


An example of jest, selenium-webdriver and winappdriver integration

WinAppDriver is a service to support Selenium-like UI Test Automation on Windows Applications. selenium-webdriver is the offical WebDriver Javascript binding from selenium project. selenium-appium is selenium-webdriver extension to make selenium-webdriver to drive Appium to run automation for native, hybrid and mobile web and desktop apps.


  1. Windows machine
  2. Nodejs and Yarn

Install and run the test

npx winappdriver or npx ywinappdriver

WinAppDriver is supported by Microsoft. YWinAppDriver is an open source project which implemented WinAppDriver's functionality, and is developed by Canhua Li


To know more about how to integrate JavaScript test runner and WinAppDriver for UI automation, please refer to:

  1. Jest + selenium-webdriver + WinAppDriver
  2. Jasmine + WebDriverIO + WinAppDriver