

license Project Status: Moved to https://github.com/rocker-org/rocker-versioned2 – The project has been moved to a new location, and the version at that location should be considered authoritative. DOI

Visit rocker-project.org for more about available Rocker images, configuration, and use.

MOVED to rocker-versioned2

This repository contains archived build scripts from the 3.x versioned series only. Visit rocker-versioned2 for current build scripts for 4.x versioned images.

Version-stable Rocker images for R 3.x


For documentation for R >= 4.0.0, for images r-ver, rstudio, tidyverse, verse, geospatial, shiny, and binder, please see the rocker-versioned2 repository.

imagedescriptionsizemetricsbuild status
r-verVersion-stable base R & src build tools
rstudioAdds rstudio
tidyverseAdds tidyverse & devtools
verseAdds tex & publishing-related packages

rocker/geospatial, rocker/binder and rocker/shiny are also build on this stack, following the same versioning rules as described here.

This repository provides alternate stack to r-base, with an emphasis on reproducibility. Compared to those images, this stack:

Users should include the version tag, e.g. rocker/verse:3.3.1 when reproduciblity is paramount, and use the default latest tag, e.g. rocker/verse for the most up-to-date R packages. All images still receive any Debian security patch updates. Note that any debian packages on these images (C libraries, compilers, etc) will likely be older/earlier versions than those found on the r-base image series.


Version Tags

Using the R version tag will naturally lock the R version, and also lock the install date of any R packages on the image. For example, rocker/tidyverse:3.3.1 Docker image will always rebuild with R 3.3.1 and R packages installed from the 2016-10-31 MRAN snapshot, corresponding to the last day that version of R was the most recent release. Meanwhile rocker/tidyverse:latest will always have both the latest R version and latest versions of the R packages, built nightly.

See VERSIONS.md for details


The image rocker/r-ver is the functional equivalent of r-base, though slightly pared down. Currently r-ver has tags for all minor R versions back to 3.1.0 (as far back as MRAN snapshots of CRAN are avialable); see all tags. Users can attempt to build other versions from the r-ver Dockerfile by specifying --build-arg R_VERSION=<VERSION>, though this is unlikely to work with very old R versions. Likewise, all non-current images are automatically pinned to a MRAN snapshot of CRAN from the last day that version was current. Users can set a custom snapshot date for the r-ver images by using --build-arg BUILD_DATE=<DATE> when building that Dockerfile.

The rocker/rstudio image builds with the latest version of RStudio by default. This can be customized by specifying the desired version in --build-arg RSTUDIO_VERSION=<VERSION> if building locally from its Dockerfile.

RStudio and Runtime Options

See the RStudio README for documentation on setting passwords, sharing volumes, adding RStudio Shiny Server(TM), and other configuration.

Maintenance and Updates

These images are actively maintained. This means that while an effort is made to preserve the general function of these images over time, both these Dockerfiles and the resulting images are subject to some change over time. In particular:


The Dockerfiles in this repository are licensed under the GPL 2 or later.


RStudio is a registered trademark of RStudio, Inc. The use of the trademarked term RStudio and the distribution of the RStudio binaries through the images hosted on hub.docker.com has been granted by explicit permission of RStudio. Please review RStudio's trademark use policy and address inquiries about further distribution or other questions to permissions@rstudio.com.