

Ripple Data API v2

Warning: The Ripple Data API v2 is deprecated with no ongoing support. Please use the rippled API instead.


The Ripple Data API v2 provides access to information about changes in the XRP Ledger, including transaction history and processed analytical data. This information is stored in a dedicated database, which frees rippled servers to keep fewer historical ledger versions. The Data API v2 also acts as data source for applications such as XRP Charts and ripple.com.

Ripple provides a live instance of the Data API with as complete a transaction record as possible at the following address:


You can run a historical database yourself, but we don’t recommend it because of the complexity involved. If your use case requires that you run a historical database, contact Ripple Technical Services for information about how to set it up.

More Information

The Ripple Data API v2 replaces the Historical Database v1 and the Charts API.

API Method Reference

The Data API v2 provides a REST API with the following methods:

Ledger Contents Methods:

Account Methods:

External Information Methods:

Validation Network Methods:

Health Checks:

Get Ledger


Retrieve a specific Ledger by hash, index, date, or latest validated.

Request Format



GET /v2/ledgers/{identifier}

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This method requires the following URL parameters:

ledger_identifierLedger Hash, Ledger Index, or Timestamp(Optional) An identifier for the ledger to retrieve: either the full hash in hex, an integer sequence number, or a date-time. If a date-time is provided, retrieve the ledger that was most recently closed at that time. If omitted, retrieve the latest validated ledger.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

transactionsBooleanIf true, include the identifying hashes of all transactions that are part of this ledger.
binaryBooleanIf true, include all transactions from this ledger as hex-formatted binary data. (If provided, overrides transactions.)
expandBooleanIf true, include all transactions from this ledger as nested JSON objects. (If provided, overrides binary and transactions.)

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
ledgerLedger objectThe requested ledger.



GET /v2/ledgers/3170DA37CE2B7F045F889594CBC323D88686D2E90E8FFD2BBCD9BAD12E416DB5


200 OK
    "result": "success",
    "ledger": {
        "ledger_hash": "3170da37ce2b7f045f889594cbc323d88686d2e90e8ffd2bbcd9bad12e416db5",
        "ledger_index": 8317037,
        "parent_hash": "aff6e04f07f441abc6b4133f8c50c65935b817a85b895f06dba098b3fbc1be90",
        "total_coins": 99999980165594400,
        "close_time_res": 10,
        "accounts_hash": "8ad73e49a34d8b9c31bc13b8a97c56981e45ee70225ef4892e8b198fec5a1f7d",
        "transaction_hash": "33e0b9c5fd7766343e67854aed4222f5ed9c9507e0ec0d7ae7d54d0f17adb98e",
        "close_time": 1408047740,
        "close_time_human": "2014-08-14T20:22:20+00:00"

Get Ledger Validations


Retrieve a any validations recorded for a specific ledger hash. This dataset includes ledger versions that are outside the validated ledger chain. (New in v2.2.0)

Note: The Data API does not have a comprehensive record of all validations. The response only includes data that the Data API has recorded. Some ledger versions, especially older ledgers, may have no validations even if they were validated by consensus.

Request Format



GET /v2/ledgers/{ledger_hash}/validations

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This method requires the following URL parameters:

ledger_hashHashLedger hash to retrieve validations for.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultString - successIndicates that the body represents a successful response.
ledger_hashString - HashThe identifying hash of the ledger version requested.
countIntegerNumber of validations returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
validationsArray of Validation ObjectsAll known validation votes for the ledger version.



GET /v2/ledgers/A10E9E338BA365D2B768814EC8B0A9A2D8322C0040735E20624AF711C5A593E7/validations?limit=2


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "ledger_hash": "A10E9E338BA365D2B768814EC8B0A9A2D8322C0040735E20624AF711C5A593E7",
  "count": 2,
  "marker": "A10E9E338BA365D2B768814EC8B0A9A2D8322C0040735E20624AF711C5A593E7|n9KDJnMxfjH5Ez8DeWzWoE9ath3PnsmkUy3GAHiVjE7tn7Q7KhQ2|20160608001732",
  "validations": [
      "count": 27,
      "first_datetime": "2016-06-08T00:17:32.352Z",
      "last_datetime": "2016-06-08T00:17:32.463Z",
      "ledger_hash": "A10E9E338BA365D2B768814EC8B0A9A2D8322C0040735E20624AF711C5A593E7",
      "reporter_public_key": "n9KJb7NMxGySRcjCqh69xEPMUhwJx22qntYYXsnUqYgjsJhNoW7g",
      "signature": "304402204C751D0033070EBC008786F0ECCA8E29195FD7DD8D22498EB6E4E732905FC7090220091F458976904E7AE4633A1EC405175E6A126798E4896DD452853B887B1E6359",
      "validation_public_key": "n949f75evCHwgyP4fPVgaHqNHxUVN15PsJEZ3B3HnXPcPjcZAoy7"
      "count": 3,
      "first_datetime": "2016-06-08T00:17:32.653Z",
      "last_datetime": "2016-06-08T00:17:32.673Z",
      "ledger_hash": "A10E9E338BA365D2B768814EC8B0A9A2D8322C0040735E20624AF711C5A593E7",
      "reporter_public_key": "n9JCK5AML7Ejv3TcJmnvJk5qeYhf7Q9YwScjz5PhtUbtWCKH3NAm",
      "signature": "3045022100A48E5AF6EA9D0ACA6FDE18536081A7D2182535579EA580C3D0B0F18C2556C5D30220521615A3D677376069F8F3E608B59F14482DDE4CD2A304DE578B6CCE2F5E8D54",
      "validation_public_key": "n9K6YbD1y9dWSAG2tbdFwVCtcuvUeNkBwoy9Z6BmeMra9ZxsMTuo"

Get Ledger Validation


Retrieve a validation vote recorded for a specific ledger hash by a specific validator. This dataset includes ledger versions that are outside the validated ledger chain. (New in v2.2.0)

Note: The Data API does not have a comprehensive record of all validations. The response only includes data that the Data API has recorded. Some ledger versions, especially older ledgers, may have no validations even if they were validated by consensus.

Request Format



GET /v2/ledgers/{ledger_hash}/validations/{pubkey}

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This method requires the following URL parameters:

ledger_hashHashLedger hash to retrieve validations for.
pubkeyString - Base-58 Public KeyValidator public key.

This request takes no query parameters.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body containing a Validation Object with the following additional field:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.



GET /v2/ledgers/A10E9E338BA365D2B768814EC8B0A9A2D8322C0040735E20624AF711C5A593E7/validations/n949f75evCHwgyP4fPVgaHqNHxUVN15PsJEZ3B3HnXPcPjcZAoy7


200 OK
  "count": 27,
  "first_datetime": "2016-06-08T00:17:32.352Z",
  "last_datetime": "2016-06-08T00:17:32.463Z",
  "ledger_hash": "A10E9E338BA365D2B768814EC8B0A9A2D8322C0040735E20624AF711C5A593E7",
  "reporter_public_key": "n9KJb7NMxGySRcjCqh69xEPMUhwJx22qntYYXsnUqYgjsJhNoW7g",
  "signature": "304402204C751D0033070EBC008786F0ECCA8E29195FD7DD8D22498EB6E4E732905FC7090220091F458976904E7AE4633A1EC405175E6A126798E4896DD452853B887B1E6359",
  "validation_public_key": "n949f75evCHwgyP4fPVgaHqNHxUVN15PsJEZ3B3HnXPcPjcZAoy7",
  "result": "success"

Get Transaction


Retrieve a specific transaction by its identifying hash.

Request Format



GET /v2/transactions/{hash}

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This method requires the following URL parameters:

hashString - HashThe identifying hash of the transaction.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

binaryBooleanIf true, return transaction data in binary format, as a hex string. Otherwise, return transaction data as nested JSON. The default is false.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
transactionTransaction objectThe requested transaction.



GET /v2/transactions/03EDF724397D2DEE70E49D512AECD619E9EA536BE6CFD48ED167AE2596055C9A

Response (trimmed for size):

200 OK
    "result": "success",
    "transaction": {
        "ledger_index": 8317037,
        "date": "2014-08-14T20:22:20+00:00",
        "hash": "03EDF724397D2DEE70E49D512AECD619E9EA536BE6CFD48ED167AE2596055C9A",
        "tx": {
            "TransactionType": "OfferCreate",
            "Flags": 131072,
            "Sequence": 159244,
            "TakerPays": {
                "value": "0.001567373",
                "currency": "BTC",
                "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"
            "TakerGets": "146348921",
            "Fee": "64",
            "SigningPubKey": "02279DDA900BC53575FC5DFA217113A5B21C1ACB2BB2AEFDD60EA478A074E9E264",
            "TxnSignature": "3045022100D81FFECC36A3DEF0922EB5D16F1AA5AA0804C30A18ED3B512093A75E87C81AD602206B221E22A4E3158785C109E7508624AD3DE5C0E06108D34FA709FCC9575C9441",
            "Account": "r2d2iZiCcJmNL6vhUGFjs8U8BuUq6BnmT"
        "meta": {
            "TransactionIndex": 0,
            "AffectedNodes": [
                    "ModifiedNode": {
                        "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
                        "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 8317036,
                        "PreviousTxnID": "A56793D47925BED682BFF754806121E3C0281E63C24B62ADF7078EF86CC2AA53",
                        "LedgerIndex": "2880A9B4FB90A306B576C2D532BFE390AB3904642647DCF739492AA244EF46D1",
                        "PreviousFields": {
                            "Balance": "275716601760"
                        "FinalFields": {
                            "Flags": 0,
                            "Sequence": 326323,
                            "OwnerCount": 27,
                            "Balance": "275862935331",
                            "Account": "rfCFLzNJYvvnoGHWQYACmJpTgkLUaugLEw",
                            "RegularKey": "rfYqosNivHQFJ6KpArouxoci3QE3huKNYe"

            "TransactionResult": "tesSUCCESS"

Get Transactions


Retrieve transactions by time

Request Format



GET /v2/transactions/

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Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampFilter results to this time and later.
endString - TimestampFilter results to this time and earlier.
descendingBooleanIf true, return results in reverse chronological order. The default is false.
typeStringFilter transactions to a specific transaction type.
resultStringFilter transactions for a specific transaction result.
binaryBooleanIf true, return transactions in binary form. The default is false.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 20. Cannot be more than 100.
markerStringPagination marker from a previous response.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of Transactions returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
transactionsArray of Transaction objectsThe requested transactions.



GET /v2/transactions/?result=tecPATH_DRY&limit=2&type=Payment


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 2,
  "marker": "20130106022000|000000053869|00000",
  "transactions": [
      "hash": "B8E4335A94438EC8209135A4E861A4C88F988C651B819DDAF2E8C55F9B41E589",
      "date": "2013-01-02T20:13:40+00:00",
      "ledger_index": 40752,
      "ledger_hash": "55A900C2BA9483DC83F8FC065DE7789570662365BDE98EB75C5F4CE4F9B43214",
      "tx": {
        "TransactionType": "Payment",
        "Flags": 0,
        "Sequence": 61,
        "Amount": {
          "value": "96",
          "currency": "USD",
          "issuer": "rJ6VE6L87yaVmdyxa9jZFXSAdEFSoTGPbE"
        "Fee": "10",
        "SigningPubKey": "02082622E4DA1DC6EA6B38A48956D816881E000ACF0C5F5B52863B9F698799D474",
        "TxnSignature": "304402200A0746192EBC7BC3C1B9D657F42B6345A49D75FE23EF340CB6F0427254C139D00220446BF9169C94AEDC87F56D01DB011866E2A67E2AADDCC45C4D11422550D044CB",
        "Account": "rB5TihdPbKgMrkFqrqUC3yLdE8hhv4BdeY",
        "Destination": "rJ6VE6L87yaVmdyxa9jZFXSAdEFSoTGPbE"
      "meta": {
        "TransactionIndex": 0,
        "AffectedNodes": [
            "ModifiedNode": {
              "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
              "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 40212,
              "PreviousTxnID": "F491DC8B5E51045D4420297293199039D5AE1EA0C6D62CAD9A973E3C89E40CD6",
              "LedgerIndex": "9B242A0D59328CE964FFFBFF7D3BBF8B024F9CB1A212923727B42F24ADC93930",
              "PreviousFields": {
                "Sequence": 61,
                "Balance": "8178999999999400"
              "FinalFields": {
                "Flags": 0,
                "Sequence": 62,
                "OwnerCount": 6,
                "Balance": "8178999999999390",
                "Account": "rB5TihdPbKgMrkFqrqUC3yLdE8hhv4BdeY"
        "TransactionResult": "tecPATH_DRY"
      "hash": "1E1C14BF5E61682F3DC9D035D9908816497B8E8843E05C0EE98E06DFDDDAE920",
      "date": "2013-01-05T08:43:10+00:00",
      "ledger_index": 51819,
      "ledger_hash": "88ED10E4E31FC7580285CF173B264690B0E8688A3FC9F5F9C62F1A295B96269D",
      "tx": {
        "TransactionType": "Payment",
        "Flags": 0,
        "Sequence": 10,
        "Amount": {
          "value": "2",
          "currency": "EUR",
          "issuer": "rfitr7nL7MX85LLKJce7E3ATQjSiyUPDfj"
        "Fee": "10",
        "SigningPubKey": "03FDDCD97668B686100E60653FD1E5210A8310616669AACB3A1FCC6D2C090CCB32",
        "TxnSignature": "304402204F9BB7E37C14A3A3762E2A7DADB9A28D1AFFB3797521229B6FB98BA666B5491B02204F69AAEAFAC8FA473E52042FF06035AB3618A54E0B76C9852766D55184E98598",
        "Account": "rhdAw3LiEfWWmSrbnZG3udsN7PoWKT56Qo",
        "Destination": "rfitr7nL7MX85LLKJce7E3ATQjSiyUPDfj"
      "meta": {
        "TransactionIndex": 0,
        "AffectedNodes": [
            "ModifiedNode": {
              "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
              "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 51814,
              "PreviousTxnID": "5EC1C179996BD87E2EB11FE60A37ADD0FB2229ADC7D13B204FAB04FABED8A38D",
              "LedgerIndex": "AC1B67084F84839A3158A4E38618218BF9016047B1EE435AECD4B02226AB2105",
              "PreviousFields": {
                "Sequence": 10,
                "Balance": "10000999910"
              "FinalFields": {
                "Flags": 0,
                "Sequence": 11,
                "OwnerCount": 2,
                "Balance": "10000999900",
                "Account": "rhdAw3LiEfWWmSrbnZG3udsN7PoWKT56Qo"
        "TransactionResult": "tecPATH_DRY"

Get Payments


Retrieve Payments over time, where Payments are defined as Payment type transactions where the sender of the transaction is not also the destination. (New in v2.0.4)

Results can be returned as individual payments, or aggregated to a specific list of intervals if currency and issuer are provided.

