cases can be produced by guessing the random hash seed from leakage of sorting order (unsorted keys in JSON, YAML, RSS interfaces, or such), (or even fooling with the ENV or process memory), and then creating colliding keys, which would lead to exponential time DOS attacks with linear time attack costs. RT #22371 and "Denial of Service via Algorithmic Complexity Attacks", S Crosby, D Wallach, Rice 1993. Long running perl processes with publicly exposed sorting order and input acceptance of hash keys should really be avoided without proper countermeasures. PHP e.g. does MAX_POST_SIZE. How to get the private random seed is e.g. described in "REMOTE ALGORITHMIC COMPLEXITY ATTACKS AGAINST RANDOMIZED HASH TABLES", N Bar-Yosef, A Wool - 2009 - Springer.

Perl and similar dynamic languages really need to improve their collision algorithm, and choose a combination of fast and good enough hash function. None of this is currently implemented in standard SW besides Kyoto DB, though Knuth proposed to use sorted buckets "Ordered hash tables", O Amble, D Knuth 1973. Most technical papers accept degeneration into linear search for bucket collisions as is. Notably e.g. even the Linux kernel F. Weimer, “Algorithmic complexity attacks and the linux networking code”, May 2003, though glibc, gcc and libliberty and others switched to open addressing with double hashing recently, where collisions just trigger hash table resizes, and the choice of the 2nd function will reduce collisions dramatically. DJB's DNS server has an explicit check for "hash flooding" attempts. Some rare hash tables implementations use rb-trees.

For City there currently exists a simple universal C function to easily create collisions per seed. crc32 is exploitable even more easily. Note that this exists for every hash function, just encode your hash SAT solver-friendly and look at the generated model. It is even incredibly simple if you calculate only the needed last bits dependent on the hash table size (8-15 bits). So striking out city for such security claims does not hold. The most secure hash function can be attacked this way. Any practical attacker has enough time in advance to create enough colliding keys dependent only on the random seed, and can easily verify it by time measurements. The code is just not out yet, and the costs for some slower (cryptographically secure) hash functions might be too high. But people already encoded SHA-2 into SMTLIB code to attack bitcoin, and high-level frameworks such as frama-c, klee or z3 are becoming increasingly popular.

crc-32c, the Castagnoli variant used in new hardware, is recommended by xcore Tip & Tricks: Hash Tables and also analysed by Bob Jenkin.

cachegrind cost model

Instead of costly benchmarking, we can count the instructions via cachegrind. Thanks to davem for this trick.

We create miniperl's for all our hash funcs. I've add a new Configure -Dhash_func=$h config variable for this, but a -DPERL_HASH_FUNC_$h is also enough.

for m in miniperl-*; do
  echo $m;
  valgrind --tool=cachegrind ./$m -e'my %h=("foo"=>1);$h{foo} for 0..100' 2>&1 | \
    egrep 'rate|refs|misses';

And we write a simple script to apply the cost functions for various Lx cache misses. cachegrind can only do the first and last cache line, so we count 10 insn for a L1 (first line) miss, and 200 insn for a LL (last line) miss. The baseline -e0 is 12774328.

$ valgrind --tool=cachegrind /usr/src/perl/blead/cperl/miniperl -e0 2>&1 |\
  egrep 'rate|refs|misses' |\

$ ./cachegrind-cost.pl log.hash-speed |\
  sort -nk2 -t$'\t'| \
  awk '{print $1 "\t", $2 - 12774328}'
hashcost [insn]notes
CRC3210125modern CPU only, insecure
MURMUR64A6497164-bit only
METRO64CRC73941modern CPU only
METRO647451064-bit only
SPOOKY3211039864-bit only

Fill rates

Below are graphs testing the fill rates from 50% up to 100%, which is the current default. The usual fill rate is 80-100%, 50% for open addressing, and up to 97% for very good hash functions, like CRC32 or Spooky32.

Currently tested is only the default and slow PERL_PERTURB_KEYS_RANDOM strategy, not the other strategies PERL_PERTURB_KEYS_DISABLED, PERL_PERTURB_KEYS_DETERMINISTIC and my new PERL_PERTURB_KEYS_TOP to move every found bucket to the top, the usually fastest strategy for linked lists.



See also