

C3 - An integrated tool-set for Control, Calibration and Characterization

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The C3 package is intended to close the loop between open-loop control optimization, control pulse calibration, and model-matching based on calibration data.


pip install c3-toolset

If you want to try out the bleeding edge (possibly buggy) version under development:

pip install c3-toolset-nightly


C3 provides a simple Python API through which it may integrate with virtually any experimental setup. Contact us at c3@q-optimize.org.

The paper introducing C3 as a concept can be found on the arxiv.

Documentation is available here on RTD.

Examples are available in the examples/ directory and can also be run online using the launch|binder badge above.

If you wish to contribute, please check out the issues tab and also the CONTRIBUTING.md for useful resources.

The source code is available on Github at https://github.com/q-optimize/c3.


If you use c3-toolset in your research, please cite it as below:

   title={Integrated Tool Set for Control, Calibration, and Characterization of Quantum Devices Applied to Superconducting Qubits},
   journal={Physical Review Applied},
   author={Wittler, Nicolas and Roy, Federico and Pack, Kevin and Werninghaus, Max and Saha Roy, Anurag and Egger, Daniel J. and Filipp, Stefan and Wilhelm, Frank K. and Machnes, Shai},