Request Format


REST - All Currencies

GET /v2/payments/

REST - Specific Currency

GET /v2/payments/{currency}

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This method uses the following URL parameters:

currencyString(Optional) Currency code, followed by + and a counterparty address. (Or XRP with no counterparty.) If omitted, return payments for all currencies.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampFilter results to this time and later.
endString - TimestampFilter results to this time and earlier.
descendingBooleanIf true, return results in reverse chronological order. The default is false.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

The interval parameter for aggregated results has been removed as of v2.3.5.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of payments returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
paymentsArray of Payment ObjectsThe requested payments.



GET /v2/payments/BTC+rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q?limit=2


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 2,
  "marker": "20131124004240|000003504935|00002",
  "payments": [
      "amount": "100.0",
      "delivered_amount": "100.0",
      "destination_balance_changes": [
          "counterparty": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
          "currency": "BTC",
          "value": "100"
      "transaction_cost": "1.0E-5",
      "source_balance_changes": [
          "counterparty": "rwm98fCBS8tV1YB8CGho8zUPW5J7N41th2",
          "currency": "BTC",
          "value": "-100"
      "tx_index": 3,
      "currency": "BTC",
      "destination": "rwm98fCBS8tV1YB8CGho8zUPW5J7N41th2",
      "executed_time": "2013-09-27T04:03:00Z",
      "issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
      "ledger_index": 2424349,
      "source": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
      "source_currency": "BTC",
      "tx_hash": "EDDE2601C38F886E1183B5E7E1BFD936105C76E3648E3FAD2A6C55E90BABDB47"
      "amount": "0.2",
      "delivered_amount": "0.2",
      "destination_balance_changes": [
          "counterparty": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
          "currency": "BTC",
          "value": "0.2"
      "transaction_cost": "1.5E-5",
      "max_amount": "0.202",
      "source_balance_changes": [
          "counterparty": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
          "currency": "BTC",
          "value": "-0.2"
      "tx_index": 1,
      "currency": "BTC",
      "destination": "rHfcNvcg8pBqBxtSvD9Ma8gF17uxauB31o",
      "executed_time": "2013-11-20T23:52:30Z",
      "issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
      "ledger_index": 3445885,
      "source": "rwm98fCBS8tV1YB8CGho8zUPW5J7N41th2",
      "source_currency": "BTC",
      "tx_hash": "F30D6CED4B0C37660F6DD741C9CA49F0BCB2D2648CDB8FC8AD6CFD86A86384E2"

Get Exchanges


Retrieve Exchanges for a given currency pair over time. Results can be returned as individual exchanges or aggregated to a specific list of intervals

Request Format



GET /v2/exchanges/{base}/{counter}

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This method requires the following URL parameters:

baseStringBase currency of the pair, as a Currency Code, followed by + and the issuer Address unless it's XRP.
counterStringCounter currency of the pair, as a Currency Code, followed by + and the issuer Address unless it's XRP.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampFilter results to this time and later.
endString - TimestampFilter results to this time and earlier.
intervalStringAggregation interval: 1minute, 5minute, 15minute, 30minute, 1hour, 2hour, 4hour, 1day, 3day, 7day, or 1month. The default is non-aggregated results.
descendingBooleanIf true, return results in reverse chronological order.
reduceBooleanIf true, aggregate all individual results. The default is false.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 20,000 if reduce is true. Otherwise cannot be more than 1,000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
autobridgedBooleanIf true, filter results to autobridged exchanges only.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of Transactions returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
exchangesArray of Exchange ObjectsThe requested exchanges.



GET /v2/exchanges/USD+rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q/XRP?descending=true&limit=3&result=tesSUCCESS&type=OfferCreate


200 OK
    "result": "success",
    "count": 3,
    "marker": "USD|rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q|XRP||20151021222220|000016612683|00017|00000",
    "exchanges": [
            "base_amount": 4.98954834453577,
            "counter_amount": 1047.806201,
            "node_index": 9,
            "rate": 210.00021000021,
            "tx_index": 0,
            "buyer": "rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM",
            "executed_time": "2015-10-21T23:09:50",
            "ledger_index": 16613308,
            "offer_sequence": 1010056,
            "provider": "rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM",
            "seller": "rK2o63evRPdRoMT2ZaW72wsHsFzcjnRLLq",
            "taker": "rK2o63evRPdRoMT2ZaW72wsHsFzcjnRLLq",
            "tx_hash": "25600A10E5395D45A9D514E1EC3D98C341C5451FD21C48FA9D104C310EC29D6B",
            "tx_type": "Payment",
            "base_currency": "USD",
            "base_issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
            "counter_currency": "XRP"
            "base_amount": 0.0004716155440678037,
            "counter_amount": 0.1,
            "node_index": 3,
            "rate": 212.03711637126,
            "tx_index": 0,
            "buyer": "rfh3pFHkCXv3TgzsEJgyCzF1CduZHCLi9o",
            "executed_time": "2015-10-21T23:09:50",
            "ledger_index": 16613308,
            "offer_sequence": 158081,
            "provider": "rfh3pFHkCXv3TgzsEJgyCzF1CduZHCLi9o",
            "seller": "rK2o63evRPdRoMT2ZaW72wsHsFzcjnRLLq",
            "taker": "rK2o63evRPdRoMT2ZaW72wsHsFzcjnRLLq",
            "tx_hash": "25600A10E5395D45A9D514E1EC3D98C341C5451FD21C48FA9D104C310EC29D6B",
            "tx_type": "Payment",
            "base_currency": "USD",
            "base_issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
            "counter_currency": "XRP"
            "base_amount": 0.0004714169229390923,
            "counter_amount": 0.1,
            "node_index": 3,
            "rate": 212.1264535361624,
            "tx_index": 17,
            "autobridged_currency": "USD",
            "autobridged_issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
            "buyer": "rfh3pFHkCXv3TgzsEJgyCzF1CduZHCLi9o",
            "executed_time": "2015-10-21T22:22:20",
            "ledger_index": 16612683,
            "offer_sequence": 158059,
            "provider": "rfh3pFHkCXv3TgzsEJgyCzF1CduZHCLi9o",
            "seller": "rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM",
            "taker": "rpP2JgiMyTF5jR5hLG3xHCPi1knBb1v9cM",
            "tx_hash": "F05F670B06D641D7F6FE18E450DDB2C7A4DDF76D580C34C820939DC22AD9F582",
            "tx_type": "OfferCreate",
            "base_currency": "USD",
            "base_issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
            "counter_currency": "XRP"

Get Exchange Rates


Retrieve an exchange rate for a given currency pair at a specific time.

Request Format



GET /v2/exchange_rates/{base}/{counter}

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

baseStringBase currency of the pair, as a Currency Code, followed by + and the issuer Address. Omit the + and the issuer for XRP.
counterStringCounter currency of the pair, as a Currency Code, followed by + and the issuer Address. Omit the + and the issuer for XRP.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

dateString - TimestampReturn an exchange rate for the specified time. The default is the current time.
strictBooleanIf false, allow rates derived from less than 10 exchanges. The default is true.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
rateNumberThe requested exchange rate, or 0 if the exchange rate could not be determined.

All exchange rates are calcuated by converting the base currency and counter currency to XRP.

The rate is derived from the volume weighted average over the calendar day specified, averaged with the volume weighted average of the last 50 trades within the last 14 days.



GET /v2/exchange_rates/USD+rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q/XRP?date=2015-11-13T00:00:00Z


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "rate": "224.65709"



Convert an amount from one currency and issuer to another, using the network exchange rates.

Request Format



GET /v2/normalize

Try it! >

You must provide at least some of the following query parameters:

amountNumber(Required) Amount of currency to normalize.
currencyString - Currency CodeThe currency code of the amount to convert from. The default is XRP.
issuerString - AddressThe issuer of the currency to convert from. (Required if currency is not XRP.)
exchange_currencyString - Currency CodeThe currency to convert to. The default is XRP.
exchange_issuerString - AddressThe issuer of the currency to convert to. (Required if exchange_currency is not XRP.)
dateString - TimestampConvert according to the exchange rate at this time. The default is the current time.
strictBooleanIf true, do not use exchange rates that are determined by less than 10 exchanges. The default is true.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
amountNumberPre-conversion amount specified in the request.
convertedNumberPost-conversion amount of the exchange_currency, or 0 if the exchange rate could not be determined.
rateNumberExchange rate used to calculate the conversion, or 0 if the exchange rate could not be determined.

All exchange rates are calculating by converting both currencies to XRP.



GET /v2/normalize?amount=100&currency=XRP&exchange_currency=USD&exchange_issuer=rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "amount": "100",
  "converted": "0.4267798022744489",
  "rate": "0.0042677980"

Get Daily Reports


Retrieve per account per day aggregated payment summaries

Request Format



GET /v2/reports/{date}

Try it! >

This method uses the following URL parameter:

dateString(Optional) UTC query date. If omitted, use the current day.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

accountsBooleanIf true, include lists of counterparty accounts. The default is false.
paymentsBooleanIf true, include lists of individual payments. The default is false.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
dateString - TimestampThe date for which this report applies.
countIntegerNumber of reports returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
reportsArray of Reports ObjectsThe requested reports. Each report pertains to a single account.

Caution: This method may return a very large amount of data (more than 1 megabyte), which may cause poor performance in your client application.



GET /v2/reports/2015-08-19T00:00:00Z?accounts=true&payments=true

Response (trimmed for size):

    "result": "success",
    "date": "2015-08-19T00:00:00Z",
    "count": 2,
    "marker": "20150819000000|r2nt4zXDP6Be5FNrLsiuuTEBETbGR9RFw",
    "reports": [
            "account": "r2LXq2rZWSgQ1thhKiEytzi1smg6oEn8A",
            "date": "2015-08-19T00:00:00Z",
            "high_value_received": "7000",
            "high_value_sent": "3400",
            "payments": [
                    "tx_hash": "A032EFBB219B1102BBD9BCCB91EDC6EAA8185509574FA476A2D3FE6BA79B04EF",
                    "amount": "1700",
                    "type": "received"
                    "tx_hash": "8B059360DC83777CDCABA84824C169651AFD6A7AB44E8742A3B8C6BC2AAF7384",
                    "amount": "40",
                    "type": "received"

                ...(additional results trimmed)...

                    "tx_hash": "76041BD6546389B5EC2CDBAA543200CF7B8D300F34F908BA5CA8523B0CA158C8",
                    "amount": "1400",
                    "type": "sent"
            "payments_received": 155,
            "payments_sent": 49,
            "receiving_counterparties": [

                ...(additional results trimmed)...

            "sending_counterparties": [

                ...(additional results trimmed)...

            "total_value": "210940",
            "total_value_received": "100540",
            "total_value_sent": "110400"
            "account": "r2adXWaWFJt9mHeoWN77iHJozDz2FDAPA",
            "date": "2015-08-19T00:00:00Z",
            "high_value_received": "7400",
            "high_value_sent": "15900",
            "payments": [
                    "tx_hash": "9C7EA76D467AE58E6AEFAAC7994D42FB4E7FA72BFA22F90260937386D76BDB64",
                    "amount": "900",
                    "type": "sent"

                ...(additional results trimmed)...

                    "tx_hash": "EC25427964419394BB5D06343BC74235C33655C1F70523C688F9A201957D65BA",
                    "amount": "100",
                    "type": "sent"
            "payments_received": 43,
            "payments_sent": 62,
            "receiving_counterparties": [

                ...(additional results trimmed)...

            "sending_counterparties": [

                ...(additional results trimmed)...

            "total_value": "117600",
            "total_value_received": "54700",
            "total_value_sent": "62900"

Get Stats


Retrieve statistics about transaction activity in the XRP Ledger, divided into intervals of time.

Request Format



GET /v2/stats

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

familyStringIf provided, filter results to a single family of stats: type, result, or metric. By default, provides all stats from all families.
metricsStringFilter results to one or more metrics (in a comma-separated list). Requires the family of the metrics to be specified. By default, provides all metrics in the family.
startString - TimestampFilter results to this time and later.
endString - TimestampFilter results to this time and earlier.
intervalStringAggregation interval (hour, day, or week). The default is day.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
descendingBooleanIf true, return results in reverse chronological order. The default is false.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.
Families and Metrics

The family and metrics query parameters provide a way to filter results to a specific subset of all metrics available for transactions in any given interval. Each metric is tied to a specific family, as follows:

FamilyIncluded MetricsMeaning
typeAll XRP Ledger transaction types, including Payment, AccountSet, OfferCreate, and others.Number of transactions of the given type that occurred during the interval.
resultAll transaction result codes (string codes, not the numeric codes), including tesSUCCESS, tecPATH_DRY, and many others.Number of transactions that resulted in the given code during the interval.
metricData-API defined Special Transaction Metrics.(Varies)
Special Transaction Metrics

The Data API derives the following values for every interval. These metrics are part of the metric family.

accounts_createdNumberThe number of new accounts funded during this interval.
exchanges_countNumberThe number of currency exchanges that occurred during this interval.
ledger_countNumberThe number of ledgers closed during this interval.
ledger_intervalNumberThe average number of seconds between ledgers closing during this interval.
payments_countNumberThe number of payments from one account to another during this interval.
transaction_countNumberThe number of transactions that executed during this interval.
tx_per_ledgerNumberThe average number of transactions per ledger in this interval.

If any of the metrics have a value of 0, they are omitted from the results.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of reports returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
statsArray of stats objectsThe requested stats. Omits metrics with a value of 0, and intervals that have no nonzero metrics.



GET /v2/stats/?start=2015-08-30&end=2015-08-31&interval=day&family=metric&metrics=accounts_created,exchanges_count,ledger_count,payments_count


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 2,
  "stats": [
      "accounts_created": 15,
      "exchanges_count": 19368,
      "ledger_count": 20307,
      "payments_count": 24763,
      "date": "2015-08-30T00:00:00Z"
      "accounts_created": 18,
      "exchanges_count": 17192,
      "ledger_count": 19971,
      "payments_count": 30894,
      "date": "2015-08-31T00:00:00Z"

Get Active Accounts


Get information on which accounts are actively trading in a specific currency pair. (New in v2.0.4)

Request Format



GET /v2/active_accounts/{base}/{counter}

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

baseStringBase currency of the pair, as a Currency Code, followed by + and the issuer Address unless it's XRP.
counterStringCounter currency of the pair, as a Currency Code, followed by + and the issuer Address unless it's XRP.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

periodStringGet results for trading activity during a chosen time period. Valid periods are 1day, 3day, or 7day. The default is 1day.
dateStringGet results for the period starting at this time. The default is the most recent period available.
include_exchangesBooleanInclude individual exchanges for each account in the results.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of accounts returned.
exchanges_countIntegerTotal number of exchanges in the period.
accountsArray of active Account Trading ObjectsActive trading accounts for the period.

