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⭐ About Revert

Revert makes it incredibly easy to build integrations with any third party API such as

We believe an open source unified API enables us to cover the long tail of third party APIs while empowering engineers to customise the integration code we offer out of the box. This way engineers can use us over building everything from scratch.

Why Revert?

You might want to check us out if

Sign up for an account or read our docs here !

🚀 What makes us faster and reliable.


Revert Cloud

The easiest way to get started is to create a Revert Cloud account. The cloud version offers the same functionality as the self-hosted one.

If you want to self-host Revert though, you can do that today with docker-compose as instructed below.

Spinning up Revert with docker-compose

The easiest way to start with self-hosted Revert is to run it via docker-compose:

# Get the code
git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/revertinc/revert

# Copy the example env file
cd revert
cp .env.example .env
cp packages/backend/.env.example packages/backend/.env
cp packages/client/.env.example packages/client/.env
cp packages/js/.env.example packages/js/.env
cp packages/react/.env.example packages/react/.env
cp packages/vue/.env.example packages/vue/.env

# Ensure that clerk is setup in `client` and a user is created by following the instructions here: https://docs.revert.dev/overview/developer-guide/developer-guide#-revertdotdev-client

# Update these .env files with any of your own secrets if you'd like to.

# Then In the root directory run

# When running for the first time to seed the database. (RUN ONLY ONCE)
docker-compose run db-seed

# For subsequent runs
docker-compose up -d

The UI is now available at http://localhost:3000 and the backend is available at http://localhost:4001.


Connection flow for your app's users with Revert

<img src="./public/connection_flow.png"/>

Architecture Overview

<img src="https://res.cloudinary.com/dfcnic8wq/image/upload/v1697107526/Revert/how4gj3vp2wch4kw2akb.png" />


This repo contains a set of packages under @reverdotdev/ namespace such as:


The repo revert-example-apps contains a set of examples how to use revert with different frameworks.

📞 Support

In case of questions/feedback, you can get in touch in the following ways

<a href="https://cal.com/jatinsandilya/chat-with-jatin-from-revert?utm_source=banner&utm_campaign=oss"><img alt="Book us with Cal.com" src="https://cal.com/book-with-cal-dark.svg" /></a>

🔒 Security

We take security seriously.

Please do not file GitHub issues or post on our public forum for security vulnerabilities.

Email security@revert.dev if you believe you have uncovered a vulnerability. In the message, try to provide a description of the issue and a way of reproducing it.

🗺️ Roadmap


Communication tools:

Accounting software:

...and more

Feel free to create an issue if you'd like an integration we're missing here

💪 Contributors

Thankful to the community for making Revert better every day ❤️

<a href="https://github.com/revertinc/revert/graphs/contributors"> <img src="https://contrib.rocks/image?repo=revertinc/revert" /> </a>