

Blueflood Finder

The Blueflood finder is the graphite plugin that allows graphite and grafana to use blueflood as a backend.


pip install blueflood-graphite-finder

Using with graphite-api

In your graphite-api config file:

      - blueflood_graphite_finder.blueflood.TenantBluefloodFinder
      tenant: <tenantid>
      username: <username>
      apikey: <apikey>
      authentication_module: blueflood_graphite_finder.rax_auth
      authentication_class: BluefloodAuth
        - https://blueflood-host:port

Note that there are two common ways of sending data to blueflood, either statsd or the blueflood-carbon-forwarder: https://github.com/rackerlabs/blueflood-carbon-forwarder.

If using statsd, you should add the following to your graphite-api config file:

    enable_statsd: True


Blueflood Finder simulates graphite-api. This means we fetch data from blueflood and transform it to graphite-api format: http://graphite-api.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api.html#rawdata

The graphite-api format is:


The fields are:


The step field is in seconds and it is the precision that Grafana or graphite-web will display the graph. If step is 1, then it will graph the points in 1 second precision.

Blueflood Finder's most granular step is 60 seconds (for FULL resolution) and its coarsest step is 86400 (for 1440MIN resolution).

This means: if you are publishing data more frequently than 60 seconds, they will not show up in Grafana or graphite-web. The best is to adjust your collectors (for example statsd) to flush data every 60 seconds.


To install manually with code from github repo: Get the blueflood-graphite-finder repo from github. Execute the following commands

virtualenv bf-finder
source bf-finder/bin/activate
pip install .

Development environment on vagrant

We can setup grafana server on a vagrant vm which visualizes local blueflood using BF finder. To spin up vagrant vm use the below commands.

vagrant box add ubuntu/trusty64
vagrant up

To access grafana, bring your browser up and access the URL:

Docker/grafana integration

Tools for building a docker image are here: https://github.com/rackerlabs/docker-graphite-api-blueflood-finder


The tests require the following environment variables. Atleast one of no-auth or auth test variables should be set.

For no-auth tests:

   NO_BLUEFLOOD_URL=<no auth url>
   NO_AUTH_TENANT=<tenant id>

For auth tests:

   BLUEFLOOD_URL=<blueflood end point>
   AUTH_TENANT=<tenant id>
   AUTH_API_KEY=<user's api key>

To run tests, run the below commands

pip install tox

To run nosetests, run the below commands

pip install -r blueflood-graphite-finder/test_requirements.txt