Each Account Trading Object describes the activity of a single account during this time period, and has the following fields:

buyObjectSummary of currency exchanges buying the base currency
buy.base_volumeNumberAmount of base currency the account bought in this period.
buy.counter_volumeNumberAmount of counter currency the account sold in this period.
buy.countNumberNumber of trades that bought the base currency in this period.
sellObjectSummary of currency changes selling the base currency.
sell.base_volumeNumberAmount of the base currency the account sold this period.
sell.counter_volumeNumberAmount of the counter currency the account bought this period.
sell.countNumberNumber of trades that sold the base currency.
accountString - AddressThe address whose activity this object describes.
base_volumeNumberThe total volume of the base currency the account bought and sold in this period.
counter_volumeNumberThe total volume of the counter currency the account bought and sold in this period.
countNumberThe total number of exchanges the account made during this period.



GET /v2/active_accounts/XRP/USD+rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q


200 OK
    "result": "success",
    "count": 12,
    "exchanges_count": 11,
    "accounts": [
            "buy": {
                "base_volume": 0,
                "counter_volume": 0,
                "count": 0
            "sell": {
                "base_volume": 13084.822874,
                "counter_volume": 54.499328645454604,
                "count": 4
            "account": "rGBQhB8EH5DmqMmfKPLchpqr3MR19pv6zN",
            "base_volume": 13084.822874,
            "counter_volume": 54.499328645454604,
            "count": 4
            "buy": {
                "base_volume": 12597.822874,
                "counter_volume": 52.4909286454546,
                "count": 1
            "sell": {
                "base_volume": 0,
                "counter_volume": 0,
                "count": 0
            "account": "rQE5Z3FgVnRMbVfS6xiVQFgB4J3X162FVD",
            "base_volume": 12597.822874,
            "counter_volume": 52.4909286454546,
            "count": 1

        ... (additional results trimmed)...

            "buy": {
                "base_volume": 1.996007,
                "counter_volume": 0.008782427920595,
                "count": 1
            "sell": {
                "base_volume": 0,
                "counter_volume": 0,
                "count": 0
            "account": "rD8LigXE7165r3VWhSQ4FwzJy7PNrTMwUq",
            "base_volume": 1.996007,
            "counter_volume": 0.008782427920595,
            "count": 1
            "buy": {
                "base_volume": 0,
                "counter_volume": 0,
                "count": 0
            "sell": {
                "base_volume": 0.1,
                "counter_volume": 0.0004821658905462904,
                "count": 1
            "account": "rfh3pFHkCXv3TgzsEJgyCzF1CduZHCLi9o",
            "base_volume": 0.1,
            "counter_volume": 0.0004821658905462904,
            "count": 1

Get Exchange Volume


Get aggregated exchange volume for a given time period. (New in v2.0.4)

The API returns results in units of a single display currency rather than many different currencies. The conversion uses standard rates to and from XRP.

Request Format



GET /v2/network/exchange_volume

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

liveStringReturn a live rolling window of this length of time. Valid values are day, hour, or minute. (New in v2.3.0)
exchange_currencyString - Currency CodeNormalize all amounts to use this as a display currency. If not XRP, exchange_issuer is also required. The default is XRP.
exchange_issuerString - AddressNormalize results to the specified currency issued by this issuer.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

The start, end, interval, limit, and marker parameters have been removed in v2.3.5.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of results returned.
rowsArray of exchange Volume ObjectsExchange volumes for each interval in the requested time period. (By default, this array contains only the most recent complete interval. If live is specified and interval isn't, this array contains the specified rolling window instead.)

Each object in the components array of the Volume Objects represent the volume of exchanges in a market between two currencies, and has the following fields:

countNumberThe number of exchanges in this market during this interval.
rateNumberThe exchange rate from the base currency to the display currency.
amountNumberThe amount of volume in the market, in units of the base currency.
baseObjectThe currency and issuer of the base currency of this market. There is no issuer for XRP.
counterObjectThe currency and issuer of the counter currency of this market. There is no issuer for XRP.
converted_amountNumberThe total amount of volume in the market, converted to the display currency. (Before v2.1.0, this was convertedAmount.)



GET /v2/network/exchange_volume?exchange_currency=USD&exchange_issuer=rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B


200 OK
    "result": "success",
    "count": 1,
    "rows": [
            "components": [
                    "count": 1711,
                    "rate": 5.514373809662552e-8,
                    "amount": 333.7038784107369,
                    "base": {
                        "currency": "BTC",
                        "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"
                    "counter": {
                        "currency": "XRP"
                    "converted_amount": 117720.99268355068
                    "count": 1977,
                    "rate": 0.000019601413454357618,
                    "amount": 74567.72531650064,
                    "base": {
                        "currency": "USD",
                        "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"
                    "counter": {
                        "currency": "XRP"
                    "converted_amount": 74003.51871932109

                ... (additional results trimmed) ...

                    "count": 3,
                    "rate": 0.022999083584408355,
                    "amount": 85.40728674708998,
                    "base": {
                        "currency": "CNY",
                        "issuer": "razqQKzJRdB4UxFPWf5NEpEG3WMkmwgcXA"
                    "counter": {
                        "currency": "USD",
                        "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"
                    "converted_amount": 12.72863756671683
                    "count": 3,
                    "rate": 1.7749889023209692e-7,
                    "amount": 570.687912196755,
                    "base": {
                        "currency": "JPY",
                        "issuer": "r94s8px6kSw1uZ1MV98dhSRTvc6VMPoPcN"
                    "counter": {
                        "currency": "BTC",
                        "issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q"
                    "converted_amount": 4.4137945368632545
            "count": 11105,
            "endTime": "2015-09-11T19:58:58+00:00",
            "exchange": {
                "currency": "USD",
                "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"
            "exchangeRate": 0.004410567085248279,
            "startTime": "2015-11-10T00:06:04+00:00",
            "total": 442442.5974313684

Get Payment Volume


Get aggregated payment volume for a given time period. (New in v2.0.4)

The API returns results in units of a single display currency rather than many different currencies. The conversion uses standard rates to and from XRP.

Request Format



GET /v2/network/payment_volume

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

liveStringReturn a live rolling window of this length of time. Valid values are day, hour, or minute. (New in v2.3.0)
exchange_currencyString - Currency CodeNormalize all amounts to use this as a display currency. If not XRP, exchange_issuer is also required. The default is XRP.
exchange_issuerString - AddressNormalize results to the specified currency issued by this issuer.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

The start, end, interval, limit, and marker parameters have been removed in v2.3.5.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of results returned.
rowsArray of payment Volume ObjectsPayment volumes for each interval in the requested time period. (By default, this array contains only the most recent interval. If live is specified and interval isn't, this array contains the specified rolling window instead.)

Each object in the components array of the Volume Objects represent the volume of payments for one currencies and issuer, and has the following fields:

currencyString - Currency CodeThe currency of this payment volume object.
issuerString - Address(Omitted for XRP) The issuer of this payment volume object.
amountNumberTotal payment volume for this currency during the interval, in units of the currency itself.
countNumberThe total number of payments in this currency.
rateNumberThe exchange rate between this currency and the display currency.
converted_amountNumberTotal payment volume for this currency, converted to the display currency. (Before v2.1.0, this was convertedAmount.)



GET /v2/network/payment_volume


200 OK
    "result": "success",
    "count": 1,
    "rows": [
            "components": [
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
                    "amount": 87279.59029136538,
                    "count": 331,
                    "rate": 0.004412045860957953,
                    "converted_amount": 19782113.1153009
                    "currency": "USD",
                    "issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
                    "amount": 0,
                    "count": 0,
                    "rate": 0.00451165816091143,
                    "converted_amount": 0
                    "currency": "BTC",
                    "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
                    "amount": 279.03077460240354,
                    "count": 107,
                    "rate": 0.000013312520335244644,
                    "converted_amount": 20960026.169024874

                ... (additional results trimmed) ...

                    "currency": "MXN",
                    "issuer": "rG6FZ31hDHN1K5Dkbma3PSB5uVCuVVRzfn",
                    "amount": 49263.13280138676,
                    "count": 19,
                    "rate": 0.07640584677247926,
                    "converted_amount": 644756.0609868265
                    "currency": "XRP",
                    "amount": 296246369.30089426,
                    "count": 8691,
                    "rate": 1,
                    "converted_amount": 296246369.30089426
            "count": 9388,
            "endTime": "2015-09-11T19:58:59+00:00",
            "exchange": {
                "currency": "XRP"
            "exchangeRate": 1,
            "startTime": "2015-11-10T00:19:04+00:00",
            "total": 390754174.7837752

Get External Markets


Get aggregated exchange volume from a list of off ledger exchanges for a specified rolling interval.

The API returns results in units of a single display currency rather than many different currencies. The conversion uses standard rates to and from XRP.

Request Format



GET /v2/network/external_markets

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

periodStringAggregation Period - valid intervals are 1hour, 1day, 3day, 7day, or 30day. The default is 1day.
exchange_currencyString - Currency CodeNormalize all amounts to use this as a display currency. If not XRP, exchange_issuer is also required. The default is XRP.
exchange_issuerString - AddressNormalize results to the specified currency issued by this issuer.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
dataObjectContains data for the specified period.
data.dateStringDate at which this period was calculated.
data.totalNumberTotal XRP volume exchanged during the period.
data.periodStringName of the period queried.

Each object in the components array of the Volume Objects represent the volume of a single external market. Not all fields will be present for each market, depending on availability.

sourceStringDomain name of the specific external market.
base_volumeNumberExchange volume in terms of the base currency (XRP).
counter_volumeNumberExchange volume in terms of the counter currency.
base_currecyStringBase currency of the market pair.
counter_currencyStringCounter currency of the market pair.
rateNumberExchange rate.



GET /v2/network/external_markets


200 OK

  "result": "success",
  "data": {
    "components": [
        "base_volume": "52847221.256202064",
        "counter_volume": "619.8111371100003",
        "source": "poloniex.com",
        "base_currency": "XRP",
        "counter_currency": "BTC",
        "rate": "0.0000117284"
        "base_volume": "389955.29648717004",
        "counter_volume": "3212.07137265",
        "source": "poloniex.com",
        "base_currency": "XRP",
        "counter_currency": "USD",
        "rate": "0.00823702"
        "base_volume": "6025268.09143092",
        "counter_volume": "70.57870572291264",
        "count": 250,
        "source": "kraken.com",
        "base_currency": "XRP",
        "counter_currency": "BTC",
        "rate": "0.0000117138"
        "base_volume": "4141962.161763998",
        "source": "btc38.com",
        "base_currency": "XRP",
        "counter_currency": "CNY"
        "base_volume": "303505",
        "source": "btc38.com",
        "base_currency": "XRP",
        "counter_currency": "BTC"
        "base_volume": "1275008.2922999999",
        "source": "jubi.com",
        "base_currency": "XRP",
        "counter_currency": "CNY"
    "date": "2016-10-31T20:45:20Z",
    "period": "1day",
    "total": "64982920.098184146"

Get XRP Distribution


Get information on the total amount of XRP in existence and in circulation, by weekly intervals. (New in v2.2.0)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/xrp_distribution

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampStart time of query range. The default is the start of the most recent interval.
endString - TimestampEnd time of query range. The default is the end of the most recent interval.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
descendingBooleanIf true, return results in reverse chronological order. The default is false.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of rows returned.
rowsArray of Distribution ObjectsWeekly snapshots of the XRP distribution.

Each Distribution Object has the following fields:

dateString - TimestampThe time of this snapshot.
totalStringTotal XRP in existence.
undistributedStringAggregate amount of XRP held by Ripple (the company).
distributedStringAggregate amount of XRP held by others.



GET /v2/network/xrp_distribution


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 171,
  "rows": [
      "date": "2016-04-10T00:00:00Z",
      "distributed": "34918644255.77274",
      "total": "99997725821.25714",
      "undistributed": "65079081565.4844"

Get Top Currencies


Returns the top currencies on the XRP Ledger, ordered from highest rank to lowest. The ranking is determined by the volume and count of transactions and the number of unique counterparties. By default, returns results for the 30-day rolling window ending on the current date. You can specify a date to get results for the 30-day window ending on that date. (New in v2.1.0)

Request Format


Most Recent

GET /v2/network/top_currencies

By Date

GET /v2/network/top_currencies/{date}

Try it! >

This method uses the following URL parameter:

dateString - ISO 8601 Date(Optional) Historical date to query. If omitted, use the most recent date available.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 1000. Cannot be more than 1000.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
dateString - TimestampWhen this data was measured.
countIntegerNumber of objects in the currencies field.
currenciesArray of Top Currency ObjectsThe top currencies for this data sample. Each member represents one currency, by currency code and issuer.

Each Top Currency Object has the following fields:

currencyString - Currency CodeThe currency this object describes.
issuerString - AddressThe XRP Ledger address that issues this currency.
avg_exchange_countString - NumberDaily average number of exchanges.
avg_exchange_volumeString - NumberDaily average volume of exchanges, normalized to XRP.
avg_payment_countString - NumberDaily average number of payments.
avg_payment_volumeString - NumberDaily average volume of payments, normalized to XRP.
issued_valueString - NumberTotal amount of this currency issued by this issuer, normalized to XRP.



GET /v2/network/top_currencies/2016-04-14?limit=2


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "date": "2016-04-14T00:00:00Z",
  "count": 2,
  "currencies": [
      "avg_exchange_count": "8099.967741935484",
      "avg_exchange_volume": "3.5952068085531615E7",
      "avg_payment_count": "624.28125",
      "avg_payment_volume": "3910190.139488101",
      "issued_value": "1.5276205395328993E8",
      "currency": "CNY",
      "issuer": "rKiCet8SdvWxPXnAgYarFUXMh1zCPz432Y"
      "avg_exchange_count": "3003.2258064516127",
      "avg_exchange_volume": "3.430482029838605E7",
      "avg_payment_count": "257.4375",
      "avg_payment_volume": "501442.0789529095",
      "issued_value": "2.6289124450524995E8",
      "currency": "USD",
      "issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"

Get Top Markets


Returns the top exchange markets on the XRP Ledger, ordered from highest rank to lowest. The rank is determined by the number and volume of exchanges and the number of counterparties participating. By default, returns top markets for the 30-day rolling window ending on the current date. You can specify a date to get results for the 30-day window ending on that date. (New in v2.1.0)

Request Format


Most Recent

GET /v2/network/top_markets

By Date

GET /v2/network/top_markets/{date}

Try it! >

This method uses the following URL parameter:

dateString - ISO 8601 Date(Optional) Historical date to query. If omitted, use the most recent date available.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 1000. Cannot be more than 1000.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
dateString - TimestampThe end of the rolling window over which this data was calculated.
countIntegerNumber of results in the markets field.
marketsArray of Top Market ObjectsThe top markets for this data sample. Each member represents a currency pair.

