


Perfect::Hash - generate perfect hashes, library backend for pperf


# generate c file for readonly lookup
pperf keyfile --prefix=pperf ...

# pure-perl usage
use Perfect::Hash;
my @dict = split/\n/,`cat /usr/share/dict/words`;
my $ph = Perfect::Hash->new(\@dict, -minimal);
for (@ARGV) {
  my $v = $ph->perfecthash($_);
  print ($dict[$v] eq $_ ? "$_ at line ".$v+1."\n" : "$_ not found\n");

Perfect::Hash->new("keyfile", '-urban', ...)->save_c;
# or just:
pperf keyfile --urban
cc -O3 -msse4.2 pperf.c ... -lz

pperf /usr/share/dict/words --cmph-bdz_ph --nul
cc -O3 pperf.c ... -lcmph


Perfect hashing is a technique for building a static hash table with no collisions, only lookup, no insert and delete methods. Which means guaranteed constant O(1) access time, and for minimal perfect hashes even guaranteed minimal size. It is only possible to build one when we know all of the keys in advance. Minimal perfect hashing implies that the resulting table contains one entry for each key, and no empty slots.

As input we need to provide a set of unique keys, either as arrayref or hashref or as keyfile. The keys can so far only be strings (will be extended to ints on demand) and the values can so far be only ints and strings. More types later.

As generation algorithm there exist various perfect hashing and other fast lookup methods: Hanov, HanovPP, Urban, CMPH::*, Bob, Pearson*, Gperf, Switch, and maybe Cuckoo, RobinHood, HAMT, ... Not all generated lookup methods are perfect hashes per se. I also implemented traditional methods which might be faster for smaller key sets, like nested switches, hash array mapped tries or ordinary open addressing hash tables.

As output there exist several output formater classes, e.g. C and later: XS, Java, Ruby, PHP, Python, PECL. For Lua or Lisp this is probably not needed as they either roll their own, or FFI into the generated C library. For Go, Rust, Scala, Clojure, etc just roll you own library, based on an existing one.

The best algorithm used in Hanov and various others is derived from "Compress, Hash, and Displace algorithm" by Djamal Belazzougui, Fabiano C. Botelho, and Martin Dietzfelbinger http://cmph.sourceforge.net/papers/esa09.pdf

Prior art to pperf

There exist some executables, a library and a simple python script to generate code to access perfect hashes and minimal versions thereof, but nothing to use easily. gperf is not very well suited to create big maps and cannot deal with certain anagrams, but creates fast C code for small dictionaries.

Bob Jenkins' perfect - he called it bob, hence we also - is more stable than gperf, but requires an external lookup function.

Pearson hashes are simplier and fast for small machines, but not guaranteed to be creatable for small or bigger hashes.

cmph CHD, BDZ_PH and the other cmph algorithms might be the best algorithms for big hashes, but lookup time is slower for smaller hashes and you need to link to an external library.

mkhashtable generates a fast cuckoo hash table for integer lookup. http://www.theiling.de/projects/lookuptable.html



script/pperf for the frontend.


Perfect::Hash::HanovPP, Perfect::Hash::Hanov, Perfect::Hash::Urban, Perfect::Hash::Pearson, Perfect::Hash::Pearson8, Perfect::Hash::PearsonNP, Perfect::Hash::Pearson32, Perfect::Hash::Pearson16, Perfect::Hash::Gperf, Perfect::Hash::Switch, Perfect::Hash::Bob, Perfect::Hash::Cuckoo (not yet), Perfect::Hash::CMPH::CHM, Perfect::Hash::CMPH::BMZ, Perfect::Hash::CMPH::BMZ8 (not yet), Perfect::Hash::CMPH::BRZ (not yet), Perfect::Hash::CMPH::FCH Perfect::Hash::CMPH::BDZ, Perfect::Hash::CMPH::BDZ_PH, Perfect::Hash::CMPH::CHD, Perfect::Hash::CMPH::CHD_PH

Output classes

Output classes are loaded dynamically from a -for-class option, the option must be lowercase, the classsname must be uppercase.

Perfect::Hash::C -for-c (C library)

Perfect::Hash::XS -for-xs (compiled perl extension)


Perfect::Hash::PYTHON -for-python (compiled python extension)

Perfect::Hash::RUBY -for-ruby (compiled ruby extension)

Perfect::Hash::JAVA -for-java

Perfect::Hash::PHP -for-php (pure php)

Perfect::Hash::PECL -for-pecl (compiled php extension)

For Lua or Lisp this is probably not needed as they either roll their own, or FFI into the generated C library. For Go, Rust, Scala, Clojure, etc just roll you own library, based on an existing one.


