


A widget to show note breadcrumbs at the bottom of the page.





The installation is easier than ever. Grab the .zip file from the latest GitHub release, and use the Trilium import function to bring it into your app. Be sure to uncheck the "safe import" option.



The breadcrumbs will automatically appear for all notes. You can disable the widget globally by adding the checking the option in promoted attributes. You can also disable it for a single note by adding #breadcrumbsDisable to the note.


The forward/backward buttons are enabled by default. You can hide them by selecting the option in promoted attributes.


The breadcrumb bar appears a part of the note by default. If you'd rather it appear at the top of the page, simply give it the enter top in the location promoted attribute. If you'd rather it appear at the bottom of the panel, give it then enter bottom.

For this option, the widget will not relocate immediately due to how Trilium operates. You'll have to reload via F5 or ctrl+r.

Breadcrumb Width

Sometimes note titles get out of control so the width of each breadcrumb gets too big. By default the widget cuts it off at 250px, but you are free to adjust this using the promoted attribute shown on the widget.


You can remove the borders of the breadcrumbs bar by selecting the hide borders option in promoted attributes. For more advanced styling, you'll have to add your own CSS!


Check out my other Trilium-based projects:

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