Each Top Market object has the following fields:

base_currencyString - Currency CodeThe base currency for this market.
base_issuerString - Address(Omitted if base_currency is XRP) The XRP Ledger address that issues the base currency.
counter_currencyString - Currency CodeThe counter currency for this market.
counter_issuerString - Address(Omitted if counter_currency is XRP) The XRP Ledger address that issues the counter currency.
avg_base_volumeStringDaily average volume in terms of the base currency.
avg_counter_volumeStringDaily average volume in terms of the counter currency.
avg_exchange_countStringDaily average number of exchanges.
avg_volumeStringDaily average volume, normalized to XRP.



GET /v2/network/top_markets/2015-12-31


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "date": "2015-12-31T00:00:00Z",
  "count": 58,
  "markets": [
      "avg_base_volume": "116180.98607935428",
      "avg_counter_volume": "1.6657039295476614E7",
      "avg_exchange_count": "1521.4603174603174",
      "avg_volume": "1.6657039295476614E7",
      "base_currency": "USD",
      "base_issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
      "counter_currency": "XRP"
      "avg_base_volume": "410510.0286920887",
      "avg_counter_volume": "9117398.719214212",
      "avg_exchange_count": "1902.1587301587301",
      "avg_volume": "9117398.719214212",
      "base_currency": "CNY",
      "base_issuer": "rKiCet8SdvWxPXnAgYarFUXMh1zCPz432Y",
      "counter_currency": "XRP"

Get Transaction Costs


Returns transaction cost stats per ledger, hour, or day. The data shows the average, minimum, maximum, and total transaction costs paid for the given interval or ledger. (New in v2.2.0)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/fees

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampStart time of query range. The default is to start from the earliest data available.
endString - TimestampEnd time of query range. The default is to start from the latest data available.
intervalStringAggregation interval - valid intervals are ledger, hour, or day. The default is ledger.
descendingBooleanIf true, sort results with most recent first. By default, sort results with oldest first.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
countIntegerNumber of results in the markets field.
rowsArray of Fee Summary ObjectsTransaction cost statistics for each interval.

Each Fee Summary object has the following fields:

avgNumberAverage transaction cost paid in this interval.
minNumberMinimum transaction cost paid in this interval.
maxNumberMaximum transaction cost paid in this interval.
totalNumberTotal XRP destroyed by transaction costs.
tx_countNumberNumber of transactions in this interval.
dateString - TimestampThe start time of this interval (time intervals), or the close time of this ledger (ledger interval).
ledger_indexInteger - Ledger Index(Only present in ledger interval) The ledger this object describes.



GET /v2/network/fees?interval=day&limit=3&descending=true


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "marker": "day|20160603000000",
  "count": 3,
  "rows": [
      "avg": 0.011829,
      "max": 15,
      "min": 0.01,
      "total": 6682.15335,
      "tx_count": 564918,
      "date": "2016-06-06T00:00:00Z"
      "avg": 0.011822,
      "max": 4.963071,
      "min": 0.01,
      "total": 5350.832025,
      "tx_count": 452609,
      "date": "2016-06-05T00:00:00Z"
      "avg": 0.012128,
      "max": 15,
      "min": 0.01,
      "total": 5405.126404,
      "tx_count": 445689,
      "date": "2016-06-04T00:00:00Z"

Get Fee Stats


Returns snapshots of the metrics derived from rippled's fee command. (New in v2.3.2)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/fee_stats

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampStart time of query range. The default is to start from the earliest data available.
endString - TimestampEnd time of query range.The default is to end at the latest data available.
intervalStringThe interval of the snapshots. Valid intervals are minute, hour, or day. Default interval is 5 seconds.
descendingBooleanIf true, sort results with most recent first. By default, sort results with oldest first.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
countIntegerNumber of results in the markets field.
rowsArray of Fee Summary ObjectsTransaction cost statistics for each interval.

Each Fee Summary Object has the following fields:

dateString - TimestampThe date-time this snapshot was taken.
current_ledger_sizeNumberNumber of transactions in the current ledger at the specified time.
expected_ledger_sizeNumberNumber of transactions expected in the next ledger at the specified time.
current_queue_sizeNumberNumber of transactions queued for inclusion in future ledgers.
pct_max_queue_sizeNumbercurrent queue size in terms of percentage of maximum queue size.
median_feeNumberMedian fee of transactions in the current ledger.
minimum_feeNumberMinimum fee for inclusion in any ledger.
open_ledger_feeNumberCost threshold for inclusion in the ledger open at the time of the snapshot.



GET /v2/network/fee_stats


200 OK
  result: "success",
  marker: "raw|20160701032100",
  count: 200,
  rows: [
      current_ledger_size: 39,
      current_queue_size: 0,
      date: "2016-07-01T00:00:00Z",
      expected_ledger_size: 59,
      median_fee: 0.005,
      minimum_fee: 0.00001,
      open_ledger_fee: 0.00001,
      pct_max_queue_size: 0
      current_ledger_size: 33,
      current_queue_size: 0,
      date: "2016-07-01T00:01:00Z",
      expected_ledger_size: 59,
      median_fee: 0.00543,
      minimum_fee: 0.00001,
      open_ledger_fee: 0.00001,
      pct_max_queue_size: 0

Get Topology


Get known rippled servers and peer-to-peer connections between them. (New in v2.2.0)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/topology

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

dateString - TimestampDate and time for historical query. By default, uses the most recent data available.
verboseBooleanIf true, include additional details about each server where available. The default is false.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
dateString - TimestampThe time of this measurement.
node_countIntegerNumber of rippled servers in the topology.
link_countIntegerNumber of links in the topology.
nodesArray of Server ObjectsDetails of rippled servers in the peer-to-peer network.
linksArray of Link ObjectsNetwork connections between rippled servers in the peer-to-peer network.



GET /v2/network/topology


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "date": "2016-06-06T23:51:04Z",
  "node_count": 115,
  "link_count": 1913,
  "nodes": [
      "node_public_key": "n94fDXS3ta92gRSi7DKngh47S7Rg4z1FuNsahvbiakFEg51dLeVa",
      "version": "rippled-0.31.0-rc1",
      "uptime": 266431,
      "inbound_count": 24,
      "last_updated": "2016-06-03T21:50:57Z"
      "node_public_key": "n94h5KNspwUGLaGcdHGxruYNmExWHjPkLcMvwsNrivR9czRp6Lor",
      "ip": "",
      "port": 51235,
      "version": "rippled-0.31.0",
      "uptime": 608382,
      "inbound_count": 10,
      "outbound_count": 11,
      "city": "Atlanta",
      "country": "United States",
      "country_code": "US",
      "isp": "QuickPacket, LLC",
      "last_updated": "2016-05-28T06:29:43Z",
      "lat": "-84.3846",
      "long": "33.8379",
      "postal_code": "30305",
      "region": "Georgia",
      "region_code": "GA",
      "timezone": "America/New_York"

  "links": [
      "source": "n94Extku8HiQVY8fcgxeot4bY7JqK2pNYfmdnhgf6UbcmgucHFY8",
      "target": "n9KcFAX2bCuwF4vGF8gZZcpQQ6nyqm44e5TUygb3zvdZEpiJE5As"
      "source": "n94Extku8HiQVY8fcgxeot4bY7JqK2pNYfmdnhgf6UbcmgucHFY8",
      "target": "n9LGAj7PjvfTmEGQ75JaRKba6GQmVwFCnJTSHgX2HDXzxm6d2JpM"


Get Topology Nodes


Get known rippled nodes. (This is a subset of the data returned by the Get Topology method.) (New in v2.2.0)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/topology/nodes

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

dateString - TimestampDate and time for historical query. The default is most recent data.
verboseBooleanIf true, return full details for each server. The default is false.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
dateString - TimestampWhen this the data was measured.
countIntegerNumber of rippled servers described.
nodesArray of Server ObjectsDetails of the rippled servers in the topology.



GET /v2/network/topology/nodes


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "date": "2016-06-08T00:36:53Z",
  "count": 116,
  "nodes": [
      "node_public_key": "n94BuARkPiYLrMuAVZqMQFhTAGpo12dqUPiH3yrzEnhaEcXfLAnV",
      "version": "rippled-0.30.1",
      "uptime": 122424,
      "inbound_count": 10,
      "last_updated": "2016-06-06T14:36:52Z"
      "node_public_key": "n94h5KNspwUGLaGcdHGxruYNmExWHjPkLcMvwsNrivR9czRp6Lor",
      "ip": "",
      "port": 51235,
      "version": "rippled-0.31.2",
      "uptime": 38649,
      "inbound_count": 10,
      "outbound_count": 11,
      "city": "Atlanta",
      "country": "United States",
      "country_code": "US",
      "isp": "QuickPacket, LLC",
      "last_updated": "2016-06-07T13:53:12Z",
      "lat": "-84.3846",
      "long": "33.8379",
      "postal_code": "30305",
      "region": "Georgia",
      "region_code": "GA",
      "timezone": "America/New_York"



Get Topology Node


Get information about a single rippled server by its node public key (not validator public key). (New in v2.2.0)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/topology/nodes/{pubkey}

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

pubkeyString - Base-58 Public KeyNode public key of the server to look up.

This method takes no query parameters.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with a Server Object in the response with the following additional field:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.



GET /v2/network/topology/nodes/n94h5KNspwUGLaGcdHGxruYNmExWHjPkLcMvwsNrivR9czRp6Lor


200 OK
  "node_public_key": "n94h5KNspwUGLaGcdHGxruYNmExWHjPkLcMvwsNrivR9czRp6Lor",
  "ip": "",
  "port": 51235,
  "version": "rippled-0.31.2",
  "uptime": 43342,
  "inbound_count": 10,
  "outbound_count": 11,
  "city": "Atlanta",
  "country": "United States",
  "country_code": "US",
  "isp": "QuickPacket, LLC",
  "last_updated": "2016-06-07T13:53:12Z",
  "lat": "-84.3846",
  "long": "33.8379",
  "postal_code": "30305",
  "region": "Georgia",
  "region_code": "GA",
  "timezone": "America/New_York",
  "result": "success"

Get Topology Links


Get information on peer-to-peer connections between rippled servers. (This is a subset of the data returned by the Get Topology method.) (New in v2.2.0)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/topology/links

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

dateString - TimestampDate and time for historical query. The default is the most recent data available.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
dateString - TimestampWhen this data was measured.
countIntegerNumber of links returned.
linksArray of Link ObjectsLinks between rippled servers.



GET /v2/network/topology/links


200 OK
  result: "success",
  date: "2016-03-21T16:38:52Z",
  count: 1632,
  links: [
      source: "n94Extku8HiQVY8fcgxeot4bY7JqK2pNYfmdnhgf6UbcmgucHFY8",
      target: "n9JccBLfrDJBLBF2X5N7bUW8251riCwSf9e3VQ3P5fK4gYr5LBu4"

Get Validator


Get details of a single validator in the consensus network. (Updated in v2.4.0)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/validators/{pubkey}

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

pubkeyString - Base-58 Public KeyValidator public key.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
validation_public_keyString - Base-58 Public KeyThis validator's validator public key.
domainString(May be omitted) The DNS domain associated with this validator.
chainStringLedger hash chain which this validator is currently following. The value main indicates the main network and altnet indicates the XRP Test Network. Other forks are named chain.{NUMBER}, where {NUMBER} is a unique number for each fork.
unlBoolTrue if the validator is part of the ledger chain's recommended UNL.
current_indexNumberLedger index of most recently validated ledger.
partialBoolTrue if the most recent validation was a partial one.
agreement_1hAgreement ObjectObject containing agreement stats for the most recent hour.
agreement_24hAgreement ObjectObject containing agreement stats for the most recent 24 hour period.

Agreement Objects

scoreStringScore of agreement with the ledger chain being followed.
missedIntegerNumber of ledgers not validated during the time period.
totalIntegerNumber of ledgers that could have been validated during the time period.
incompleteBoolTrue indicates the data does not cover the entire time period.



GET /v2/network/validators/nHBidG3pZK11zQD6kpNDoAhDxH6WLGui6ZxSbUx7LSqLHsgzMPec


200 OK
  "validation_public_key": "nHBidG3pZK11zQD6kpNDoAhDxH6WLGui6ZxSbUx7LSqLHsgzMPec",
  "domain": "bitso.com",
  "chain": "main",
  "current_index": 42279525,
  "agreement_1h": {
    "missed": 0,
    "total": 981,
    "score": "1.0000",
    "incomplete": false
  "agreement_24h": {
    "missed": 0,
    "total": 23519,
    "score": "1.0000",
    "incomplete": false
  "partial": false,
  "unl": true,
  "result": "success"

Get Validators


Get a list of known validators active in the last 24 hours. (Updated in v2.4.0)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/validators

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of validators returned.
validatorsArray of Validator ObjectsList of validators active in the last 24 hours.

Validator Objects

validation_public_keyString - Base-58 Public KeyThis validator's validator public key.
domainString(May be omitted) The DNS domain associated with this validator.
chainStringLedger hash chain which this validator is currently following. The value main indicates the main network and altnet indicates the XRP Test Network. Other forks are named chain.{NUMBER}, where {NUMBER} is a unique number for each fork.
unlBoolTrue if the validator is part of the ledger chain's recommended UNL.
current_indexNumberLedger index of most recently validated ledger.
partialBoolTrue if the most recent validation was a partial one.
agreement_1hAgreement ObjectObject containing agreement stats for the most recent hour.
agreement_24hAgreement ObjectObject containing agreement stats for the most recent 24 hour period.

Agreement Objects

scoreStringScore of agreement with the ledger chain being followed.
missedIntegerNumber of ledgers not validated during the time period.
totalIntegerNumber of ledgers that could have been validated during the time period.
incompleteBoolTrue indicates the data does not cover the entire time period.



GET /v2/network/validators/


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 141,
  "validators": [
      "validation_public_key": "nHBidG3pZK11zQD6kpNDoAhDxH6WLGui6ZxSbUx7LSqLHsgzMPec",
      "domain: "bitso.com",
      "chain": "main",
      "current_index": 42281151,
      "agreement_1h": {
        "missed": 0,
        "total": 1029,
        "score": "1.0000",
        "incomplete": false
      "agreement_24h": {
        "missed": 0,
        "total": 23585,
        "score": "1.0000",
        "incomplete": false
      "partial": false,
      "unl": true
      "validation_public_key": "nHUStq4qu3NXaL6T42wbtpR8mare8gWMVYrUzek227c6QeUn6QGN",
      "domain": "blockchain.korea.ac.kr",
      "chain": "main",
      "current_index": 42860792,
      "agreement_1h": {
        "missed": 0,
        "total": 995,
        "score": "1.0000",
        "incomplete": false
      "agreement_24h": {
        "missed": 0,
        "total": 23478,
        "score": "1.0000",
        "incomplete": false
      "partial": false,
      "unl": true


Get Validator Manifests


Retrieve manifests signed by a specified validator. (Manifests, also called subkey authorizations, designate the ephemeral key a validator uses to sign proposals and validations.) (New in v2.3.7)

Note: The Data API does not have a comprehensive record of all manifests. The response only includes data that the Data API has recorded.

