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eurostat R package <a href='https://ropengov.github.io/eurostat/'><img src='man/figures/logo.png' align="right" height="139" /></a>

R tools to access open data from Eurostat. Data search, download, manipulation and visualization.

Installation and use

Install stable version from CRAN:


Alternatively, install development version from GitHub:

# Install from GitHub

Development version can be also installed using the r-universe:

# Enable this universe
options(repos = c(
  ropengov = "https://ropengov.r-universe.dev",
  CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org"


The package provides several different ways to get datasets from Eurostat. Searching for data is one way, if you know what to look for.

# Load the package

# Perform a simple search and print a table
passengers <- search_eurostat("passenger transport")
Air passenger transportenps_avia_padataset13.03.202313.03.2023200520214066
Modal split of air, sea and inland passenger transporttran_hv_ms_psmoddataset29.06.202329.06.20232008202121004
Modal split of inland passenger transporttran_hv_psmoddataset29.06.202329.06.20231990202142194
Volume of passenger transport relative to GDPtran_hv_pstradataset11.08.202329.06.2023199020219694
Maritime passenger transport performed in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the countriesmar_tp_padataset21.02.202321.02.20232005202117524
Air passenger transport by reporting countryavia_paocdataset04.12.202328.11.202319932023-Q324829695

See the Tutorial and other resources at the package homepage for more information and examples.

Recommended packages

It is recommended to install the giscoR package (https://dieghernan.github.io/giscoR/). This is another API package that provides R tools for Eurostat geographic data to support geospatial analysis and visualization.


Contributions are very welcome:


Kindly cite this package by citing the following R Journal article:

Lahti L., Huovari J., Kainu M., and Biecek P. (2017). Retrieval and analysis of Eurostat open data with the eurostat package. The R Journal 9(1), pp. 385-392. doi: 10.32614/RJ-2017-019.

In addition, please provide a citation to the specific software version used:

Lahti, L., Huovari J., Kainu M., Biecek P., Hernangomez D., Antal D., and Kantanen P. (2023). eurostat: Tools for Eurostat Open Data [Computer software]. R package version https://github.com/rOpenGov/eurostat

We are grateful to all contributors, including Daniel Antal, Joona Lehtomäki, Francois Briatte, and Oliver Reiter, and for the Eurostat open data portal! This project is part of rOpenGov.


This package is in no way officially related to or endorsed by Eurostat.

When using data retrieved from Eurostat database in your work, please indicate that the data source is Eurostat. If your re-use involves some kind of modification to data or text, please state this clearly to the end user. See Eurostat policy on copyright and free re-use of data for more detailed information and certain exceptions.