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<p>react-tv: React Renderer for low memory applications.</p><p>react-tv-cli: React Packager for TVs.</p><p>Currently under development.</p>

React-TV Logo

import React from 'react'
import ReactTV, { Platform } from 'react-tv'

class Clock extends React.Component {
  state = { date: new Date() }

  componentDidMount() {
    setInterval(() => this.setState({date: new Date()}), 1000)

  render() {
    if (Platform('webos')) {
      return (
        <h1>Time is {this.state.date.toLocaleTimeString()}</h1>

    return <h2>This App is available only at LG webOS</h2>

ReactTV.render(<Clock/>, document.getElementById('root'))


About React-TV

React-TV is an ecosystem for TV based React applications (from the renderer to CLI for pack/build applications).
At the moment we're focusing on webOS and SmartTV.
React-TV's aims to be a better tool for building and developing fast for TVs.

Understanding the Problem

tl;dr: Crafting a high-performance TV user interface using React

Crafting a high-performance TV user interface using React is a real challenge, because of some reasons:

These restrictions make super responsive 60fps experiences especially tricky. The strategy is step in the renderer: Applying reactive concepts to unblock the processing on the renderer layer, plug the TV's keyListener, avoid React.createElement.

In addition: Unify the build for multiple TV platforms.


Friendly list of tutorials and articles:


To install react-tv-cli (CLI Packager):

$ yarn global add react-tv-cli
Support for React-TV-CLI
Target PlatformStatusAvailable Version
LG webOSstable0.3.1
Samsung Tizenongoingx
Samsung Orsaynot started yetx
Sony PS4not started yetx
Nintendo Switchnot started yetx

Developing for webOS

<p align="center"><img src="http://ksassets.timeincuk.net/wp/uploads/sites/54/2015/07/lg-webOS-2-0-2015-Main-1.jpg" /></p>

Short Description: webOS, also known as Open webOS or LG webOS, (previously known as HP webOS and Palm webOS, stylized as webOS) is a Linux kernel-based multitasking operating system for smart devices such as Smart TVs and it has been used as a mobile operating system.

First of all, setup your webOS Environment:

Setup webOS Enviroment

Then, init your react-tv project:

$ react-tv-cli init <my-app-name>

From the project directory, install the dependencies to enable building:

$ yarn install

You will need to keep the list of files related to your app on the React-TV entry up to date in package.json. The init command will already add index.html, bundle.js and style.css to the package.

  "name": "my-app-name",
  "react-tv": {
    "files": [

To build your project:

$ yarn build

Once the project is built, you can run it on a specific device or emulator:

$ react-tv-cli run-webos <device>


To install react-tv (React Renderer):

$ yarn add react-tv


When building a cross-platform TV app, you'll want to re-use as much code as possible. You'll probably have different scenarios where different code might be necessary.
For instance, you may want to implement separated visual components for LG-webOS and Samsung-Tizen.

React-TV provides the Platform module to easily organize your code and separate it by platform:

import { Platform } from 'react-tv'

console.log(Platform('webos')) // true
console.log(Platform('tizen')) // false
console.log(Platform('orsay')) // false


Takes a component and returns a higher-order component version of that component, which renders only after application was launched, allows to not write diffent logics for many devices.

import { renderOnAppLoaded } from 'react-tv'

const Component = () => (<div></div>)
const App = renderOnAppLoaded(Component)


Similar to react-dom findDOMNode


If you want to start with Navigation for TVs. React-TV provides a package for spatial navigation with declarative support based on Netflix navigation system.

React-TV Navigation exports withFocusable and withNavigation which act as helpers for Navigation.

import React from 'react'
import ReactTV from 'react-tv'
import { withFocusable, withNavigation } from 'react-tv-navigation'

const Item = ({focused, setFocus, focusPath}) => {
  focused = (focused) ? 'focused' : 'unfocused'
  return (
    <div onClick={() => { setFocus() }} >
      It's {focused} Item

const Button = ({setFocus}) => {
  return (
    <div onClick={() => { setFocus('item-1') }}>
      Back To First Item!

const FocusableItem = withFocusable(Item)
const FocusableButton = withFocusable(Button)

function App({currentFocusPath}) {
  return (
      <h1>Current FocusPath: '{currentFocusPath}'</h1>,
      <FocusableItem focusPath='item-1'/>
      <FocusableItem focusPath='item-2'/>
        onEnterPress={() => console.log('Pressed enter on Button!')}/>

const NavigableApp = withNavigation(App)

ReactTV.render(<NavigableApp/>, document.querySelector('#app'))

See examples/navigation for more details about usage.


Clock App

Clock App Example

Youtube App

Youtube App Example





Essentials to beginner

Developing for SmartTV Guidelines

React Basics and Renderer Architecture


Stage 1

Initial proof-of-concept. [DONE]


Implement essential functionality needed for daily use by early adopters.

Stage 3

Add additional features users expect from a Renderer. Then fix bugs and stabilize through continuous daily use. At this point we can start to experiment with innovative ideas and paradigms.

See ReactTV's Changelog.

Currently ReactTV is licensed by MIT License


Thanks react-dom for be example and a inspiration code :)