Request Format



GET /v2/network/validators/{pubkey}/manifests

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

pubkeyString - Base-58 Public KeyValidator public key.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

limitIntegerMaximum results per page. Defaults to 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. Defaults to json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of manifests returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
manifestsArray of Manifest ObjectsThe requested manifests.

Manifest Objects

Each manifest object contains the following:

countNumberHow many times the Data API has seen this manifest. Lower numbers mean the manifest is more recent.
ephemeral_public_keyString - Base-58 Public KeyThe ephemeral public key for this validator encoded in this manifest.
first_datetimeString - TimestampThe time the Data API first saw this manifest.
last_datetimeString - TimestampThe time the Data API most recently saw this manifest.
master_public_keyString - Base-58 Public KeyThe master public key that identifies this validator.
master_signatureString - HexadecimalSignature from the validator master key authorizing this manifest.
sequenceNumberThe sequence number of this manifest. Higher-sequence manifests replace older manifests, rotating the ephemeral keys.
signatureString - HexadecimalSignature from ephemeral key authorized by this manifest.



GET /v2/network/validator/nHDEmQKb2nbcewdQ1fqCTGcPTcePhJ2Rh6MRftsCaf6UNRQLv7pB/manifests


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 2,
  "manifests": [
      "count": 1,
      "ephemeral_public_key": "nHUvPMeNsrwdJd7d65eaYGkKx6bPEcxJGudjVDqwCybtEfrSUE8w",
      "first_datetime": "2018-09-06T20:20:08.353Z",
      "last_datetime": "2018-09-06T20:20:08.353Z",
      "master_public_key": "nHDEmQKb2nbcewdQ1fqCTGcPTcePhJ2Rh6MRftsCaf6UNRQLv7pB",
      "sequence": "1",
      "count": 1,
      "ephemeral_public_key": "n9M7mktkbZCnKWa41LFkZsfXemBGdYsFT6fqJBXa4xupV8X8px7W",
      "first_datetime": "2018-09-06T20:20:08.357Z",
      "last_datetime": "2018-09-06T20:20:08.357Z",
      "master_public_key": "nHDEmQKb2nbcewdQ1fqCTGcPTcePhJ2Rh6MRftsCaf6UNRQLv7pB",
      "sequence": "2",

Get Single Validator Reports


Get a single validator's validation vote stats for 24-hour intervals. (Updated in v2.4.0)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/validators/{pubkey}/reports

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

pubkeyStringValidator public key.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampStart date and time for historical query. The default is to start 200 days before the current date.
endString - TimestampEnd date and time for historical query. The default is to end with the most recent data available.
descendingBoolReturn results in reverse order.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of validator daily reports returned.
reportsArray of Single Validator Report ObjectsDaily reports of each validator's performance on that day.
Single Validator Report Objects

Each Single Validator Report Object describes a validator's performance on a given day and has the following fields:

validation_public_keyString - Base-58 Public KeyValidator public key.
dateString - TimestampThe start time of the date this object describes.
chainStringLedger hash chain which this validator is currently following. The value main indicates the main network and altnet indicates the XRP Test Network. Other forks are named chain.{NUMBER}, where {NUMBER} is a unique number for each fork.
scoreStringScore of agreement with the ledger chain being followed.
missedIntegerNumber of ledgers not validated during the time period.
totalIntegerNumber of ledgers that could have been validated during the time period.
incompleteBoolTrue indicates the data does not cover the entire time period.



GET /v2/network/validators/n949f75evCHwgyP4fPVgaHqNHxUVN15PsJEZ3B3HnXPcPjcZAoy7/reports


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 198,
  "reports": [
      "date": "2015-11-20T00:00:00Z",
      "total_ledgers": 19601,
      "main_net_agreement": "1.0",
      "main_net_ledgers": 19601,
      "alt_net_agreement": "0.0",
      "alt_net_ledgers": 0,
      "other_ledgers": 0
      "date": "2015-11-21T00:00:00Z",
      "total_ledgers": 19876,
      "main_net_agreement": "1.0",
      "main_net_ledgers": 19876,
      "alt_net_agreement": "0.0",
      "alt_net_ledgers": 0,
      "other_ledgers": 0


Get Daily Validator Reports


Get validation vote stats and validator information for all known validators in a 24-hour period.

Request Format



GET /v2/network/validator_reports

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

dateString - TimestampDate and time to query. By default, uses the most recent data available.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of reports returned.
reportsArray of Daily Validator Report ObjectsDaily summaries of validator performance for each validator active during this time period.

Daily Validator Report Objects

Each member in the reports array describes one validator's performance on that day and has the following fields:

validation_public_keyString - Base-58 Public KeyValidator public key.
dateString - TimestampThe start time of the date this object describes.
chainStringLedger hash chain which this validator is currently following. The value main indicates the main network and altnet indicates the XRP Test Network. Other forks are named chain.{NUMBER}, where {NUMBER} is a unique number for each fork.
scoreStringScore of agreement with the ledger chain being followed.
missedIntegerNumber of ledgers not validated during the time period.
totalIntegerNumber of ledgers that could have been validated during the time period.
incompleteBool - OptionalTrue indicates the data does not cover the entire time period.



GET /v2/network/validator_reports


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 27,
  "reports": [
      "validation_public_key": "n9J2N3FfiUFC4rBX5UBob8JzgDGsYqUou1cwKdsaymS44mZDfnYe",
      "date": "2018-10-15T00:00:00Z",
      "chain": "main",
      "score": "0.6909",
      "total": "16127",
      "missed": "7216"

Get rippled Versions


Reports the latest versions of rippled available from the official Ripple Yum repositories. (New in v2.3.0.)

Request Format



GET /v2/network/rippled_versions

Try it! >

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that the body represents a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of rows returned.
rowsArray of Version ObjectsDescription of the latest rippled version in each repository.

Each Version Object contains the following fields:

dateString - TimestampThe date this rippled version was released.
repoStringThe Yum repository where this rippled is available. The stable repository has the latest production version. Other versions are for development and testing.
versionStringThe version string for this version of rippled.



GET /v2/network/rippled_versions


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 3,
  "rows": [
      "date": "2016-06-24T00:00:00Z",
      "repo": "nightly",
      "version": "0.32.0-rc2"
      "date": "2016-06-24T00:00:00Z",
      "repo": "stable",
      "version": "0.32.0"
      "date": "2016-06-24T00:00:00Z",
      "repo": "unstable",
      "version": "0.32.0-rc1"

Get All Gateways


Get information about known gateways. (New in v2.0.4)

Request Format



GET /v2/gateways/

Try it! >

This method takes no query parameters.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body.

Each field in the top level JSON object is a Currency Code. The content of each field is an array of objects, representing gateways that issue that currency. Each object has the following fields:

nameStringA human-readable proper name for the gateway.
accountString - AddressThe issuing address of this currency.
featuredBooleanWhether this gateway is considered a "featured" issuer of the currency. Ripple decides which gateways to feature based on responsible business practices, volume, and other measures.
labelString(May be omitted) Only provided when the Currency Code is a 40-character hexadecimal value. This is an alternate human-readable name for the currency issued by this gateway.
assetsArray of StringsGraphics filenames available for this gateway, if any. (Mostly, these are logos used by XRP Charts.)



GET /v2/gateways/


200 OK
    "AUD": [
            "name": "Bitstamp",
            "account": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
            "featured": false,
            "assets": [
            "name": "Coinex",
            "account": "rsP3mgGb2tcYUrxiLFiHJiQXhsziegtwBc",
            "featured": false,
            "assets": []

... (additional results trimmed) ...

    "0158415500000000C1F76FF6ECB0BAC600000000": [
            "name": "GBI",
            "account": "rrh7rf1gV2pXAoqA8oYbpHd8TKv5ZQeo67",
            "featured": false,
            "label": "XAU (-0.5pa)",
            "assets": []
    "KRW": [
            "name": "EXRP",
            "account": "rPxU6acYni7FcXzPCMeaPSwKcuS2GTtNVN",
            "featured": true,
            "assets": []
            "name": "Pax Moneta",
            "account": "rUkMKjQitpgAM5WTGk79xpjT38DEJY283d",
            "featured": false,
            "assets": []

Get Gateway


<!-- STYLE_OVERRIDE: gateway, gateways -->

Get information about a specific gateway from the Data API's list of known gateways. (New in v2.0.4)

Request Format



GET /v2/gateways/{gateway}

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

gatewayStringThe issuing Address, URL-encoded name, or normalized name of the gateway.

This method takes no query parameters.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

nameStringHuman-readable name of the gateway.
start_dateString - TimestampThe approximate date of the first time exchanges for this gateway's currencies appeared in the ledger.
accountsArrayA list of issuing addresses used by this gateway. (Gateways may use different issuing accounts for different currencies.)
hotwalletsArray of AddressesThis gateway's operational addresses.
domainStringThe domain name where this gateway does business.
normalizedStringA normalized version of the name field suitable for including in URLs.
assetsArray of StringsGraphics filenames available for this gateway, if any. (Mostly, these are logos used by XRP Charts.)

Each object in the accounts field array has the following fields:

addressStringThe issuing address used by this gateway.
currenciesObjectEach field in this object is a Currency Code corresponding to a currency issued from this address. Each value is an object with a featured boolean indicating whether that currency is featured. Ripple decides which currencies and gateways to feature based on responsible business practices, volume, and other measures.



GET /v2/gateways/Gatehub


200 OK
    "name": "Gatehub",
    "start_date": "2015-02-15T00:00:00Z",
    "accounts": [
            "address": "rhub8VRN55s94qWKDv6jmDy1pUykJzF3wq",
            "currencies": {
                "EUR": {
                    "featured": true
                "USD": {
                    "featured": true
    "hotwallets": [
    "domain": "gatehub.net",
    "normalized": "gatehub",
    "assets": [

Get Currency Image


Retrieve vector icons for various currencies. (New in v2.0.4)

Request Format



GET /v2/currencies/{currencyimage}

This method requires the following URL parameter:

currencyimageStringAn image file for a currency, such as xrp.svg. See the source code for a list of available images.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a Content-Type header of image/svg+xml to indicate that the contents are XML representing a file in SVG format.



GET /v2/currencies/mxn.svg


200 OK
Content-Type: image/svg+xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 18.1.1, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" x="0px" y="0px"
   width="200px" height="200px" viewBox="0 0 200 200" enable-background="new 0 0 200 200" xml:space="preserve">
  <path fill="#FC6E74" d="M105.1,181.5c-12.2,0-24-2.1-35.1-6.2c-11.1-4.1-21.6-10.5-31.1-19.1l-1.3-1.2l18.8-22.3l1.4,1.2
  <rect x="86.7" y="0" fill="#FC6E74" width="26.5" height="40.1"/>
  <rect x="86.5" y="159.2" fill="#FC6E74" width="27" height="40.8"/>

Get Accounts


Retrieve information about the creation of new accounts in the XRP Ledger.

Request Format



GET /v2/accounts

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampStart time of query range.
endString - TimestampEnd time of query range.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1,000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
descendingBooleanIf true, return results in reverse chronological order. The default is false.
parentStringFilter results to children of the specified parent account. Not compatible with the interval parameter.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

The interval and reduce parameters have been removed in v2.3.5.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of accounts returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
accountsArrayAn array of account creation objects.



GET /v1/accounts?parent=rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 3,
  "accounts": [
      "balance": "20.0",
      "account": "raKEEVSGnKSD9Zyvxu4z6Pqpm4ABH8FS6n",
      "executed_time": "2015-02-09T23:31:40+00:00",
      "ledger_index": 11620700,
      "parent": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
      "tx_hash": "1D381C0FCA00E8C34A6D4D3A91DAC9F3697B4E66BC49ED3D9B2D6F57D7F15E2E"
      "balance": "30",
      "account": "rUpy3eEg8rqjqfUoLeBnZkscbKbFsKXC3v",
      "executed_time": "2015-06-16T21:15:40+00:00",
      "ledger_index": 14090928,
      "parent": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
      "tx_hash": "60B614622FC67DFCA8D796D7F6AF0B7AEC5E59BB268EA032F810395407DDF8D5"
      "balance": "50",
      "account": "rLFd1FzHMScFhLsXeaxStzv3UC97QHGAbM",
      "executed_time": "2015-09-23T23:05:20+00:00",
      "ledger_index": 16061430,
      "parent": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
      "tx_hash": "FAE331A6D5CB83BCE832E7EBEDBD807EDEFFAF39AB241683EE81A0326A1A6748"

Get Account


Get creation info for a specific ripple account

Request Format



GET /v2/accounts/{address}

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressStringXRP Ledger address to query.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
accountObject - Account CreationThe requested account.



GET /v2/accounts/rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn


200 OK
    "result": "success",
    "account": {
        "address": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
        "parent": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
        "initial_balance": "100.0",
        "inception": "2014-05-29T17:05:20+00:00",
        "ledger_index": 6902264,
        "tx_hash": "074415C5DC6DB0029E815EA6FC2629FBC29A2C9D479F5D040AFF94ED58ECC820"

Get Account Balances


Get all balances held or owed by a specific XRP Ledger account.



GET /v2/accounts/{address}/balances

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressStringXRP Ledger address to query.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

ledger_indexIntegerIndex of ledger for historical balances.
ledger_hashStringLedger hash for historical balances.
dateStringUTC date for historical balances.
currencyStringRestrict results to specified currency.
counterpartyStringRestrict results to specified counterparty/issuer.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be greater than 400, but you can use the value all to return all results. (Caution: When using limit=all to retrieve very many results, the request may time out. For large issuers, there can be several tens of thousands of results.)
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
ledger_indexIntegerledger index for balances query.
close_timeStringclose time of the ledger.
limitStringnumber of results returned, if limit was exceeded.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
balancesArray of Balance ObjectsThe requested balances.



GET /v2/accounts/rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn/balances?currency=USD&date=2015-01-01T00:00:00Z&limit=3


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "ledger_index": 10852618,
  "close_time": "2015-01-01T00:00:00Z",
  "limit": 3,
  "balances": [
      "currency": "USD",
      "counterparty": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
      "value": "-11.0301"
      "currency": "USD",
      "counterparty": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
      "value": "0.0001"
      "currency": "USD",
      "counterparty": "rweYz56rfmQ98cAdRaeTxQS9wVMGnrdsFp",
      "value": "0"

Get Account Orders


Get orders in the order books, placed by a specific account. This does not return orders that have already been filled.

