

COVID-19 Tracker

Track coronavirus statistics live by region @ https://www.randallarms.com/covid-19

Types of data displays

View total cases/deaths count @ https://www.randallarms.com/covid-19

View line graph of daily cases/deaths @ https://www.randallarms.com/covid-19/chart

View world map of cases @ https://www.randallarms.com/covid-19/map

How to use

Simply select a region (worldwide, country, U.S. state or county) from the drop-down selection list, and the page will display your results.

Regions not listed in the selection menu may not be reported by Johns Hopskins CSSE or the NY Times. Counties (boroughs) in the NYC area may be reported singularly under "New York City, New York".

If any region information is inaccurate, please feel free to contact me or submit a pull request. Thank you.


Created by Randall Arms @ https://github.com/randallarms/covid-19

JSON files provided by Rodrigo Pombo @ https://github.com/pomber/covid19

Data by country provided by Johns Hopkins CSSE @ https://github.com/CSSEGISandData/COVID-19

Data by state & county provided by The New York Times @ https://github.com/nytimes/covid-19-data