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Library for testing React Native UI components and screens

Getting started

Install and link

$ npm install pixels-catcher --save-dev


$ yarn add pixels-catcher

The library depends on react-native-save-view which is used to convert View to base64 data and has native implementation. Starting from RN 0.60 there is no need to link - Native Modules are now Autolinked, otherwise check official react native documentation.

Note: react-native-save-view can be added to devDependencies of you project, otherwise auto-linking may not work. Check the version in package.json

Create test

Create new entry file, for example, indexSnapshot, and import registerSnapshot, runSnapshots and Snapshot from pixels-catcher:

import {
} from 'pixels-catcher';

After that create the snapshot component, which should extend Snapshot and implement static snapshotName and renderContent method. Be sure that your component can accept collapsable property, otherwise React can make an optimization and drop the view. The implementation can be:

class AppSnapshot extends Snapshot {
  static snapshotName = 'AppSnapshot';

  renderContent() {
    return (<App />);

after that register AppSnapshot component:


and trigger runSnapshots which will register the application component and run all snapshots:


Snapshots testing will be started as soon as the application is started.

Each Snapshot gets onReady property that is triggered after all interactions (InteractionManager) are completed. In case if it is not enough, which can be some network requests, etc., it is possible to do:

React Native Navigation support

Register your component and Navigation.setRoot using registerComponent property in runSnapshots:

runSnapshots(appName, {
  registerComponent: snapshot => {
    Navigation.registerComponent(appName, () => snapshot)

    Navigation.events().registerAppLaunchedListener(async () => {
        root: {
          stack: {
            children: [
                component: {
                  name: appName,

React Navigation support

In case if some children components use useNavigation hooks, it might be necessary to use NavigationContainer. To do that use getRootElement config, which is available in the config.


import { NavigationContainer } from '@react-navigation/native';
import { createStackNavigator } from '@react-navigation/stack';

const Stack = createStackNavigator();

function getRootElement(SnapshotsContainer) {
  const RootElement = ({children}) => (
          options={{ headerShown: false, title: '' }}
          component={SnapshotsContainer} />
  return RootElement;

runSnapshots(appName, { baseUrl, getRootElement });


There are two options to define config:

And both of these two options should describe the configuration according to the following format:

PixelsCatcher: {
  logLevel: number,
  timeout: number,
  canStopDevice: boolean


Example for package.json configuration (or check demo project):

"PixelsCatcher": {
  "android": {
    "activityName": "MainActivity",
    "deviceName": "Nexus_5X",
    "packageName": "com.rumax.pixelscatcher.testapp",
    "snapshotsPath": "./snapshotsImages",
    "debug": {
      "deviceParams": ["-no-audio", "-no-snapshot"],
      "appFile": "./android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk"
    "release": {
      "deviceParams": ["-no-audio", "-no-snapshot", "-no-window"],
      "appFile": "./android/app/build/outputs/apk/debug/app-debug.apk"
  "ios": {
    "deviceName": "iPhone 8 Plus",
    "packageName": "org.reactjs.native.example.testApp",
    "snapshotsPath": "./snapshotsImagesIOS",
    "dev": {},
    "debug": {
      "appFile": "./ios/build/Build/Products/Debug-iphonesimulator/testApp.app"

Run android

To run android emulator, emulator command is used. It has to be defined in the system PATH or an ANDROID_EMULATOR system variable can be used to specify it. If none is defined, it will try to fallback to ~/Library/Android/sdk/emulator/emulator on mac

There are two options to run UI snapshots:

  1. Using the generated apk file, provided via the appFile. In this case pixels-catcher will open android emulator, install apk file, execute all the tests and will provide a report at the end. This scenario can be used to integrate the screenshot testing with CI.

  2. In cases appFile is not defined, the development mode will be used. This means that only the server will be started and the application should be started manually. This scenario can be used to debug snapshots, create new reference images, etc.