Request Format



GET /v2/account/{address}/orders

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressString - AddressXRP Ledger address to query.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

ledger_indexIntegerGet orders as of this ledger. Not compatible with ledger_hash or date.
ledger_hashStringGet orders as of this ledger. Not compatible with ledger_index or date.
dateString - TimestampGet orders at this time. Not compatible with ledger_index or ledger_hash.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be greater than 400.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

If none of ledger_index, ledger_hash, or date are specified, the API uses the most current data available.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
ledger_indexIntegerledger_index of the ledger version used.
close_timeStringClose time of the ledger version used.
limitStringThe limit from the request.
ordersArray of order objectsThe requested orders.

Each order object has the following fields:

specificationObjectDetails of this order's current state.
specification.directionStringEither buy or sell.
specification.quantityBalance ObjectThe maximum amount of the base currency this order would buy or sell (depending on the direction). This value decreases as the order gets partially filled.
specification.totalPriceBalance ObjectThe maximum amount of the counter currency the order can spend or gain to buy or sell the base currency. This value decreases as the order gets partially filled.
propertiesObjectDetails of how the order was placed.
properties.makerString - AddressThe XRP Ledger account that placed the order.
properties.sequenceNumberThe sequence number of the transaction that placed this order.
properties.makerExchangeRateString - NumberThe exchange rate from the point of view of the account that submitted the order.



GET /v2/accounts/rK5j9n8baXfL4gzUoZsfxBvvsv97P5swaV/orders?limit=2&date=2015-11-11T00:00:00Z


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "ledger_index": 17007855,
  "close_time": "2015-11-11T00:00:00Z",
  "limit": 2,
  "orders": [
      "specification": {
        "direction": "buy",
        "quantity": {
          "currency": "JPY",
          "value": "56798.00687665813",
          "counterparty": "r94s8px6kSw1uZ1MV98dhSRTvc6VMPoPcN"
        "totalPrice": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "value": "433.792841227449",
          "counterparty": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B"
      "properties": {
        "maker": "rK5j9n8baXfL4gzUoZsfxBvvsv97P5swaV",
        "sequence": 7418286,
        "makerExchangeRate": "130.9334813270407"
      "specification": {
        "direction": "buy",
        "quantity": {
          "currency": "JPY",
          "value": "11557.02705273459",
          "counterparty": "r94s8px6kSw1uZ1MV98dhSRTvc6VMPoPcN"
        "totalPrice": {
          "currency": "USD",
          "value": "87.570156003591",
          "counterparty": "rhub8VRN55s94qWKDv6jmDy1pUykJzF3wq"
      "properties": {
        "maker": "rK5j9n8baXfL4gzUoZsfxBvvsv97P5swaV",
        "sequence": 7418322,
        "makerExchangeRate": "131.9744942815983"

Get Account Transaction History


Retrieve a history of transactions that affected a specific account. This includes all transactions the account sent, payments the account received, and payments that rippled through the account.

Request Format



GET /v2/accounts/{address}/transactions

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressString - AddressXRP Ledger address to query.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampStart time of query range. The default is the earliest date available.
endString - TimestampEnd time of query range. The default is the current date.
min_sequenceStringMinimum sequence number to query.
max_sequenceStringMax sequence number to query.
typeStringRestrict results to a specified transaction type.
resultStringRestrict results to a specified transaction result.
binaryBooleanReturn results in binary format.
descendingBooleanIf true, return results in reverse chronological order. The default is false.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 20. Cannot be more than 1,000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.

Note: This method cannot return CSV format; only JSON results are supported for raw XRP Ledger transactions.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerThe number of objects contained in the transactions field.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
transactionsArray of transaction objectsAll transactions matching the request.



GET /v2/accounts/rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn/transactions?type=Payment&result=tesSUCCESS&limit=1


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 1,
  "marker": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn|20140602224750|000006979192|00001",
  "transactions": [
      "hash": "074415C5DC6DB0029E815EA6FC2629FBC29A2C9D479F5D040AFF94ED58ECC820",
      "date": "2014-05-29T17:05:20+00:00",
      "ledger_index": 6902264,
      "tx": {
        "TransactionType": "Payment",
        "Flags": 0,
        "Sequence": 1,
        "LastLedgerSequence": 6902266,
        "Amount": "100000000",
        "Fee": "12",
        "SigningPubKey": "032ECFCC409F02057D8556988B89E17D48ECFC8373965036C6BA294AA2B7972971",
        "TxnSignature": "30450221008D8E251DA5EA17A29CC9192717860F3B4047E74DF005127A65D9140CAE870C0902201C8E4548D2D3BA11B3E13CE8A167EBC076920E2B1C38547275CAA75FEC436EB9",
        "Account": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
        "Destination": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn"
      "meta": {
        "TransactionIndex": 1,
        "AffectedNodes": [
            "CreatedNode": {
              "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
              "LedgerIndex": "13F1A95D7AAB7108D5CE7EEAF504B2894B8C674E6D68499076441C4837282BF8",
              "NewFields": {
                "Sequence": 1,
                "Balance": "100000000",
                "Account": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn"
            "ModifiedNode": {
              "LedgerEntryType": "AccountRoot",
              "PreviousTxnLgrSeq": 6486567,
              "PreviousTxnID": "FF9BFF3C200B475CA7EE54F9A98EAB7E92BBDBD2DBE95AC854405D8A85C9D535",
              "LedgerIndex": "43EA78783A089B137D5E87610DF3BD4129F989EDD02EFAF6C265924D3A0EF8CE",
              "PreviousFields": {
                "Sequence": 1,
                "Balance": "1000000000"
              "FinalFields": {
                "Flags": 0,
                "Sequence": 2,
                "OwnerCount": 0,
                "Balance": "899999988",
                "Account": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX"
        "TransactionResult": "tesSUCCESS"

Get Transaction By Account And Sequence


Retrieve a specifc transaction originating from a specified account

Request Format



GET /v2/accounts/{address}/transactions/{sequence}

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressStringXRP Ledger address to query.
sequenceIntegerTransaction sequence number.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

binaryBooleanIf true, return transaction in binary format. The default is false.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
transactiontransaction objectThe requested transaction.



GET /v2/accounts/rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn/transactions/10?binary=true


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "transaction": {
    "hash": "4BFFBB86C12659B6C5BB88F0EB859356DE3433EBACBFD9F50F6E70B2C05CCFE0",
    "date": "2014-09-15T19:59:10+00:00",
    "ledger_index": 8889812,
    "tx": "1200052200000000240000000A68400000000000000A732103AB40A0490F9B7ED8DF29D246BF2D6269820A0EE7742ACDD457BEA7C7D0931EDB74473045022100AA4AF08726FCF0F28AA4A841C45F975C3BF1545648F6907DCB33F6E3DD7E85D6022037365B80AB1972BF8A4280009A0DBCF16A1D562ED0489B155750E48CC939039981144B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA9",
    "meta": "201C00000003F8E5110061250087A5C555CBCA96F4C42E0EBC0E75C5AD84B3403FEDF824A7DAFA45ADCA6ECB66AA143C1B5613F1A95D7AAB7108D5CE7EEAF504B2894B8C674E6D68499076441C4837282BF8E6240000000A62400000000DB5852F8814D3484B9ED2556DCE16A3B928B438BA6EE0FF0989E1E72200010000240000000B2D0000000062400000000DB5852572110000000000000000000000070000000300770A6D64756F31332E636F6D81144B4E9C06F24296074F7BC48F92A97916C6DC5EA9E1E1F1031000"

Get Account Payments


Retrieve a payments for a specified account

Request Format



GET /v2/accounts/{address}/payments

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressStringXRP Ledger address to query.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampFilter results to this time and later.
endString - TimestampFilter results to this time and earlier.
typeStringType of payment - sent or received.
currencyString - Currency CodeFilter results to specified currency.
issuerString - AddressFilter results to specified issuer.
source_tagIntegerFilter results to specified source tag.
destination_tagIntegerFilter results to specified destination tag.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1,000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerThe number of objects contained in the payments field.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
paymentsArray of payment objectsAll payments matching the request, sorted with oldest first.



GET /v2/accounts/rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn/payments?currency=USD&limit=1


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 1,
  "marker": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn|20140604191650|000007013674|00000",
  "payments": [
      "amount": "1.0",
      "delivered_amount": "1.0",
      "destination_balance_changes": [
          "counterparty": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
          "currency": "USD",
          "value": "1"
      "source_balance_changes": [
          "counterparty": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
          "currency": "USD",
          "value": "-1"
      "tx_index": 1,
      "currency": "USD",
      "destination": "ra5nK24KXen9AHvsdFTKHSANinZseWnPcX",
      "executed_time": "2014-06-02T22:47:50Z",
      "issuer": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
      "ledger_index": 6979192,
      "source": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn",
      "source_currency": "USD",
      "tx_hash": "7BF105CFE4EFE78ADB63FE4E03A851440551FE189FD4B51CAAD9279C9F534F0E",
      "transaction_cost": "1.0E-5"

Get Account Exchanges


Retrieve Exchanges for a given account over time.

Request Format

There are two variations on this method:


REST - All Exchanges

GET /v2/accounts/{address}/exchanges/

REST - Specific Currency Pair

GET /v2/accounts/{address}/exchanges/{base}/{counter}

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressStringXRP Ledger address to query.
baseStringBase currency of the pair, as a Currency Code, followed by + and the issuer Address unless it's XRP.
counterStringCounter currency of the pair, as a Currency Code, followed by + and the issuer Address unless it's XRP.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampFilter results to this time and later.
endString - TimestampFilter results to this time and earlier.
descendingBooleanIf true, return results in reverse chronological order. The default is false.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of exchanges returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
exchangesArray of Exchange ObjectsThe requested exchanges.



GET /v2/accounts/rsyDrDi9Emy6vPU78qdxovmNpmj5Qh4NKw/exchanges/KRW+rUkMKjQitpgAM5WTGk79xpjT38DEJY283d/XRP?start=2015-08-08T00:00:00Z&end=2015-08-31T00:00:00Z&limit=2


200 OK
    "result": "success",
    "count": 2,
    "marker": "rsyDrDi9Emy6vPU78qdxovmNpmj5Qh4NKw|20150810014200|000015162386|00013|00003",
    "exchanges": [
            "base_amount": 209.3501241148,
            "counter_amount": 20.424402,
            "rate": 0.097560973925,
            "autobridged_currency": "USD",
            "autobridged_issuer": "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
            "base_currency": "KRW",
            "base_issuer": "rUkMKjQitpgAM5WTGk79xpjT38DEJY283d",
            "buyer": "rnAqwsu2BEbCjacoZmsXrpViqd3miZhHbT",
            "counter_currency": "XRP",
            "executed_time": "2015-08-08T02:57:40",
            "ledger_index": 15122851,
            "offer_sequence": "1738",
            "provider": "rsyDrDi9Emy6vPU78qdxovmNpmj5Qh4NKw",
            "seller": "rsyDrDi9Emy6vPU78qdxovmNpmj5Qh4NKw",
            "taker": "rnAqwsu2BEbCjacoZmsXrpViqd3miZhHbT",
            "tx_hash": "506D109A609A5E0778276CCBB125A4AA7B78428059F069A2CB4F739B861C0C49",
            "tx_type": "OfferCreate"
            "base_amount": 86355.6498758851,
            "counter_amount": 8424.941452,
            "rate": 0.097560975618,
            "base_currency": "KRW",
            "base_issuer": "rUkMKjQitpgAM5WTGk79xpjT38DEJY283d",
            "buyer": "r9xQi5YT8jqVM3wZhbiV94ZKKvGHaVeSDj",
            "client": "rt1.1-26-gbeb68ab",
            "counter_currency": "XRP",
            "executed_time": "2015-08-08T07:15:00",
            "ledger_index": 15126536,
            "offer_sequence": "1738",
            "provider": "rsyDrDi9Emy6vPU78qdxovmNpmj5Qh4NKw",
            "seller": "rsyDrDi9Emy6vPU78qdxovmNpmj5Qh4NKw",
            "taker": "r9xQi5YT8jqVM3wZhbiV94ZKKvGHaVeSDj",
            "tx_hash": "C897A595DED16ADF5AD52E6FD9CE5DE65C78A93CCAA62A85248DC3015A78F5C4",
            "tx_type": "Payment"

Get Account Balance Changes


Retrieve Balance changes for a given account over time.

Request Format



GET /v2/accounts/{address}/balance_changes/

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressStringXRP Ledger address to query.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

currencyStringRestrict results to specified currency.
counterpartyStringRestrict results to specified counterparty/issuer.
startString - TimestampStart time of query range.
endString - TimestampEnd time of query range.
descendingBooleanIf true, return results in reverse chronological order. The default is false.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv orjson. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of balance changes returned.
markerString(May be omitted) Pagination marker.
exchangesArray of balance change descriptorsThe requested balance changes.



GET /v2/accounts/rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn/balance_changes?descending=true&limit=3


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 3,
  "marker": "rf1BiGeXwwQoi8Z2ueFYTEXSwuJYfV2Jpn|20160122235211|000018425487|00010|00001",
  "balance_changes": [
      "amount_change": "-0.012",
      "final_balance": "75.169663",
      "tx_index": 7,
      "change_type": "transaction_cost",
      "currency": "XRP",
      "executed_time": "2016-01-29T22:57:20Z",
      "ledger_index": 18555460,
      "tx_hash": "2B44EBE00728D04658E597A85EC4F71D20503B31ABBF556764AD8F7A80BA72F6"
      "amount_change": "-25.0",
      "final_balance": "75.181663",
      "node_index": 1,
      "tx_index": 4,
      "change_type": "payment_source",
      "currency": "XRP",
      "executed_time": "2016-01-26T08:32:20Z",
      "ledger_index": 18489336,
      "tx_hash": "E5C6DD25B2DCF534056D98A2EFE3B7CFAE4EBC624854DE3FA436F733A56D8BD9"
      "amount_change": "-0.01",
      "final_balance": "100.181663",
      "tx_index": 4,
      "change_type": "transaction_cost",
      "currency": "XRP",
      "executed_time": "2016-01-26T08:32:20Z",
      "ledger_index": 18489336,
      "tx_hash": "E5C6DD25B2DCF534056D98A2EFE3B7CFAE4EBC624854DE3FA436F733A56D8BD9"

Get Account Reports


Retrieve daily summaries of payment activity for an account.


