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David David



:star2: A plugin to update your branch badges to point to correct branch status via markdown-magic.

Supports all major vendors like TravisCI, Codecov, CircleCI and many more that provide code repository status images and badges for readme files. :tada:

Installation :

npm i markdown-magic markdown-magic-branch-badge --save-dev

Usage :

Create a file update-readme.js in your project directory.

const path = require('path');
const transformMarkdown = require('markdown-magic');
const badgePlugin = require('markdown-magic-branch-badge');

const config = {
  transforms: {

function callback() {
  console.log('ReadME generated.');

const markdownPath = path.join(__dirname, 'README.md');
transformMarkdown(markdownPath, config, callback);

<br />Create a file, example-template with your template.

[![Travis (.org)](https://img.shields.io/travis/user/repo/{current_branch}.svg)](https://travis-ci.org/user/repo)
[![Some other badge](https://img.shields.io/somebadge/user/repo/{current_branch}.svg)](https://some_badge_url.com/user/repo)

You can use your custom placeholders through placeholder parameter. For the complete list of parameters, see here. <br/>If there is no placeholder parameter specified in your README.md file, the plugin will look for the default placeholder, i.e., current_branch.

NOTE: Placeholders must be wrapped in curly braces inside the template.

<br />On your README.md add the following lines :

<!-- AUTO-GENERATED-CONTENT:START (badgePlugin:src=./example-template) -->

This indicates the plugin to add the badges between these comments in your readme file.

If you are using your own placeholder, you can specify it like this :

<!-- AUTO-GENERATED-CONTENT:START (badgePlugin:src=./example-template&placeholder=my_custom_placeholder) -->

<br />Now, go to the terminal and run:

markdown-badge -u ./update-readme.js

After running this command, now you should see the updated README.md with the badges according to your branch name.<br/>

Config options

srcRelative path to the template file. ( Required )
addNewLineSpecify whether to add a new line at the end of the written output. By default, it is set to false.
placeholderSpecify a custom placeholder for updating branch names.
<br />
Usage options:

Use it in pre-commit and post-checkout hooks to keep your branches updated with the correct badge URLs.

To add a post-checkout hook via command-line, run markdown-badge -g in your project root and it will add it to the post-checkout hook to your repository.

<br />

If you have any queries or requests, feel free to open an issue here or open a pull request if you want to contribute!