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Disable the mouse in Emacs

Want to force yourself to use the keyboard in Emacs, and you don't have a cat available to obstruct your trackpad? Use this local or global minor mode to suppress the default mouse behaviours, as an alternative to using a cat (see picture below).

You might also consider the inhibit-mouse package instead, which uses a more elaborate approach that better handles certain modes like evil, and the built-in tab-bar.

Cat disabling trackpad by lying across it while the author tries to continue working



Ensure disable-mouse.el is in a directory on your load-path, and add the following to your ~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el:

(require 'disable-mouse)

If you use Evil, this may be insufficient, since the keymaps for Evil's individual states will contain bindings for mouse events. disable-mouse provides a function disable-mouse-in-keymap which you can use to neutralise any keymap, so Evil users might use a snippet like the following in addition to that above:

(mapc #'disable-mouse-in-keymap
  (list evil-motion-state-map

Note that you won't be able to restore those Evil mouse bindings by turning off disable-mouse-mode. You'll need to restart Emacs instead.

(As noted above, Evil users are likely to prefer the inhibit-mouse package.)


If you're an Emacs 24 user or you have a recent version of package.el you can install disable-mouse from the MELPA repository. The version of disable-mouse there will always be up-to-date.

Enable global-disable-mouse-mode with M-x global-disable-mouse-mode, by using the customisation interface, or by adding code such as the following to your emacs startup file:


If you want to only disable the mouse in only a certain mode, add disable-mouse-mode to that mode's hook.

Related packages

After writing this, I found handoff, which has a similar goal, but aims for more annoyance and frivolity.

inhibit-mouse provides only a global mode, but it works by using input-decode-map, which gives better results overall, particularly for evil users. These days you should probaby prefer that package to this one.


Author: Steve Purcell <steve at sanityinc dot com>

Homepage: https://github.com/purcell/disable-mouse

This little library was extracted from the author's full Emacs configuration, which readers might find of interest.


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