<table align="center" border="0"> <tr> <td align="center" width="9999">RedHerd Framework
<div align="left"> RedHerd is a collaborative and serverless framework for orchestrating a geographically distributed group of assets capable of <del>conducting</del> simulating complex offensive cyberspace operations. </div> </td> </tr> </table>Getting Started
Take a look at the RedHerd documentation for instructions on how to getting started with the framework.
Cite this work
If you use RedHerd Framework for your research activity, cite the following paper published by MDPI (Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute)
Hereafter, some interesting links referred to the project:
- Blackhat Europe 2021 Arsenal - RedHerd Framework session
- DockerHub repository
- GitHub repository
Go to CHANGELOG to see all the version changes.
This project is under the MIT license.
The provided contents and tools are for awareness and research purposes only. Our target audience is composed of those interested in learning about Ethical Hacking, Security, Penetration Testing and Red Teaming. We are not responsible for any inappropriate or illegal usage of both proposed material and discussed topics.
This is a non-profit project which received neither funding nor sponsorship.