


Warning! This repository contains reseach material and therefore is under active development. In future releases, master branch may break compatibility with older versions of WBC. If you are interested in retrieving a stable version of this repo, fork the repository or refer to the following releases:


The repository contains Simulink-based whole-body controllers developed to control the iCub humanoid robot. It can be imagined as a starting point and a support repository for a user that intends to develop a new Simulink controller (not necessarily for the iCub robot) in within the framework of the robotology organization. It is worth noting that:


This repository depends upon the following Software:

Installation and usage

The repository is usually tested and developed on Ubuntu and macOS operating systems. Some functionalities may not work properly on Windows.


Please refer to the WBToolbox troubleshooting documentation.

Relevant folders of the repo

Available controllers

Matlab functions library

Additional features

Automatic generation of c++ code from Simulink

There is the possibility to generate c++ code from the Simulink models using Simulink coder (available only for the floating-base-balancing-torque-control). The repositiory that contains the generated c++ code is named autogenerated-whole-body-controllers. Documentation on how to generate the code is available in the repository wiki.

Static GUI for Simulink

When used for controlling real platforms, heavy Simulink models may violate the user-defined simulation time step, see also this issue. It seems a source of delay is the run-time update of the Simulink interface. For this reason, a static GUI for running the models has been developed. If you want to run Simulink with the static GUI, run the startModelWithStaticGui script.

Home positions for yarpmotorgui

The repo contains a set of predefined home positions to be used with the yarpmotorgui. By default, if the repo is installed through robotology-superbuild, the home positions are installed in the robotology-superbuild/build/install directory. Otherwise add the path to the homePositions folder to the YARP_DATA_DIRS environmental variable in your .bashrc file . The command to use the home positions with the yarpmotorgui is yarpmotorgui --from myHomePosFileName.ini.

Where do I find legacy materials?

Official legacy repositories are: mex-wholebodymodel and WBI-Toolbox-controllers. Note: these legacy repos contain undocumented/outdated code, and duplicated or not tested matlab functions. They also contain original code that has been tested on the robot in the past and then never used again, or code that will be ported in the main repository in the future.

You can also find other legacy controllers/simultors in this repository whole-body-controllers in specific commits:

Citing this work

If you are using this code for your research activity and you're willing to cite it, you may add the following references to your bibliography:

  author={G. Nava and F. Romano and F. Nori and D. Pucci}, 
  booktitle={2016 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)}, 
  title={Stability analysis and design of momentum-based controllers for humanoid robots}, 
  author="Nori, F. and Traversaro, S. and Eljaik, J. and Romano, F. and Del Prete, A. and Pucci, D.",
  title="iCub whole-body control through force regulation on rigid non-coplanar contacts",
  journal="Frontiers in {R}obotics and {A}{I}",


Main: Gabriele Nava (@gabrielenava)

Auxiliary: Giuseppe L'Erario (@giulero)