




Fonts for Professional Typography — The Non-Cloud Way!

TypoPRO is a carefully hand-selected collection of freely usable professional fonts for use in Desktop Publishing (DTP), on Websites and especially inside Web-based Desktop or Mobile Applications. Currently, TypoPRO consists of 1933 individual fonts of 200 font families. The fonts in total span a very wide range of font types, font styles, font weights and font variants. This way, TypoPRO provides a magnitude of typographic possibilities with just a minimum number of font families.


Font Overview

A Specimen in HTML format allows you to conveniently preview all the TypoPRO font in detail. This Specimen is grouped into General Purpose and Special Purpose fonts.

General Purpose Fonts

The fonts in the General Purpose group are for general uses, i.e., they can be used equally well for headlines, body text, footnotes, etc. They especially are part of whole font families and cover a wide range of Unicode characters.

Special Purpose Fonts

The fonts in the Special Purpose group are for special uses, i.e., they are usually used only for particular headlines, subtitles, tags, etc. They are usually just stand-alone fonts and cover just a very limited range of Unicode characters.

Browser Support

All major browsers are fully supported by TypoPRO due to the fact that each font is provided in multiple Web formats. The actual minimum browser version which supports a particular format follows (for latest information see 1 2 3):

Internet Explorer (Desktop)
Internet Explorer (Mobile)----10.0
Mozilla Firefox (Desktop)--3.53.6
Mozilla Firefox (Mobile)--26.026.0
Google Chrome (Desktop)--4.05.0
Google Chrome (Mobile 2)--33.033.0
Google Chrome (Mobile 1)--2.24.4
Apple Safari (Desktop)--3.15.1
Apple Safari (Mobile)--4.25.0
Opera (Desktop)--10.011.1
Opera (Mobile)--10.011.0

This means that for the latest versions of all major browsers the optimized WOFF format would be both sufficient and preferred. But for backward compatibility to older browser versions, the EOT and TTF formats are still provided, too.

Notice: The fonts are intentionally not provided in the additional browser-supported SVG font format. The reason simply is that since a longer time this gives not really any additional effective cross-browser compatibility and just unnecessarily increases the (already rather large) TypoPRO distribution size.

Notice: The fonts are intentionally still not provided in the newer WOFF2 format as support for this format is still limited and although WOFF2 fonts are better compressed, this is no great advantage as long as we still have to ship WOFF format, too.


Nowadays, most of the fonts can also be individually downloaded for free from online font libraries like Font Squirrel, DaFont, Fonts2U or fontsc or even on-the-fly used from font Cloud services like Google Fonts, Open Font Library, Adobe Edge Web Fonts, Adobe Typekit, FontDeck or Brick. But the purpose of TypoPRO is just different: it provides an offline solution and it intentionally is a very opinionated pre-selection of reasonable (meaning high-quality) fonts.


You can conveniently download latest snapshot or particular versions of TypoPRO with the Node Package Manager (NPM):

$ npm install typopro             # latest     version
$ npm install typopro@4.2.6       # particular version

This automatically installs the peer packages typopro-web and typopro-dtp, too. As you usually need only the Web formats, you can install just this NPM package:

$ npm install typopro-web         # latest     version
$ npm install typopro-web@4.2.6   # particular version

Alternatively, install just the DTP formats:

$ npm install typopro-dtp         # latest     version
$ npm install typopro-dtp@4.2.6   # particular version

Finally, you can also download both Web and DTP formats manually, with e.g. cURL:

# download Web formats in latest or particular version
$ curl -O https://github.com/rse/typopro-web/archive/master.zip
$ curl -O https://github.com/rse/typopro-web/archive/4.2.6.zip

# download DTP formats in latest or particular version
$ curl -O https://github.com/rse/typopro-dtp/archive/master.zip
$ curl -O https://github.com/rse/typopro-dtp/archive/4.2.6.zip

Additionally, you can also use Grunt and my companion Grunt-TypoPRO task for conveniently installing TypoPRO font families.

Desktop Usage

The DTP variants of all fonts you can find under dtp/ in the typopro-dtp package. Just install those files into your system:

Web Usage

The Web variants of all fonts you can find under web/ in the typopro-web package.

It is important that the font files are delivered to the browser with the correct MIME content-types. You can use the following Apache .htaccess configuration snippet to achieve this:

#   provide reasonable MIME content-types
<IfModule mime_module>
    AddType application/vnd.ms-fontobject eot
    AddType application/font-woff         woff
    AddType application/x-font-ttf        ttf

#   compress all fonts (except already compressed WOFF)
<IfModule deflate_module>
    AddOutputFilter DEFLATE eot ttf

In order to use an individual font you have to use two steps:

  1. Include the @font-face based CSS font declaration:

            <link href="web/TypoPRO-Lora/TypoPRO-Lora-Regular.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
  2. Use CSS to apply it to some of your HTML elements:

            <style type="text/css">
                .sample {
                    font-family: "TypoPRO Lora";
                    font-weight: bold;
                    font-size: 14pt;
            <div class="sample">The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog</div>


For general purpose typography, I can recommend you all of the General Purpose fonts of TypoPRO, of course. But my personal preference most of the times is towards the fonts in the following table. There are many reasons for this, but mainly all those fonts, each in their class, in my humble opinion, provide the best balance of legibility (because of very distinct glyph outlines), beauty (because of very harmonic glyph curves) and versatility (because of their different available stroke widths and optional italic variants).

Sans Serif:Slab Serif:Serif:Monospaced:Script:Display:
Fira SansRoboto SlabMerriweatherDejaVu Sans MonoHandleeBebas Neue
RobotoAleoDroid SerifSource Code ProJournalOverlock
Source Sans ProBitterLoraAnonymous ProDeliusYanone Kaffesatz
Open SansAndadaSource Serif ProLatin Modern MonoKalamPoetsen
LatoCrete RoundLibre BaskervilleFira MonoNautilus PompiliusQuando
  PetronaInconsolataArima MadureiSansita
  GelasioJetBrains Mono  


The TypoPRO distribution consists primarily of three content areas:

All source files are as provided by the upstream font vendor, just with filenames aligned to the usual TypoPRO conventions. For the DTP and Web targets, the fonts are subsetted (see "Unicode Character Reduction" above), renamed and format converted.


Rebuilding the Web and DTP format files is not easy, because in order to rebuild the web/ and dtp/ files from the src/ files, you have to use the etc/convert.sh script, which needs Ralf S. Engelschall's fontface utility, as provided by the OpenPKG package fontface, and a magnitude of backend programs for font conversion: FontForge, font-optimizer and ttf2eot. On installing the OpenPKG fontface package, the dependencies are installed automatically. If you want to rebuild without using OpenPKG, you have to fiddle around with all dependencies yourself, of course.


Copyright © 2013-2024 Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall <rse@engelschall.com>

All included font families are distributed under very liberal Open Source licenses, either MIT License, Apache License, Open Font License or Public Domain. For particular license details on each individual font family, please see the files src/*/license.txt and the meta information in the files src/*/blurb.txt in the typopro-src package.


Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall<br/> http://engelschall.com<br/> rse@engelschall.com