

<div align="center"> <h1 id="toc">fetch.macro</h1> <p>Allows you to build <code>fetcher function</code> by URL at compile-time.</p>


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(opts) => fetch("/api/ping", opts)

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Simply install and configure babel-plugin-macros and then use fetch.macro.

Some project that build with create-react-app doesn't need extra setup for babel-plugin-macros.


🚧 [Under Development] This is section for using fetch.macro as swc-plugin.

<!-- acknowledgment https://github.com/pveyes/raw.macro#swc -->

You can also use fetch.macro in a swc-based project (e.g: Next.js) by using the SWC plugins.

Due to how the plugins loaded, you have to pass rootDir option pointing to the root directory of your project (where your node_modules directory lives). Typically it's enough to pass __dirname.

// next.config.js
module.exports = {
  experimental: {
    swcPlugins: [["fetch.macro/swc"]],


To be able to use these macros in your Vite project, you only need install vite-plugin-babel-macros and add some configuration in vite.config.js. And it just work.

$ npm i -D vite-plugin-babel-macros
import MacrosPlugin from "vite-plugin-babel-macros";

export default {
  // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...



Run one of the following command inside your project directory to install the package:

$ npm i fetch.macro
$ yarn add fetch.macro

Given the following Input:

import f from "fetch.macro";
const fetchByUrl = f("/api/v1/ping");

Babel will produce the following Output:

const fetchByUrl = (opts) => fetch("/api/v1/ping", opts);

It also works as a tagged template literal:

import f from "fetch.macro";
const fetchByUrl = f`/api/v1/ping`;

That will produce the same output as the function version.


Given the following Input:

import f from "fetch.macro";
const fetchProject = f`/api/v1/user/:id/project/:projectId/:others`;

Babel will produce the following Output:

const fetchProject = ({ id, projectId, others, ...opts }) =>
  fetch(`/api/v1/user/${id}/project/${projectId}/${others}`, opts);



It will be produce a code for fetch function with URL by input and return response that need to be manual handle the response.

<table> <tr> <td>Input</td> <td>Output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>
import f from "fetch.macro";
const fetchByUrl = f("/api/v1/ping");
</td> <td>
const fetchByUrl = (opts) => fetch("/api/v1/ping", opts);
</td> </tr> </table>


It will be produce a code for fetch function with URL by input and return response text.

<table> <tr> <td>Input</td> <td>Output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>
import { fetchText } from "fetch.macro";
const fetchProject = fetchText`/api/v1/user/:id/project/:projectId/:others`;
</td> <td>
const fetchProject = ({ id, projectId, others, ...opts }) =>
  fetch(`/api/v1/user/${id}/project/${projectId}/${others}`, opts).then((r) => r.text());
</td> </tr> </table>


It will be produce a code for fetch function with URL by input and return response json.

<table> <tr> <td>Input</td> <td>Output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>
import { fetchJson } from "fetch.macro";
const fetchProject = fetchJson`/api/v1/user/:id/project/:projectId/:others`;
</td> <td>
const fetchProject = ({ id, projectId, others, ...opts }) =>
  fetch(`/api/v1/user/${id}/project/${projectId}/${others}`, opts).then((r) => r.json());
</td> </tr> </table>


It will be produce a code for fetch function with URL by input and return response blob.

<table> <tr> <td>Input</td> <td>Output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>
import { fetchBlob } from "fetch.macro";
const fetchProject = fetchBlob`/api/v1/user/:id/project/:projectId/:others`;
</td> <td>
const fetchProject = ({ id, projectId, others, ...opts }) =>
  fetch(`/api/v1/user/${id}/project/${projectId}/${others}`, opts).then((r) => r.blob());
</td> </tr> </table>


It will be produce a code for fetch function with URL by input and return response formData.

<table> <tr> <td>Input</td> <td>Output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>
import { fetchFormData } from "fetch.macro";
const fetchProject = fetchFormData`/api/v1/user/:id/project/:projectId/:others`;
</td> <td>
const fetchProject = ({ id, projectId, others, ...opts }) =>
  fetch(`/api/v1/user/${id}/project/${projectId}/${others}`, opts).then((r) => r.formData());
</td> </tr> </table>


It will be produce a code for fetch function with URL by input and return response arrayBuffer.

<table> <tr> <td>Input</td> <td>Output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>
import { fetchArrayBuffer } from "fetch.macro";
const fetchProject = fetchArrayBuffer`/api/v1/user/:id/project/:projectId/:others`;
</td> <td>
const fetchProject = ({ id, projectId, others, ...opts }) =>
  fetch(`/api/v1/user/${id}/project/${projectId}/${others}`, opts).then((r) => r.arrayBuffer());
</td> </tr> </table>


It will be produce a code for fetch function with URL by input and return response cloned data.

<table> <tr> <td>Input</td> <td>Output</td> </tr> <tr> <td>
import { fetchClone } from "fetch.macro";
const fetchProject = fetchClone`/api/v1/user/:id/project/:projectId/:others`;
</td> <td>
const fetchProject = ({ id, projectId, others, ...opts }) =>
  fetch(`/api/v1/user/${id}/project/${projectId}/${others}`, opts).then((r) => r.clone());
</td> </tr> </table>


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