- git clone
- cd system-equation-solver
- cd System_Equation_New
- npm install
- npm start
Dependencies include: <br> redux react-redux <br> redux-thunk <br> react-native-router-flux@3.35.0 <br> lodash <br> firebase
This is a two-unknown-variable system equation solver app using React Native. I used firebase to store the equation solving history. For the using of the firebase, I wanted to practice some basic database usage and also, I would like to fetch personal individual history for different users.
This is my first personal project. There are still tons of aspects to improve, such as the understanding to React Native Framework, javascript skills, UI design, database skills. Everything will come along on the way!
Greeting page:
<p> <img src="" width="256" title="48186178_945460712331611_4921556892242673664_n"> </p>Main page: integer, decimal, negative, fraction number are supported
<p> <img src="" width="256" title="47572967_2223853677625466_7309141061903843328_n"> <img src="" width="256" title="47422981_368373250637029_7146690173110059008_n"> <img src="" width="256" title="48358512_271605343501536_1805956283937849344_n"> </p>When entering bad input:
<p> <img src="" width="256" title="47685746_350875949011696_7132208883417743360_n"> </p>Hisotry page: User can have its individual solving history.
<p> <img src="" width="256" title="47577446_2357364817670831_6524395496918745088_n"> </p>I would like to make this project open source to learn from the community!
Potential improvements:
- A better UI
- A clear button to reset the equation page
- Refactor the code