


Crass is a Ruby CSS parser that's fully compliant with the CSS Syntax Level 3 specification.

Gem Version Tests





gem install crass


Say you have a string containing some CSS:

/* Comment! */
a:hover {
  color: #0d8bfa;
  text-decoration: underline;

Parsing it is simple:

tree = Crass.parse(css, :preserve_comments => true)

This returns a big beautiful parse tree, which looks like this:

[{:node=>:comment, :pos=>0, :raw=>"/* Comment! */", :value=>" Comment! "},
 {:node=>:whitespace, :pos=>14, :raw=>"\n"},
     [{:node=>:ident, :pos=>15, :raw=>"a", :value=>"a"},
      {:node=>:colon, :pos=>16, :raw=>":"},
      {:node=>:ident, :pos=>17, :raw=>"hover", :value=>"hover"},
      {:node=>:whitespace, :pos=>22, :raw=>" "}]},
   [{:node=>:whitespace, :pos=>24, :raw=>"\n  "},
      [{:node=>:whitespace, :pos=>33, :raw=>" "},
      [{:node=>:ident, :pos=>27, :raw=>"color", :value=>"color"},
       {:node=>:colon, :pos=>32, :raw=>":"},
       {:node=>:whitespace, :pos=>33, :raw=>" "},
    {:node=>:semicolon, :pos=>41, :raw=>";"},
    {:node=>:whitespace, :pos=>42, :raw=>"\n  "},
      [{:node=>:whitespace, :pos=>61, :raw=>" "},
       {:node=>:ident, :pos=>62, :raw=>"underline", :value=>"underline"}],
       {:node=>:colon, :pos=>60, :raw=>":"},
       {:node=>:whitespace, :pos=>61, :raw=>" "},
       {:node=>:ident, :pos=>62, :raw=>"underline", :value=>"underline"}]},
    {:node=>:semicolon, :pos=>71, :raw=>";"},
    {:node=>:whitespace, :pos=>72, :raw=>"\n"}]}]

If you want, you can stringify the parse tree:

css = Crass::Parser.stringify(tree)

...which gives you back exactly what you put in!

/* Comment! */
a:hover {
  color: #0d8bfa;
  text-decoration: underline;

Wasn't that exciting?


As of version 1.0.0, Crass adheres strictly to SemVer 2.0.


The best way to contribute is to use Crass and create issues when you run into problems.

Pull requests that fix bugs are more than welcome as long as they include tests. Please adhere to the style and format of the surrounding code, or I might ask you to change things.

If you want to add a feature or refactor something, please get in touch first to make sure I'm on board with your idea and approach; I'm pretty picky, and I'd hate to have to turn down a pull request you spent a lot of time on.


I'm deeply grateful to Simon Sapin for his wonderfully comprehensive CSS parsing tests, which I adapted to create many of Crass's tests. They've been invaluable in helping me fix bugs and handle weird edge cases, and Crass would be much crappier without them.

I'm also grateful to Tab Atkins-Bittner and Simon Sapin (again!) for their work on the CSS Syntax Level 3 specification, which defines the tokenizing and parsing rules that Crass implements.