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Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. R build status codecov.io

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redux provides an interface to Redis. Two interfaces are provided; a low level interface (allowing execution of arbitrary Redis commands with almost no interface) and a high-level interface with an API that matches all of the several hundred Redis commands.

As well as supporting Redis commands, redux supports:

redux also provides a driver for storr, allowing easy exchange of R objects between computers.


Create a hiredis object:

r <- redux::hiredis()

The hiredis object is a hiredis object with many (many methods), each corresponding to a different Redis command.

## <redis_api>
##   Redis commands:
##     APPEND: function
##     AUTH: function
##     BGREWRITEAOF: function
##     BGSAVE: function
##     ...
##     ZSCORE: function
##     ZUNIONSTORE: function
##   Other public methods:
##     clone: function
##     command: function
##     config: function
##     initialize: function
##     pipeline: function
##     reconnect: function
##     subscribe: function
##     type: function

All the methods are available from this object; for example to set "foo" to "bar", use:

r$SET("foo", "bar")

See the package vignette for more information (vignette("redux")) or https://richfitz.github.io/redux/articles/redux.html


To use the test suite, please set the environment variables

The first two opt in to using redis at all, and the third activates commands that may be destructive or undesirable to use on a production server.


Install from CRAN with


or install the development version with

remotes::install_github("richfitz/redux", upgrade = FALSE)

See also

There is considerable prior work in this space:


GPL-2 © Rich FitzJohn.