REST - Date Omitted

GET /v2/accounts/{address}/reports/

REST - Date Specified

GET /v2/accounts/{address}/reports/{date}

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressStringXRP Ledger address to query.
dateString(Optional) UTC date for single report. If omitted, use the start and end query parameters.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampStart time of query range. The default is the start of the current date. Ignored if date specified.
endString - TimestampEnd time of query range. The default is the end of the current date. Ignored if date specified.
accountsBooleanIf true, provide lists with addresses of all sending_counterparties and receiving_counterparties in results. Otherwise, return only the number of sending and receiving counterparties. The default is false.
paymentsBooleanInclude Payment Summary Objects in the payments field for each interval, with the payments that occurred during that interval.
descendingBooleanIf true, sort results with most recent first. By default, sort results with oldest first.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of reports in the reports field.
reportsArray of Reports ObjectsDaily summaries of account activity for the given account and date range.



GET /v2/accounts/rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q/reports?start=2015-08-28T00:00:00&end=2015-08-28T00:00:00&accounts=true&payments=true&descending=true


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 1,
  "reports": [
      "account": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
      "date": "2015-08-28T00:00:00+00:00",
      "high_value_received": 89500.74142547617,
      "high_value_sent": 0,
      "payments": [
          "tx_hash": "F2323EE7494384E77ABB18F31981FEE8C31767BBD27515B55FC3BD6792C4E408",
          "amount": 2.7,
          "currency": "BTC",
          "issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
          "type": "received"
          "tx_hash": "FEAD462738EE430E154FF3122D3EE2DD27DDD8BEFBA080A60FE91B78E8865365",
          "amount": 3,
          "currency": "BTC",
          "issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
          "type": "received"
          "tx_hash": "383B1D1EABB646AB2EFBBF9E8967FE279BFE5EF86A3B6BCD5BDA287210053116",
          "amount": 0.14,
          "currency": "BTC",
          "issuer": "rMwjYedjc7qqtKYVLiAccJSmCwih4LnE2q",
          "type": "received"
      "payments_received": 3,
      "payments_sent": 0,
      "receiving_counterparties": [],
      "sending_counterparties": [
      "total_value": 174019.58324753598,
      "total_value_received": 174019.58324753598,
      "total_value_sent": 0

Get Account Transaction Stats


Retrieve daily summaries of transaction activity for an account. (New in v2.1.0.)



GET /v2/accounts/{address}/stats/transactions

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressStringXRP Ledger address to query.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampStart time of query range. The default is the earliest date available.
endString - TimestampEnd time of query range. The default is the current date.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
descendingBooleanIf true, sort results with most recent first. By default, sort results with oldest first.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of transaction stats objects in the rows field.
rowsArray of Transaction Stats ObjectsDaily summaries of account transaction activity for the given account.

Each Transaction Stats Object has the following fields:

dateString - TimestampThis object describes activity on this date.
transaction_countIntegerThe total number of transactions sent by the account on this date.
resultObjectMap of transaction result codes, indicating how many of each result code occurred in the transactions sent by this account on this date.
typeObjectMap of transaction types, indicating how many of each transaction type the account sent on this date.



GET /v2/accounts/rGFuMiw48HdbnrUbkRYuitXTmfrDBNTCnX/stats/transactions?start=2015-01-01&limit=2


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 2,
  "marker": "rGFuMiw48HdbnrUbkRYuitXTmfrDBNTCnX|20150116000000",
  "rows": [
      "date": "2015-01-14T00:00:00Z",
      "transaction_count": 44,
      "result": {
        "tecUNFUNDED_PAYMENT": 1,
        "tesSUCCESS": 43
      "type": {
        "Payment": 42,
        "TrustSet": 2
      "date": "2015-01-15T00:00:00Z",
      "transaction_count": 116,
      "result": {
        "tesSUCCESS": 116
      "type": {
        "Payment": 116

Get Account Value Stats


Retrieve daily summaries of transaction activity for an account. (New in v2.1.0.)



GET /v2/accounts/{address}/stats/value

Try it! >

This method requires the following URL parameters:

addressStringXRP Ledger address to query.

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

startString - TimestampStart time of query range. The default is the start of the most recent interval.
endString - TimestampEnd time of query range. The default is the end of the most recent interval.
limitIntegerMaximum results per page. The default is 200. Cannot be more than 1000.
markerStringPagination key from previously returned response.
descendingBooleanIf true, sort results with most recent first. By default, sort results with oldest first.
formatStringFormat of returned results: csv or json. The default is json.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK and has a JSON body with the following:

resultStringThe value success indicates that this is a successful response.
countIntegerNumber of value stats objects in the rows field.
rowsArray of Value Stats ObjectsDaily summaries of account value for the given account.

Each Value Stats Object has the following fields:

dateString - TimestampThis object describes activity on this date.
valueString - NumberThe total of all currency held by this account, normalized to XRP.
balance_change_countNumberThe number of times the account's balance changed on this date.



GET /v2/accounts/rGFuMiw48HdbnrUbkRYuitXTmfrDBNTCnX/stats/value?limit=2&descending=true


200 OK
  "result": "success",
  "count": 2,
  "marker": "rGFuMiw48HdbnrUbkRYuitXTmfrDBNTCnX|20160412000000",
  "rows": [
      "date": "2016-04-14T00:00:00Z",
      "account_value": "7.666658705139822E7",
      "balance_change_count": 58
      "date": "2016-04-13T00:00:00Z",
      "account_value": "1.0022208004947332E8",
      "balance_change_count": 184

Health Check - API


Check the health of the API service.



GET /v2/health/api

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

thresholdIntegerConsider the API unhealthy if the database does not respond within this amount of time, in seconds. The default is 5 seconds.
verboseBooleanIf true, return a JSON response with data points. By default, return an integer value only.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK. By default, the response body is an integer health value only.

The health value 0 always indicates a healthy status. Other health values are defined as follows:

0API service is up, and response time to HBase is less than threshold value from request.
1API service is up, but response time to HBase is greater than threshold value from request.

If the request specifies verbose=true in the query parameters, the response body is a JSON object, with the following fields:

score0-1Health value, as defined above.
response_timeString - Human-readable timeThe actual response time of the database.
response_time_thresholdString - Human-readable timeThe maximum response time to be considered healthy.



GET /v2/health/api?verbose=true


200 OK
  "score": 0,
  "response_time": "0.014s",
  "response_time_threshold": "5s"

Health Check - Ledger Importer


Check the health of the Ledger Importer Service.


REST - Importer Health

GET /v2/health/importer

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

thresholdIntegerConsider the Importer unhealthy if more than this amount of time, in seconds, has elapsed since the latest validated ledger was imported. The default is 300 seconds.
threshold2IntegerConsider the Importer unhealthy if more than this amount of time, in seconds, has elapsed since the latest ledger of any kind was imported. The default is 60 seconds.
verboseBooleanIf true, return a JSON response with data points. By default, return an integer value only.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK. By default, the response body is an integer health value only.

The health value 0 always indicates a healthy status. Other health values are defined as follows:

0The most recent imported ledger was less than threshold2 (Default: 60) seconds ago, and most recent validated ledger was less than threshold seconds ago.
1The most recent imported ledger was less than threshold2 (Default: 60) seconds ago, but the most recent validated ledger is older than threshold seconds.
2The most recent imported ledger was more than threshold2 seconds ago.

If the request specifies verbose=true in the query parameters, the response body is a JSON object, with the following fields:

score0-2Health value, as defined above.
response_timeStringThe actual response time of the database.
ledger_gapString - Human-readable timeDifference between the close time of the last saved ledger and the current time.
ledger_gap_thresholdString - Human-readable timeMaximum ledger gap to be considered healthy.
valildation_gapString - Human-readable timeDifference between the close time of the last imported validated ledger and the current time.
validation_gap_thresholdString - Human-readable timeMaximum validation gap to be considered healthy.



GET /v2/health/importer?verbose=true


200 OK
    "score": 0,
    "response_time": "0.081s",
    "ledger_gap": "1.891s",
    "ledger_gap_threshold": "5.00m",
    "validation_gap": "29.894s",
    "validation_gap_threshold": "15.00m"

Health Check - Nodes ETL


Check the health of the Topology Nodes Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) Service.


REST - Nodes ETL Health

GET /v2/health/nodes_etl

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

thresholdIntegerConsider the service unhealthy if more than this amount of time, in seconds, has elapsed since the latest data was imported. The default is 120 seconds.
verboseBooleanIf true, return a JSON response with data points. By default, return an integer value only.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK. By default, the response body is an integer health value only.

The health value 0 always indicates a healthy status. Other health values are defined as follows:

0The most recent imported topology data was less than threshold (Default: 120) seconds ago.
1The most recent imported topology data was more than threshold seconds ago.

If the request specifies verbose=true in the query parameters, the response body is a JSON object, with the following fields:

score0-1Health value, as defined above.
gapString - Human-readable timeDifference between the latest imported data and the current time.
gap_thresholdString - Human-readable timeMaximum gap to be considered healthy.
messageStringDescription of the reason for a non-zero score, if applicable.



GET /v2/health/nodes_etl?verbose=true


200 OK
  "score": 0,
  "gap": "1.891s",
  "gap_threshold": "2.00m",

Health Check - Validations ETL


Check the health of the Validations Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) Service.


REST - Validations ETL Health

GET /v2/health/validations_etl

Try it! >

Optionally, you can provide the following query parameters:

thresholdIntegerConsider the service unhealthy if more than this amount of time, in seconds, has elapsed since the latest data was imported. The default is 120 seconds.
verboseBooleanIf true, return a JSON response with data points. By default, return an integer value only.

Response Format

A successful response uses the HTTP code 200 OK. By default, the response body is an integer health value only.

The health value 0 always indicates a healthy status. Other health values are defined as follows:

0The most recent imported topology data was less than threshold (Default: 120) seconds ago.
1The most recent imported topology data was more than threshold seconds ago.

If the request specifies verbose=true in the query parameters, the response body is a JSON object, with the following fields:

score0-1Health value, as defined above.
gapString - Human-readable timeDifference between the latest imported data and the current time.
gap_thresholdString - Human-readable timeMaximum gap to be considered healthy.
messageStringDescription of the reason for a non-zero score, if applicable.



GET /v2/health/nodes_etl?verbose=true


200 OK
  "score": 0,
  "gap": "1.891s",
  "gap_threshold": "2.00m",

API Conventions

Basic Types

As a REST API, the Data API v2 uses JSON's native datatypes to represent API fields, with some special cases.

Numbers and Precision

XRP Ledger APIs generally use strings, rather than native JSON numbers, to represent numeric amounts of currency for both XRP and issued currencies. This protects against a loss of precision when using JSON parsers, which may automatically try to represent all JSON numbers in a floating-point format. Within the String value, the numbers are serialized in the same way as native JSON numbers:

The precision for amounts of non-XRP currency in the XRP Ledger is as follows:

XRP has a different internal representation, and its precision is different:

In other words, XRP has the same precision as a 64-bit unsigned integer where each unit is equivalent to 0.000001 XRP.


Accounts in the XRP Ledger are identified by an address in the XRP Ledger's base58 format. The address is derived from the account's master public key, which is in turn derived from a secret key. An address is represented as a string in JSON and has the following characteristics:

For more information, see Accounts and base58 Encodings.

Public Keys

The XRP Ledger uses public keys to verify cryptographic signatures in several places:

Validator public keys and node public keys use the exact same format.

Public keys can be represented in hexadecimal or in base-58. In hexadecimal, all three types of public keys are 33 bytes (66 characters) long.

In base-58 format, validator public keys and node public keys always start with the character n, commonly followed by the character 9. A validator public key in base-58 format can be up to 53 characters long. Example node public key: n9Mxf6qD4J55XeLSCEpqaePW4GjoCR5U1ZeGZGJUCNe3bQa4yQbG.

XRP Ledger addresses are mathematically associated with a public key. This public key is rarely encoded in base-58, but when it is, it starts with the character a.


Many objects in the XRP Ledger, particularly transactions and ledgers, are uniquely identified by a 256-bit hash value. This value is typically calculated as a "SHA-512Half", which calculates a SHA-512 hash from some contents, then takes the first half of the output. (That's 256 bits, which is 32 bytes, or 64 characters of the hexadecimal representation.) Since the hash of an object is derived from the contents in a way that is extremely unlikely to produce collisions, two objects with the same hash can be considered the same.

An XRP Ledger hash value has the following characteristics:

Note: SHA-512Half has similar security to the officially-defined SHA-512/256 hash function. However, the XRP Ledger's usage predates SHA-512/256 and is also easier to implement on top of an existing SHA-512 function. (As of this writing, SHA-512 support in cryptographic libraries is much more common than for SHA-512/256.)


All dates and times are written in ISO 8601 Timestamp Format, using UTC. This format is summarized as:


(As of v2.0.4, the offset +00:00 is no longer used.)

Ledger Index

A ledger index is a 32-bit unsigned integer used to identify a ledger. The ledger index is also known as the ledger's sequence number. The very first ledger was ledger index 1, and each new ledger has a ledger index 1 higher than that of the ledger immediately before it.

The ledger index indicates the order of the ledgers; the Hash value identifies the exact contents of the ledger. Two ledgers with the same hash are always the same. For validated ledgers, hash values and sequence numbers are equally valid and correlate 1:1. However, this is not true for in-progress ledgers:

Account Sequence

A Sequence number is a 32-bit unsigned integer used to identify a transaction or Offer relative to a specific account.

Every account in the XRP Ledger has a Sequence number, which starts at 1. For a transaction to be relayed to the network and possibly included in a validated ledger, it must have a Sequence field that matches the sending account's current Sequence number. An account's Sequence field is incremented whenever a transaction from that account is included in a validated ledger (regardless of whether the transaction succeeded or failed). This preserves the order of transactions submitted by an account, and differentiates transactions that would otherwise be the same.

Every Offer in the XRP Ledger's decentralized exchange is marked with the sending Account Address and the Sequence value of the OfferCreate transaction that created it. These two fields, together, uniquely identify the Offer.

Currency Code

There are two kinds of currency code in the XRP Ledger:


Many queries may return more data than is reasonable to return in a single HTTP response. The Data API uses a "limit and marker" system to control how much is returned in a single response ("page") and to query for additional content.

The limit query parameter to many requests restricts the response to a specific number of results in the response. The types of results and default values vary based on the method. For most methods, the limit is 200 by default, and can be set as high as 1000. If you specify a limit larger than the maximum, the API uses the maximum value instead.

When a query has additional objects that are not contained in the current response, the JSON response contains a top-level field marker which indicates that you can retrieve additional results. To do so, make more requests with the previous value of the marker field as the marker query parameter. For each additional request, use the same parameters as the first request (except marker). When the response omits the marker parameter, that indicates that you have reached the end of the queryable data.

When a marker is or would be present, the response contains a Link header with rel="next". This is a full URL to the next page of results. You can use this to paginate over results when the response is in csv format instead of json. (New in v2.0.4)

Transaction Objects

Transactions have two formats - a compact "binary" format where the defining fields of the transaction are encoded as strings of hex, and an expanded format where the defining fields of the transaction are nested as complete JSON objects.

