

🎁 WebComponent: Patreon Box

My Patreon Tier Box with avatars and link from rest/json api.

DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial patreon library and offers no warranty! All trademarks and logos belong to their respective owners.

🎁 Support: Donate

This project is free, open source and I try to provide excellent free support. Why donate? I work on this project several hours in my spare time and try to keep it up to date and working. THANK YOU!

📎 Menu

💡 Features

👔 Screenshot

See Demo here. Photos from ptkdev's patreon rest api:

WebComponent: PatreonBox

🚀 Installation (Web)

  1. Add html code to your page (and replace api with your endpoint):
<patreon-box api="https://api.ptkdev.io/backers/" image-width="80px" image-height="80px"></patreon-box>
  1. Require javascript in yourpage (before </body>):
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@ptkdev/webcomponent-patreon-box@latest/dist/lib/en/patreon-box.min.js"></script>

You can replace en in jsdelivr cdn with it or pl and load different languages or replace @latest with specific version, example @2.0.1.

See folder examples, run with npm run example. Below is available a description of options values and all logger methods.

📦 Installation (NPM Module - Browserify/Webpack)

  1. Install npm module: npm install @ptkdev/webcomponent-patreon-box --save
  2. Add html code to your page (and replace api with your endpoint):
<patreon-box api="https://api.ptkdev.io/backers/" image-width="80px" image-height="80px"></patreon-box>
  1. Require javascript in your app:


import '@ptkdev/webcomponent-patreon-box';

See folder examples, run with npm run example. Below is available a description of options values and all logger methods.

📖 Installation (Wordpress)

  1. Download wordpress-plugin and install it.
  2. Add code to your html widget, example: Appearance --> Widget --> insert HTML Widget and paste html code (and replace api with your endpoint):
<patreon-box api="https://api.ptkdev.io/backers/" image-width="80px" image-height="80px"></patreon-box>

You can insert this html code in posts, widget, html box or theme. Where you want see patreon photos box.

⚛️ Installation (React)

  1. Install npm module with npm install @ptkdev/webcomponent-patreon-box@latest --save:
  2. Import module in your src/App.js on header:
import '@ptkdev/webcomponent-patreon-box';
  1. Add html code to your App.js template (and replace api with your endpoint):
<patreon-box api="https://api.ptkdev.io/backers/" image-width="80px" image-height="80px"></patreon-box>

Below is available a description of options values and all logger methods.

🅰️ Installation (Angular)

  1. Install npm module with npm install @ptkdev/webcomponent-patreon-box@latest --save:
  2. Import module in your app/app.modules.ts on header:
import '@ptkdev/webcomponent-patreon-box';
  1. Add html code to your html component (and replace api with your endpoint):
<patreon-box api="https://api.ptkdev.io/backers/" image-width="80px" image-height="80px"></patreon-box>

Below is available a description of options values and all logger methods.

🧰 Options / Attributes

ParameterDescriptionValuesDefault valueAvailable since
apiREST Api urlURI / URL of endpointhttps://api.ptkdev.io/backers/v1.0.0
items-limitSet the max number of picturesnumber: from 0 to 100100v1.0.0
gridSet grid aspect ratio1x1, 2x2, 3x3, etc... or responsiveresponsivev1.0.0
image-widthSet width of images (NOTE: grid different than responsive overwrite this value)length units: 100%, 100px, 100pt100%v1.0.0
image-heightSet height of imageslength units: 100%, 100px, 100100%v1.0.0
border-spacingSet spacing around imageslength units: 5%, 5px, 5pt2pxv1.0.0
border-cornersSet border radius of corners: 0: square / 15: rounded / 100: circlenumber: from 0 to 1005v1.0.0
force-squareForce square aspect ratio if you post photos with different size on your patreonyes / noyesv1.0.0
cacheEnable/disable cacheenabled / disabledenabledv1.0.0

HTML Code with attributes:

<patreon-box api="https://api.ptkdev.io/backers/" image-width="80px" image-height="80px" force-square="yes" items-limit="9" image-width="100%" image-height="100%" border-corners="5" border-spacing="2px" />

🔨 Developer Mode

  1. Download nightly, beta or stable.
  2. Remove .tpl suffix from config.js.tpl file in configs folder and fill it properly.
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm run dev

📚 Documentation

Run npm run docs

👑 Sponsors

Support this project by becoming a sponsor. 🙏 Become a sponsor on patreon or become top3 sponsor on ko-fi. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website.

🦄 Backers

Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 Become a backer on patreon.

👨‍💻 Contributing

I ❤️ contributions! I will happily accept your pull request! Translations, grammatical corrections (GrammarNazi you are welcome! Yes my English is bad, sorry), etc... Do not be afraid, if the code is not perfect we will work together 👯 and remember to insert your name in .all-contributorsrc and package.json file.

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

<!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:START --> <!-- prettier-ignore-start --> <!-- markdownlint-disable --> <table> <tr> <td align="center"><a href="https://ptk.dev"><img src="https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/442844?v=4" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Patryk Rzucidło</b></sub></a><br /><a href="https://github.com/ptkdev/ptkdev-components/webcomponent-patreon-box/commits?author=ptkdev" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="#translation-ptkdev" title="Translation">🌍</a> <a href="https://github.com/ptkdev/ptkdev-components/webcomponent-patreon-box/commits?author=ptkdev" title="Documentation">📖</a> <a href="https://github.com/ptkdev/ptkdev-components/webcomponent-patreon-box/issues?q=author%3Aptkdev" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td> <td align="center"><img src="https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/26500344?v=4" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Emanuele Fricano</b></sub><br /><a href="https://github.com/ptkdev/ptkdev-components/webcomponent-patreon-box/commits?author=emanuelefricano93" title="Code">💻</a> <a href="https://github.com/ptkdev/ptkdev-components/webcomponent-patreon-box/issues?q=author%3Aemanuelefricano93" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td> <td align="center"><img src="https://avatars1.githubusercontent.com/u/1906677?v=4" width="100px;" alt=""/><br /><sub><b>Dominik Lubański</b></sub><br /><a href="https://github.com/ptkdev/ptkdev-components/webcomponent-patreon-box/issues?q=author%3Asmalluban" title="Bug reports">🐛</a></td> </tr> </table> <!-- markdownlint-enable --> <!-- prettier-ignore-end --> <!-- ALL-CONTRIBUTORS-LIST:END -->

💰 In the future, if the donations allow it, I would like to share some of the success with those who helped me the most. For me open source is share of code, share development knowledges and share donations!

📲 Tools

🐍 Sorry for snake_case

I love snake_case syntax sorry for this 😭 don't hate me.

💫 License

Copyleft (c) 2020 Patryk Rzucidło (@PTKDev) <support@ptkdev.io>