To run tests execute the following command:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/pixels-catcher android debug

Generating APK file

By default the index.android.js file is used which refer to your application. To fix it, in android/app/build.gradle add the following config:

project.ext.react = [
    entryFile: System.getProperty("entryFile") ?: "index.js",
    bundleInDebug: System.getProperty("bundleInDebug") ? System.getProperty("bundleInDebug").toBoolean() : false

And generate the apk:

cd android && ./gradlew assembleDebug -DentryFile="indexSnapshot.js"

Run iOS

Same as android there are two options to run UI snapshots:

  1. Using the generated app, provided via the appFile. In this case pixels-catcher will open iOS simulator, install app, execute all the tests and will provide a report at the end. This scenario can be used to integrate the screenshot testing with CI.

  2. In cases appFile is not defined, the development mode will be used. This means that only the server will be started and the application should be started manually. This scenario can be used to debug snapshots, create new reference images, etc.

To run tests execute the following command:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/pixels-catcher ios debug

Generating iOS app

To make a valid app you will need to do the following actions:

You can also check the demo project and check the required changes.

Run device

While android emulator or iOS simulator is able to work with localhost with default values for android and for iOS, using the real device will require connecting to the server by real IP. To make it possible, pixels-catcher allows to define it using the baseUrl property that is passed to the runSnapshots method:

const baseUrl = '';

// Snapshots implementation

runSnapshots(appName, { baseUrl });

JUnit test report

Each run of tests produces a JUnit test report that is generated and available in junit.xml file. For integrating it with Azure DevOps, follow the Azure DevOps and React Native UI testing article that describes how to automate iOS testing or Azure DevOps and React Native UI testing part 2 - Android for Android.

JUnit test report does not specify attachments, but to upload attachments to test report use third parameter azureAttachments. This can be done with azure task:

script: ./node_modules/.bin/pixels-catcher ios debug azureAttachments
  condition: failed()
    SYSTEM_ACCESSTOKEN: $(System.AccessToken)
  workingDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/demo'
  displayName: 'Upload screenshots'

that has to be executed after PublishTestResults@2 task. In this case the pixels-catcher will be started with the same parameters that were used for tests and will upload attachments for filed tests.

Azure DevOps Test Results

Device logs

Each run of the tests collects logs for iOS (ios_logs.log) or android (android_logs.log) that can be used for further analysis of failed tests.


Check the demo which includes an example how the snapshots can be done and also has some useful scripts that can be used to integrate with CI.

Log report:

==> All tests completed: <==
│ (index) │             name             │  status  │ time  │ renderTime │              failure               │
│    0    │        'AppSnapshot'         │ 'PASSED' │ 0.909 │    0.13    │                 ''                 │
│    1    │ 'AppSnapshotWithWrongRefImg' │ 'FAILED' │ 1.116 │   0.054    │ 'Files mismatch with 5088 pixels'  │
│    2    │       'someComponent'        │ 'PASSED' │ 0.684 │   0.019    │                 ''                 │
│    3    │        'WebViewTest'         │ 'FAILED' │ 3.123 │   2.697    │ 'Files mismatch with 19930 pixels' │
│    4    │        'longContent'         │ 'PASSED' │ 0.793 │   0.017    │                 ''                 │

==> Summary: <==
│ (index) │         0         │           1            │
│    0    │   'Total tests'   │           5            │
│    1    │  'Passed tests'   │           3            │
│    2    │  'Skipped tests'  │           0            │
│    3    │  'Failed tests'   │           2            │
│    4    │ 'Min render time' │  '17ms (longContent)'  │
│    5    │ 'Max render time' │ '2697ms (WebViewTest)' │
==> Failed tests: <==
│ (index) │            Values            │
│    0    │ 'AppSnapshotWithWrongRefImg' │
│    1    │        'WebViewTest'         │

junit report:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<testsuites name="UI tests for ios/iPhone 8 Plus" tests="4" skipped="0" errors="0" failures="0" time="4261" >
  <testsuite name="UI tests for ios/iPhone 8 Plus" tests="4" skipped="0" errors="0" failures="0" time="4261" >
    <testcase classname="AppSnapshot" name="AppSnapshot" time="989">
    <testcase classname="someComponent" name="someComponent" time="738">
    <testcase classname="WebViewTest" name="WebViewTest" time="1678">
    <testcase classname="longContent" name="longContent" time="856">

Azure Devops integration result

Azure Devops




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