

quick-pomelo logo

Build Status Dependencies Status

Scalable, Transactional and Reliable Game Server Framework based on Pomelo and MemDB

Performance and Scalable

Distributed ACID Transaction

High Availability

MVC Architecture

ES6 Promise Supported

Powerful Built-in Modules


Quick Start



Quick-pomelo is based on pomelo, have a draft idea of pomelo framework is required.


Quick-pomelo use memdb for underlaying data storage, so understanding memdb is required.

Install dependencies

sudo npm install -g memdb-server
sudo npm install -g rain1017/pomelo

Start with template

First copy the template to your working directory. The template contains most common skeletons for a quick-pomelo game server.

Define models

Define data models in app/models directory

// app/models/player.js
module.exports = function(app){
    var mdbgoose = app.memdb.goose;

    var PlayerSchema = new mdbgoose.Schema({
        _id : {type : String},
        areaId : {type : String},
        teamId : {type : String},
        connectorId : {type : String},
        name : {type : String},
    }, {collection : 'players'});

    mdbgoose.model('Player', PlayerSchema);

Write controllers

Write controllers in app/controllers directory

// app/controllers/player.js
var Controller = function(app){
    this.app = app;

var proto = Controller.prototype;

proto.createPlayerAsync = function(opts){
    // Get model by this.app.models.[model]
    var player = new this.app.models.Player(opts);
    yield player.saveAsync();

proto.removePlayerAsync = function(playerId){
    var player = yield this.app.models.Player.findAsync(playerId);
        throw new Error('player not exist');
    yield player.removeAsync();

module.exports = function(app){
    return new Controller(app);

Define routes

For each type of server, write a route in app/routes directory.

// app/routes/player.js
module.exports = {
    // Routing in handler
    handler : function(session, method, msg){
        // Return a string routing key
        // Same routing key always route to the same backend server.
        return session.uid || msg.playerId;
    // Routing in remote
    remote : function(routeParam, method, args){
        return routeParam;

Write server handlers

Write server handlers in app/servers/[server]/handler

// app/servers/player/playerHandler.js
var Handler = function(app){
    this.app = app;

Handler.prototype.createPlayer = function(msg, session, next){
    // Get controller by this.app.controllers.[controler]
    return this.app.controllers.player.createPlayerAsync(msg.opts)

module.exports = function(app){
    return new Handler(app);

Start server

Before start

mkdir ~/.memdb
ln -s [PROJECT_ROOT]/config/memdb.conf.js ~/.memdb/memdb.conf.js
memdbcluster start

Start server

pomelo start --harmony (--harmony is required on node < 0.4.0)

Well done! Congratulations!

Quick's Philosophy

A typical realtime game server framework is stateful for the sake of performance, all states is kept in server local memory. However, this approach has significant drawbacks:

Thanks to MemDB, quick pomelo un-invent the stateful approach and use a web server like 'MVC' based architecture. All servers become stateless and all states is stored in memdb. You can now get all benefits from a typical stateless web server, without losing performance and scalability of in memory stateful server.


Copyright 2015 rain1017.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. See the AUTHORS file for names of contributors.