Full JSON Format

hashString - HashAn identifying hash value unique to this transaction, as a hex string.
dateString - TimestampThe time when this transaction was included in a validated ledger.
ledger_indexNumber - Ledger IndexThe sequence number of the ledger that included this ledger.
txObjectThe fields of this transaction object, as defined by the Transaction Format.
metaObjectMetadata about the results of this transaction.

Binary Format

hashString - HashAn identifying hash value unique to this transaction, as a hex string.
dateString - TimestampThe time when this transaction was included in a validated ledger.
ledger_indexNumber - Ledger IndexThe sequence number of the ledger that included this ledger.
txStringThe binary data that represents this transaction, as a hexadecimal string.
metaStringThe binary data that represents this transaction's metadata, as a hex string.

Ledger Objects

A "ledger" is one version of the shared global ledger. Each ledger object has the following fields:

ledger_hashString - HashAn identifying hash unique to this ledger, as a hex string.
ledger_indexNumber - Ledger IndexThe sequence number of the ledger. Each new ledger has a ledger index 1 higher than the ledger that came before it.
parent_hashString - HashThe identifying hash of the previous ledger.
total_coinsString - NumberThe total number of "drops" of XRP still in existence at the time of the ledger. (Each XRP is 1,000,000 drops.)
close_time_resNumberThe ledger close time is rounded to this many seconds.
accounts_hashString - HashHash of the account information contained in this ledger, as hex.
transaction_hashString - HashHash of the transaction information contained in this ledger, as hex.
close_timeNumberWhen this ledger was closed, in UNIX time.
close_time_humanString - TimestampWhen this ledger was closed.

Note: Ledger close times are approximate, typically rounded to about 10 seconds. Two ledgers could have the same close_time values, when their actual close times were several seconds apart. The sequence number (ledger_index) of the ledger makes it unambiguous which ledger closed first.

Genesis Ledger

Due to a mishap early in the XRP Ledger's history, ledgers 1 through 32569 were lost. Thus, ledger #32570 is the earliest ledger available anywhere. For purposes of the Data API v2, ledger #32570 is considered the genesis ledger.

Account Creation Objects

An account creation object represents the action of creating an account in the XRP Ledger. There are two variations, depending on whether the account was already present in ledger 32570, the earliest ledger available. Accounts that were already present in ledger 32570 are termed genesis accounts.

addressString - AddressThe identifying address of this account, in base-58.
inceptionString - TimestampThe UTC timestamp when the address was funded. For genesis accounts, this is the timestamp of ledger 32570.
ledger_indexNumber - Ledger IndexThe sequence number of the ledger when the account was created, or 32570 for genesis accounts.
parentString - Address(Omitted for genesis accounts) The address that provided the XRP to fund this address.
tx_hashString - Hash(Omitted for genesis accounts) The identifying hash of the transaction that funded this account.
initial_balanceString - Number(Omitted for genesis accounts) The amount of XRP that funded this account.
genesis_balanceString - Number(Genesis accounts only) The amount of XRP this account held as of ledger #32570.
genesis_indexNumber - Sequence Number(Genesis accounts only) The transaction sequence number of the account as of ledger #32570.

Exchange Objects

An exchange object represents an actual exchange of currency, which can occur in the XRP Ledger as the result of executing either an OfferCreate transaction or a Payment transaction. In order for currency to actually change hands, there must be a previously-unfilled Offer previously placed in the ledger with an OfferCreate transaction.

A single transaction can cause several exchanges to occur. In this case, the sender of the transaction is the taker for all the exchanges, but each exchange has a different provider, currency pair, or both.

base_amountNumberThe amount of the base currency that was traded.
counter_amountNumberThe amount of the counter currency that was traded.
rateNumberThe amount of the counter currency acquired per 1 unit of the base currency.
autobridged_currencyString - Currency Code(May be omitted) If the offer was autobridged (XRP order books were used to bridge two non-XRP currencies), this is the other currency from the offer that executed this exchange.
autobridged_issuerString - Address(May be omitted) If the offer was autobridged (XRP order books were used to bridge two non-XRP currencies), this is the other currency from the offer that executed this exchange.
base_currencyString - Currency CodeThe base currency.
base_issuerString - Address(Omitted for XRP) The account that issued the base currency.
buyerString - AddressThe account that acquired the base currency.
clientString(May be omitted) If the transaction contains a memo indicating what client application sent it, this is the contents of the memo.
counter_currencyString - Currency CodeThe counter currency.
counter_issuerString - Address(Omitted for XRP) The account that issued the counter currency.
executed_timeString - TimestampThe time the exchange occurred.
ledger_indexNumber - Ledger IndexThe sequence number of the ledger that included this transaction.
offer_sequenceNumber - Sequence NumberThe sequence number of the provider's existing offer in the ledger.
providerString - AddressThe account that had an existing Offer in the ledger.
sellerString - AddressThe account that acquired the counter currency.
takerString - AddressThe account that sent the transaction which executed this exchange.
tx_hashString - HashThe identifying hash of the transaction that executed this exchange. (Note: This exchange may be one of several executed in a single transaction.)
tx_typeStringThe type of transaction that executed this exchange, either Payment or OfferCreate.

Reports Objects

Reports objects show the activity of a given account over a specific interval of time, typically a day. Reports have the following fields:

accountString - AddressThe address of the account to which this report pertains.
dateString - TimestampThe start of the interval to which this report pertains.
high_value_receivedString - NumberLargest amount received in a single transaction, normalized to XRP (as closely as possible). This includes payments and exchanges.
high_value_sentString - NumberThe largest amount sent in a single transaction, normalized to XRP (as closely as possible).
paymentsArray of Payment Summary Objects(May be omitted) Array with information on each payment sent or received by the account during this interval.
payments_receivedNumberThe number of payments sent to this account. (This only includes payments for which this account was the destination, not payments that only rippled through the account or consumed the account's offers.)
payments_sentNumberThe number of payments sent by this account.
receiving_counterpartiesArray or NumberIf account lists requested, an array of addresses that received payments from this account. Otherwise, the number of different accounts that received payments from this account.
sending_counterpartiesArray or NumberIf account lists requested, an array of addresses that sent payments to this account. Otherwise, the number of different accounts that sent payments to this account.
total_valueString - NumberSum of total value received and sent in payments, normalized to XRP (as closely as possible).
total_value_receivedString - NumberSum value of all payments to this account, normalized to XRP (as closely as possible).
total_value_sentString - NumberSum value of all payments from this account, normalized to XRP (as closely as possible).

Payment Summary Objects

A Payment Summary Object contains a reduced amount of information about a single payment from the perspective of either the sender or receiver of that payment.

tx_hashString - HashThe identifying hash of the transaction that caused the payment.
delivered_amountString - NumberThe amount of the destination currency actually received by the destination account.
currencyString - Currency CodeThe currency delivered to the recipient of the transaction.
issuerString - AddressThe gateway issuing the currency, or an empty string for XRP.
typeStringEither sent or received, indicating whether the perspective account is sender or receiver of this transaction.

Payment Objects

In the Data API, a Payment Object represents an event where one account sent value to another account. This mostly lines up with XRP Ledger transactions of the Payment transaction type, except that the Data API does not consider a transaction to be a payment if the sending Account and the Destination account are the same, or if the transaction failed.

Payment objects have the following fields:

amountString - NumberThe amount of the destination currency that the transaction was instructed to send. In the case of Partial Payments, this is a "maximum" amount.
delivered_amountString - NumberThe amount of the destination currency actually received by the destination account.
destination_balance_changesArrayArray of balance change objects, indicating all changes made to the destination account's balances.
source_balance_changesArrayArray of balance change objects, indicating all changes to the source account's balances (except the XRP transaction cost).
transaction_costString - NumberThe amount of XRP spent by the source account on the transaction cost. (Prior to v2.0.4, this parameter was called fee.)
destination_tagInteger(May be omitted) A destination tag specified in this payment.
source_tagInteger(May be omitted) A source tag specified in this payment.
currencyString - Currency CodeThe currency that the destination account received.
destinationString - AddressThe account that received the payment.
executed_timeString - TimestampThe time the ledger that included this payment closed.
ledger_indexNumber - Ledger IndexThe sequence number of the ledger that included this payment.
sourceString - AddressThe account that sent the payment.
source_currencyString - Currency CodeThe currency that the source account spent.
tx_hashString - HashThe identifying hash of the transaction that caused the payment.

Balance Objects and Balance Change Objects

Balance objects represent an XRP Ledger account's balance in a specific currency with a specific counterparty at a single point in time. Balance change objects represent a change to such balances that occurs in transaction execution.

A single XRP Ledger transaction may cause changes to balances with several counterparties, as well as changes to XRP.

Balance objects and Balance Change objects have the same format, with the following fields:

counterpartyString - AddressThe counterparty, or issuer, of the currency. In the case of XRP, this is an empty string.
currencyString - Currency CodeThe currency for which this balance changed.
valueString - NumberThe amount of the currency that the associated account gained or lost. In balance change objects, this value can be positive (for amounts gained) or negative (for amounts lost). In balance objects, this value can be positive (for amounts the counterparty owes the account) or negative (for amounts owed to the counterparty).

Balance Change Descriptors

Balance Change Descriptors are objects that describe and analyze a single balance change that occurs in transaction execution. They represent the same events as balance change objects, but in greater detail.

Balance Change Descriptors have the following fields:

amount_changeString - NumberThe difference in the amount of currency held before and after this change. (Prior to v2.0.6, this field was called change.)
final_balanceString - NumberThe balance after the change occurred.
node_indexNumber (or null)This balance change is represented by the entry at this index of the ModifiedNodes array within the metadata section of the transaction that executed this balance change. Note: When the transaction cost is combined with other changes to XRP balance, the transaction cost has a node_index of null instead.
tx_indexNumberThe transaction that executed this balance change is at this index in the array of transactions for the ledger that included it.
change_typeStringOne of several describing what caused this balance change to occur.
currencyString - Currency CodeThe change affected this currency.
executed_timeString - TimestampThe time the change occurred. (This is based on the close time of the ledger that included the transaction that executed the change.
counterpartyString - Address(Omitted for XRP) The currency is held in a trust line to or from this account. (Prior to v2.0.6, this field was called issuer.)
ledger_indexNumber - Ledger IndexThe sequence number of the ledger that included the transaction that executed this balance change.
tx_hashString - HashThe identifying hash of the transaction that executed this balance change.

Change Types

The following values are valid for the change_type field of a Balance Change Descriptor:

transaction_costThis balance change reflects XRP that was destroyed to relay a transaction. (Prior to v2.0.4, this was network fee instead.)
payment_destinationThis balance change reflects currency that was received from a payment.
payment_sourceThis balance change reflects currency that was spent in a payment.
exchangeThis balance change reflects currency that was traded for other currency, or the same currency from a different issuer. This can occur in the middle of payment execution as well as from offers.

Volume Objects

Volume objects represent the total volumes of money moved, in either payments or exchanges, during a given period.

componentsArray of ObjectsThe data that was used to assemble this total. For payment volume, each object represents payments in a particular currency and issuer. For exchange volume, each object represents a market between two currencies.
countNumberThe total number of exchanges in this period.
end_timeString - TimestampThe end time of this interval.
exchangeObjectIndicates the display currency used, as with fields currency and (except for XRP) issuer. All amounts are normalized by first converting to XRP, and then to the display currency specified in the request.
exchange_rateNumberThe exchange rate to the displayed currency from XRP.
start_timeString - TimestampThe start of this period.
totalNumberTotal volume of all recorded exchanges in the period.

Server Objects

A "Server Object" describes one rippled server in the XRP Ledger peer-to-peer network. Server objects are returned by the Get Topology, Get Toplogy Nodes, and Get Topology Node methods. The Data API collects reported network topology approximately every 30 seconds using the peer crawler.

Server objects have the following fields, with some only appearing if the request specified a verbose response:

node_public_keyString - Base-58 Public KeyThe public key used by this server to sign its peer-to-peer communications, not including validations.
versionStringThe rippled version of this server, when it was last asked.
uptimeIntegerNumber of seconds this server has been connected to the network.
ipString(May be omitted) IP address of the node (may be omitted).
portInteger(May be omitted) Port where this server speaks the rippled Peer Protocol.
inbound_countInteger(May be omitted) Number of inbound peer-to-peer connections to this server.
inbound_addedString(May be omitted) Number of new inbound peer-to-peer connections since the last measurement.
inbound_droppedString(May be omitted) Number of inbound peer-to-peer connections dropped since the last measurement.
outbound_countInteger(May be omitted) Number of outbound peer-to-peer connections to this server.
outbound_addedString(May be omitted) Number of new outbound peer-to-peer connections since the last measurement.
outbound_droppedString(May be omitted) Number of outbound peer-to-peer connections dropped since the last measurement.
cityString(Verbose only) The city where this server is located, according to IP geolocation.
regionString(Verbose only) The region where this server is located, according to IP geolocation.
countryString(Verbose only) The country where this server is located, according to IP geolocation.
region_codeString(Verbose only) The ISO code for the region where this server is located, according to IP geolocation.
country_codeString(Verbose only) The ISO code for the country where this server is located, according to IP geolocation.
postal_codeString(Verbose only) The postal code where this server is located, according to IP geolocation.
timezoneString(Verbose only) The ISO timezone where this server is located, according to IP geolocation.
latString(Verbose only) The latitude where this server is located, according to IP geolocation.
longString(Verbose only) The longitude where this server is located, according to IP geolocation.
ispString(Verbose only) The Internet Service Provider hosting this server's public IP address.
orgString(Verbose only) The organization that owns this server's public IP address.

Link Objects

A Link Object represents a peer-to-peer network connection between two rippled servers. It has the following fields:

sourceString - Base-58 Public KeyThe node public key of the rippled making the outgoing connection.
targetString - Base-58 Public KeyThe node public key of the rippled receiving the incoming connection.

Validation Objects

A Validation Object represents one vote from a validator to mark a ledger version as validated. (A ledger is only validated by the consensus process if a quorum of trusted validators votes for the same exact ledger version.)

Note: The Data API keeps only about 6 months of validation vote data.

A Validation Object has the following fields:

countInteger(May be omitted) The number of rippled servers that reported seeing this validation. Not available for old data.
ledger_hashString - HashThe hash of the ledger version this validation vote applies to.
reporter_public_keyString - Base-58 Public KeyThe public key of the rippled server that first reported this validation, in base-58.
validation_public_keyString - Base-58 Public KeyThe public key of the validator used to sign this validation, in base-58.
signatureStringThe validator's signature of the validation details, in hexadecimal.
first_datetimeString - TimestampDate and time of the first report of this validation.
last_datetimeString - TimestampDate and time of the last report of this validation.
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