CPAN Testers: http://cpantesters.org/distro/P/Perfect-Hash




linux/amd64 with a dictionary size=99171, lookup every key. with Intel Core i5-2300 CPU @ 2.80GHz with native iSCSI CRC32-C from zlib.

size=99171  (smaller sec and size is better)
Method       *lookup*  generate compile   c size   exesize  options
hanovpp      0.007391  1.404147 1.319399  1199117  2434100  -false-positives -nul
hanov        0.011482  0.785057 1.324067  1197862  2434154  -false-positives -nul
urban        0.014077  0.910796 1.428419  1197862  2434154  -false-positives -nul
pearson      0.017292 60.923645 4.739699  8530499  8749003  -false-positives -nul
pearsonnp    0.101567 10.510307 2.318995  2647958  4551321  -false-positives -nul
switch       0.006666  0.107138 36.451262 147708238 1650346 -false-positives -nul
gperf                  0.147823 180.766459      0        0  -false-positives -nul
			with -1 errors. (killed)
hanovpp      0.013005  1.688023 2.141894  2393751  3227319  -nul
hanov        0.016095  0.963938 2.163220  2392496  3227389  -nul
urban        0.011075  1.040831 2.221746  2392496  3227389  -nul
pearson      0.030881 61.119899 5.680831  9728955  9540540  -nul
pearsonnp    0.086979 10.663448 3.009915  3842596  5346272  -nul
cmph-bdz_ph  0.017982  0.215315 0.831952    67005  1664617  -nul
cmph-bdz     0.023443  0.225905 0.817219    98105  1674529  -nul
cmph-bmz     0.038583  0.300829 0.976980  1590581  2096417  -nul
cmph-chm     0.027509  0.259225 1.050285  3074292  2469305  -nul
cmph-fch     0.031648 12.190459 0.854709   196138  1698857  -nul
cmph-chd_ph  0.036570  0.211594 0.824568    36049  1652489  -nul
cmph-chd     0.039105  0.215639 0.844438   141652  1692769  -nul
switch       0.005178  0.109766 37.781077 147708238 1650282 -nul
gperf                  0.154852 386.132215      0        0  -nul
			with -1 errors. (killed)
hanovpp      0.013155  1.723117 1.352003  1199134  2434100  -false-positives
hanov        0.010365  1.030929 1.433591  1197879  2434154  -false-positives
urban        0.014317  1.088831 1.402750  1197879  2434154  -false-positives
pearson      0.026460 61.211019 4.794338  8523000  8742950  -false-positives
pearsonnp    0.086456 10.718970 2.348913  2647985  4551001  -false-positives
switch       0.007402  0.112189 37.527018 147708256 1650386 -false-positives
gperf                  0.144518 65.111405       0        0  -false-positives
		with -1 errors. (killed)
hanovpp      0.010637  1.729399 2.189703  2393768  3227327
hanov        0.012009  1.011663 2.147036  2392513  3227381
urban        0.011328  1.092358 2.310917  2392513  3227381
pearson      0.023296 61.009376 5.589329  9728411  9544760
pearsonnp    0.084357 10.755647 3.067713  3842623  5342760
cmph-bdz_ph  0.022976  0.219827 0.853593    66651  1664617
cmph-bdz     0.036118  0.221703 0.825658    97681  1674529
cmph-bmz     0.041349  0.279304 0.966324  1589301  2096417
cmph-chm     0.044141  0.471280 1.085401  3073424  2469305
cmph-fch     0.035379  3.419452 0.872933   196252  1698857
cmph-chd_ph  0.028199  0.212325 0.826772    35938  1652465
cmph-chd     0.039602  0.245328 0.842385   142315  1692801
switch       0.005429  0.117641 37.769247 147708256 1650386
gperf                  0.150903 69.595114       0        0
		with -1 errors. (killed)

Medium sized dictionary with 2000 keys: perl -Mblib examples/bench.pl -size 2000 -nul

Method       *lookup*  generate compile   c size   exesize  options
hanovpp      0.001609  0.026357 0.116650    43698    65615  -nul
hanov        0.001611  0.012582 0.124696    43404    65685  -nul
urban        0.001508  0.019618 0.133672    43404    65685  -nul
pearson      0.001831 15.485680 0.193747   181242   181172  -nul
pearsonnp    0.001418  0.198577 0.136419   102856   143324  -nul
cmph-bdz_ph  0.002027  0.005285 0.119930     1563    42057  -nul
cmph-bdz     0.001745  0.005561 0.096891     2261    42057  -nul
cmph-bmz     0.002272  0.005246 0.103500    34671    50377  -nul
cmph-chm     0.001750  0.003973 0.096253    64383    58441  -nul
cmph-fch     0.001999  0.090500 0.088006     6670    42929  -nul
cmph-chd_ph  0.001819  0.002955 0.083981     1102    42057  -nul
cmph-chd     0.002014  0.002584 0.084404     3390    42297  -nul
switch       0.001514  0.004039 0.523429  1042824    50946  -nul
gperf        0.001428  0.005495 0.872581   295195   297154  -nul

Small dictionary with 127 keys:

Method       *lookup*  generate compile   c size   exesize  options
hanovpp      0.001247  0.001904 0.069912     3454    11575
hanov        0.001231  0.000946 0.070709     3200    11629
urban        0.001298  0.001020 0.072471     3200    11629
pearson      0.001178  0.068758 0.072311    12354    19240
pearsonnp    0.001253  0.018204 0.072419    12386    19259
cmph-bdz_ph  0.001271  0.000412 0.066264      335    10009
cmph-bdz     0.001317  0.000403 0.066471      424    10033
cmph-bmz     0.001277  0.000539 0.066814     2431    10577
cmph-chm     0.001325  0.000646 0.067026     4356    11057
cmph-fch     0.001372  0.000511 0.066843      942    10177
cmph-chd_ph  0.001310  0.000361 0.066292      418    10033
cmph-chd     0.001323  0.000343 0.066428      735    10129
switch       0.001190  0.000173 0.131323    12517    17450
gperf        0.001199  0.002180 0.064883     8987    12574


Reini Urban rurban@cpanel.net 2014


Copyright 2014 cPanel Inc All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.